How come nazi apologists and lovers on pol have never over the course of 3+ years have managed to debunk the reality of...

How come nazi apologists and lovers on pol have never over the course of 3+ years have managed to debunk the reality of the Slavic genocide in ww2? No amount of cherry picking quotes, saying the nazis didn't hate the Slavs because they had Slavic SS divisions has never been enough let alone a valid argument because it's cherry picked, so the nazi troll army is believing a lie and they have absolutely no amount of truth to back up their anti slavic claims. Why? They read heinous and putrid anti slavic lies on the internet that the nazis were good.

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Other urls found in this thread:–08_Writers_Guild_of_America_strike!5Q5UFZIR!MvGFhWEPb03Qg3ZFOh5yKg

>He thinks communists are people

At times nazi apologists love to use the straw man card that all eastern europeans who were killed excluding Slavic SS were communists. One of the biggest threats to putrid nazi revival is the truth that the war on the eastern front was a racial war, a war that was not only political. lie

Covenant of cutting is a fucking barbaric ritual. Watch the guy who speaks 2 hours about circumsision and shit. Jews are degenerates.

Nazis machine gunning woman, children and the elderly in poor villages is barbaric, yet shameless anti slavic trolls shamelessly say the SS loved Slavs, because the Slavs were more or less disposable subhumans. The ones who had desirable facial features could have been used to forcefully intermarry with Germans, that's genocide.

Nazism is vehemently an anti Slavic movement, a movement of rape plunder and mass killings.

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gee I wonder what happened between the two

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>babies are communists

Attached: krautard.png (403x448, 57K)

I think genocide is an overstatement and there were prominent Nazis who were appalled by the brutality.

Do you mean national socialism or are you going to start using Hollywood WW2 movies as sources?

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Good try mate. Slavs are another set of barbarians that deserved to be destroyed - Red Rape and plenty of other atrocities. All sides raped and pillaged. Thats the reality of war.

No we're the ones who post actual reliable sources.

Attached: adolf-hitler-quote-lbg2z9i.jpg (1200x630, 120K)

>we post teliable bullshit
>You see is not something made up believe us! This is reliable!

My Slav grandmother tried to join the volunteer forces in support of the ROA.
Croatia, Slovakia, and Bulgaria were Slavic countries in the axis, and there were numerous formations from across Eastern Europe fighting against the commies. The only groups that really got shafted were the Poles and Serbs (although the latter at the hands of the Ustasha, not the Germans), and the former largely because of political considerations, given the territory Germany had lost at Versailles.

And regardless of historical enmity caused by bickering among Europeans, we are all faced by the exact same threat now, and if a system resembling NatSoc is to be implemented again, I highly doubt anyone would advocate poor treatment of Slavs this time around. We can get back to our constant infighting after the common threat is dealt with.

Finally, reminder that Heydrich was an autist who overturned loose occupation policies in Czechia just because he could, and Generalplan Ost was not a blueprint for destruction but an analysis of expected casualties.

>Slavs are another set of barbarians that deserved to be destroyed
Do not associate Slavs with commies.

Hitler admired manifest destiny and in reality lebensraum was no different

Dont tell me what to do, you subhuman negroloid.

i suppose in order to better compete with the upstart nation the U.S the germans would have to do what they did, i cant hate them for doing what they thought was the best course of action in a radical era

If we did implement natsoc
(((They))) will be pissed and cause another world war.

Take off your memeflag, kike.

>Nazism is vehemently an anti Slavic movement
By the official numbers 85% of German Jews survived the Holocaust - the Jewish victims were almost entirely Slavic Jews.

as for the jew, that is a seperate matter if you dont undestand this then do your research on jews.

Again, a neroloid jewish bolshevist like you don't get to order our a superior white man. I do as I please. Now get back to the cotton field and after that go enjoy your degenerate porno on sites like blacked dot com.

But if I am assure of one thing fighting natsoc germany was the biggest mistake america did.

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>Die Bormann Vermerke: Transcripts of Hitler's conversations (5 July 1941 - 30 November 1944)

>leef's pic contains sources
>memeflag pic contains no sources, yet claims to have reliable sources

This quote is wild. I think this comes from Hitler's 1994 address to congress.


kill yourself shill none of us this is a respectable establishment none of us are stupid enough to get into a ragefilled rant like this, you are making us look bad

So what did the Bolsheviks do to the slavs?

>Slavic Jews.
Jews are not fucking Slavs, damn it.
They were kikes alone.

Its just Jow Forums, y u hefta be mad, kike?

>Map includes Poland but excludes Königsberg

>How come nazi apologists and lovers on pol
Welcome back did you get triggered by all the Jow Forums threads up on your board? =]
>have never over the course of 3+ years have managed to debunk the reality of the Slavic genocide in ww2?
We did it so well, you had to run to a board where posting "Jow Forums related threads" is a bannable offense. That's an admission of failure in my eyes, you admitted defeat long ago.

Attached: Aryan Races of the 3rd Reich.jpg (4000x2700, 1.05M)

requesting more debunking.
"Hitler's Table Talk, Part 1" is allegedly a post-war fabrication...though in it there's some pretty clear language about genociding inferior Poles to create living space for Germanic farmers. Not sure how to reconcile that with this.

Poles, Czechs, Croats, Slovaks and Slovenes are Slavs and they aren’t commies, fucking morons.

Because all slavs being dead is literally nothing in comparison to all whites being replaced in their ethnic lands.–08_Writers_Guild_of_America_strike

>requesting more debunking.
>"Hitler's Table Talk, Part 1" is allegedly a post-war fabrication
inb4 "but David Irving thought it was probably true". It's the one thing that discredits Irving the most, is his inexplicable willingness to accept the Table Talks while denying other sources that were presented with better credentials and used more "grains of truth" to tell their lies.

Genoud, Heim and Picker's "Table Talk": A Study in Academic Fraud and Scandal - Veronica Clark

"Hitler's" Table Talk?: A Study in Academic Fraud and Scandal - Weronika Kuzniar

Hitler's Table Talk and Other Extraneous Sources - Jim Walker

Hitler's Table Talk: An Update

VK Clark on 'Table Talk' Fraudulence

Attached: tabletalk_debunked.png (1583x6619, 846K)

>though in it there's some pretty clear language about genociding inferior Poles to create living space for Germanic farmers.
And in the part handbook, the Nuremberg race laws, and local occupation administration, as well as the Waffen SS divisions that won numerous medals for valor, that Hitler constantly praised in public address, Slavs were considered Aryan. So once again, we have some tiny, scant, questionable hearsay source-from-another-source that says "Hitler was secretly the devil", which everyone wants to believe over the mountains of verifiable transparent evidence to the contrary. At which point do we admit that people are just trying to prove the propaganda narratives against the NSDAP by any means necessary?

Attached: ns slav aryan proof.png (824x728, 396K)

We have this thread so damn much yet everytime OP is a massive faggot and choosingly avoids any arguments actually made so he can bolster his next post with taunts... such stale bait.

For old time's sake:
>Slavs are more anti-slavic than any movement has been or ever will be

>the part handbook
*the party handbook

Attached: Slavic_Waffen_SS_Legions.jpg (894x894, 192K)

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Attached: Slovakian SS invasion of Poland.jpg (702x485, 45K)

I don't care what happened in Europe, indian national socialism dosent require the genocide of slavs

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Attached: free india legion waffen SS.jpg (800x790, 108K)

the slavic genocide was caused by the (((Bolsheviks))), dumbas

Europe and all of the west will unite over the real problems facing the world that all can see. jihadists can't hide the truth forever. The world is waking up

and yet the the commies killed way more slavs than nazis

The common enemy of all nations is jihadist extremism. they want to take over every aspect of the west

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>Slavic genocide in ww2
The what now?

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absoluetely based 'jeet. Found this on a thread yesterday

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honestly never saw much sense in trying to debunk either of the Nazi genocides
the Jewish Holocaust is too solid an example of why sharing a nation between cultures doesn't produce warm opinions between groups and the Slavic attempted-genocide as a foil to the Jewish almost-completed-genocide is an irrefutable display of the difference in safety a distinct ethnic and cultural group experiences when it is protected in exclusivity by its own borders, government, and standing army

the Nazi's attempts at genocides are the perfect rebuttal to leftists who attempt to leverage genocide as a justification for multiculturalism

Attached: Ustaše.jpg (522x700, 116K)

>the Nazi's attempts at genocides
Where the target groups had better survival rates (Jews 70%) than the Germans fighting on the Eastern front.

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This whole thread is MUH MORALITY faggotry.

Morality is Jewish, it's violence for Israel and pacifism for the goy

well, I try not to bring up too many inconsistencies about the holocaust when refuting multiculturalism, it plays too well to my advantage if it was really six quintillion

>the truth that the war on the eastern front was a racial war, a war that was not only political. lie
How do you explain the Sorbs then?

>we the ones who post reliable sources
Wew lad. We the ones who’ll be throwing Molotovs and bashing with bike locks
>communist death to kill ratio

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Whatever works I guess. I doubt how well your approach is working in the long term if you're promoting the overall gestalt of white guilt just to make minor points about "segregation being necessary". Leftoids and normies are idealistic idiots who think "anything is possible, we just have to raise everyone's consciousness". They will forever keep flailing society to whip it into multiculturalism, you can't make biological worldview arguments to them. They jut get confused.

You should read Leon Degrelle's "Campaign in Russia".

He was a Belgian Catholic who volunteered to join the German Army after Belgium was occupied. He fought extensively on the Eastern Front, and wrote about it.

The book is thrilling, and the average westerner has never seen this perspective of WW2 or NSDAP.

tl;dr - The invading German armies were having church services with the Christians they were liberating as they moved across Russia. They were often seen as liberators, not conquerors.

I prefer my stance because it's not on the defensive like H-denial always seems to be. I take the offense by re-framing the context in which genocide happens. It totally shifts the sense of moral superiority leftists feel comfortable bringing to the table by shining the light on the fact that it's their policies that increase racial tension and lead to racial violence. It doesn't convince them, but it DOES take the wind out of their sails - the conversation stops being genocide vs no-genocide and goes to blame-flinging, and the right gains some much-needed equal footing in the process.
idk, to each their own, but I'm happy with the results so far

>>cherry picked
Bitch, do you even know the context of this quote? Neck yourself. He was talking about how the soviets attempted to internationalize their movement.

>I prefer my stance because it's not on the defensive like H-denial always seems to be
You just have to practice keeping H-believers on the defensive, ie, "Poor Little Jew Boy: Bear and Eagle Cages", Holocoaster Rides, Blood Geysers and Zombie Piles, Floors of Spinning Knives, Elextric Water Elevators. Most people haven't heard these, and it opens them up to more pretty quick. Stats like "Jews had a survival rate 3 times higher than German troops on the Eastern front, how was that possible if they were exterminated?" There are a lot of good approaches, you just can't be a sperg and screech about coverups and conspiracies. You have to point out the absurd.

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Chetniks (Serbian paramilitary) sided with germans. Belgrade was 1st Juden free city.

Funny thing is brits regulary equiped chetniks with guns and ammo until 42 43 or sth and muricans made a movie about them

Serbs truly are masters deception

>He was talking about how the soviets attempted to internationalize their movement.
Where is the original source of that Heydrich quote, so I can read it in full context? I can't find it anywhere online, it just gets repeated over and over like the Strasser "We're socialists" quote that gets falsely attributed to Hitler.

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what the fuck is that number suppose to be

Keep shitposting while you can basedbois.
Once tankies come you'll be shitting yourself and crying about muh Dresden muh Berlin like you did last time.

Because Slavs have been always looked at as subhumans. How would imperialists and colonialists wash off their guilt and sins over the fact they did nothing but steal and plunder for hundreds of years? Sucked Africa dry and used Slavs as easy workforce even today.
Even today you have a myth of West being efficient and hard working.

Truth is they are neither efficient nor hard working, just piggybacking off others work and underpaying others to get more profits and subdue other nations.

Dying as casualty of naziboos while being cornered to fight or die isn't really same as genociding on industrial scale.

Now if only redneck knew what's industry.

>Implying they wont be if they grow up among communists
You are what you grow up into, your concious van try to redist but your unconcious is grounded in it

Is there an online source for this book (Rasse und Kultur unserer Urväter)?
hitler said poles are the most intelligent in europe pic related

Attached: hitler on poles.jpg (403x1074, 91K)

>Is there an online source for this book
No, its a rare book. I just got a copy, but haven't finished scanning it and turning it into pdf. I'll put it on when Im done.

Attached: 1.jpg (1018x1662, 924K)

Attached: Rein-Slavs-were-Aryan.jpg (1000x1650, 1.09M)

see also

Attached: NSDAP-handbuch-566-minorities.jpg (628x914, 403K)

>Because Slavs have been always looked at as subhumans
Even in a book titled "the subhuman", Slavs are considered Aryans, while "anyone who falls victim to communism's degeneracy" is called "subhuman", including GERMANS is Germany loses to the Bolsheviks.

Attached: untermensch-IN KROATIEN und in Dänemark.jpg (408x571, 78K)

Thanks, I really need this, I always get shouted at when I say Hitler didn't hate Slavs. I'm looking through some Slovenian archives that prove the contrary.
Pic related: Italian soldiers in Slovenia walk around with Slovenian dictionaries and are trying to learn Slovenian 1941

Attached: Italian soldiers in Slovenia 1941 Jutro.png (745x858, 767K)

nice saved. i love collecting these old sources before they disappear completely. Also look here:

>3rd Reich publications Archive!5Q5UFZIR!MvGFhWEPb03Qg3ZFOh5yKg


Newspaper Jutro 1941
>Primato is the first Italian magazine that sent to Slovenia two coworkers to find authentic documentation of the cultural life of the new Italian province (Slovenia)

Attached: Primato o Slovencih 1941 Jutro.png (1111x773, 1M)

oh shut the fuck up you communist if it wasn't for you we would have been 100x better, stupid subhuman.

Here you can find the archive from the digital library of Slovenia. There are some massive redpills there but it's mostly in Slovenian.

Slovenec, 1944
>Israel's nets over the world

Attached: Izraelove mreže nad svetom Slovenec 31 marec 1944.png (1638x679, 1.19M)

if you want to post english translations, i'll make infographs out of these too

I see Slovenians and Croats are still sucking German cock on a daily basis
It's practically part of their nutrition after 900 years of doing it

Nothing more pathetic then Naziboo Slavs

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>Nothing more pathetic then Naziboo Slavs
-t. Moishe "I'm one of you" Ladany

Attached: serb merchant.jpg (500x577, 50K)

You mean the whole text? I could but it's gonna take a while. By the way the text about Israel's nets has got 50 parts like that one. I have all parts combined in a pdf but havent posted anywhere.


Ah I see. Well, if you ever make a translation, post a thread on it or post it in /nsg/ and I'll find it in the archive.

I'll start now since I have time and post here if the thread stays on. If not I'll post in a nsg.

first ustrasha that doesnt look like neanderthal straight from the cave

oh look, its landlocked serb. few more decades and you're gone.

Give me 1 (ONE) reason why genocide of slavs is bad