Canada flag

Before i start, i like canada. It would be my second choice of a country. That being said, why is your flag so shitty? It literally means nothing. Every other flag in the anglosphere has a flag that means something, and represents their English roots. Canada on the other hand has a literally worthless flag.
>inb4 "red stands for the blood of our ancestors".
We both know that isn't true.

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Fuck the English ! I think the flag represents the natural splendor that Canda offers

You arent white are you

Yeah, they could have put something way cooler. Post your best flag to replace it, Jow Forums

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Based flag.

i only fly my provincial flag

What province

Not english but white

Attached: 198BD3F5-27F4-444A-84B8-095FD145A085.jpg (567x1358, 178K)

Hong Kong

Attached: hongkongFlag.png (1024x683, 32K)

Nice dna



I wanna save our people

>It literally means nothing.
It's almost as if that was the point of it's entire implementation.

But you are 0.1 percent eastern asian and native American so gas chamber for you

While listening to the leaf cast before it was kill one of the guys talked about the significance of the maple leaf. It might as well have been a national trademark. When the Canadian soldiers were in the tunnels in WWI they were drawing maple leaves. On their military equipment it was maple leaves. On their exports, maple leaves. It is instantly recognizable. The hosts felt some connection to the red ensign, but it wasn’t the red ensign that was immediately recognizable as Canadian, it was the maple leaf.

And fuck any faggot that doesn’t think it has aesthetic appeal. It’s beautiful in its simplicity.

Whel thats kind of typical for canada to have no national pride


You will probably be there with me

I suppose it can be a cross from a sacred geometry pov, but to the satanic elites its probably a pentagram or something

Canadian soldiers, huh?

It means you're getting your ass kicked if you play without it in international hockey

It means freedom

It means being a decent person to your neighbor

It means helping a guy out of a snowbank during a snow storm and having a new buddy

It means having beers with a buddy who's now your friend

It means having a friend who's now a guy but the next time you'll see him you're best buddies

To me, being a "Canadian" is like saying "North American". It literally means nothing, except that I'm governed by people in what used to be called the "Canadian province".

>It would be my second choice of a country.

Why? Living in this broken country is like living inside a women's womb.

>why is your flag so shitty

Everything about this country is shitty.

Thats eh, not huh

why would we have national pride? canada was founded by basically two companies and the undesirable land was given to whoever wanted it. its a miracle we never balkanized

Canada was killed in her infancy. Right when she was starting to develop, a government that wanted more power came in and declared multiculturalism.

There's this one. It's... meh.

Our flag looks like it was designed by the most boring, souless corporate graphic designer ever.

Huur the red represents the two coasts

Even the font we use is pretty crap. It's like Franklyn but someone took it and stretched it by accident.

Attached: 1200px-Canadian_Red_Ensign_(1957–1965).svg.png (1200x600, 54K)

Ok what specifically in the 2 red stripes and a leaf tells you that.

British east india co ? And who else ?
Presidents choice

This is our flag. The leaf flag is part of the globalist experiment

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I mean canada "soldiers" are a joke.

Most people in Quebec just fly the Quebec flag.

Attached: Flag_of_Quebec.svg.png (600x400, 9K)

>It literally means nothing
The white square in the center represents the land, it's white because it was meant for white people. The red bars represent the oceans on either side, they're coloured red to match what they looked like after beating the corn niggers asses and driving them into the waters. The leaf represents the eternal spirit of the Canadian to cause asspain everywhere he goes and is an original and unique symbol without being overly complex, much better than shitty stars every other country pastes on to their flag like a glue eating four year old retard child that thinks adults are impressed with shoving the maximum amount of crap on their work that they possibly could.

Pic related
My province, literally the people who came up with the idea of confederation at the Charlottetown conference, was, by majority, against it.
We were denied secession, though we had responsible government and accurate representation.

To this day, many boomers celebrate "Canada day" unbeknownst to them that it was invented WITHIN their lifetime.

Canadian nationality was literally invented by a Canadian propaganda media company.

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Quebec actually has a meaningful flag

>i like canada
Stopped reading there

Canadians are basically americans with some unwanted british faggotry.

Americsn stars at least mean something, 50 stars for 50 states.

i was thinking the hudsons bay company and the canada pacific railway, the point is that we as a nation have never had any unifying event in our history, no war for independence, nothing. its all manufactured

They put our flag on barrels of oil we ship to you yanks.

Tell QE to eat shit and die, we did it in 1776 and look what we were able to acheive

And here come the leaf shitposters. We were having a rwal thread until you came in with your manufactured nationalism

>two flags within a flag
no thanks

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canadians actually had a very good reputation in both world wars as fine soldiers. bitch all you want about our shit army today but don’t disrespect our old soldiers

What is it, no berder no wall no usa at all? You can pack sand commie

Ok, I'll give you that. Maybe they were good soldiers. But they contributed nothing to either wars.

Bruh I don't want to bad mouth your flag but it's fifty stars, it's a bit much. Most children won't even attempt to draw it because of the amount of work required. It's so complex most fabric badges worn on uniforms and even the flag symbols on this site don't have the resolution to properly display it.

Did i forget to mention no mexiniggers allowed in this thread

American born to canadian mom here

Canada sucks in many MANY different ways but the flag is not one of them. Easily top 10 percentile of flags

Honestly you are right. It was designed with 13 states in mind and they just kept affing stars for each new state.

>To this day, many boomers celebrate "Canada day" unbeknownst to them that it was invented WITHIN their lifetime.
>Canadian nationality was literally invented by a Canadian propaganda media company.

It's fucking heartbreaking.

No disrespect, you have freinds, but if you virtue signal your way into a mess with SA, you are on your own. Globalists can eat shit, virtue signalling faggots can eat shit too

Canada has a cool national flag and anthem.

Maple trees are pleasant as fuck.

they earned the respect of friend and foe and didnt embarass themselves like the usa in ww1

It's our flag and growing up you see it and you learn from your family what being Canadian is

you grow up with guys, buddies, friends


Ok, kvetching schlomo

it was a good anthem

are you guys gonna kiss on the lips or something

How did usa embarrass themselves? What did canada even do? America was only in like 1 big battle, sure, but they won. Canada was literally in 0 major battles to my knowledge. If they were, they didnt contribute enough to get recognized.

Canadian flag means fuck off we're full.


The flag is perfectly fine. The 'leaf' thing is a Jow Forums specific meme. It's a beloved symbol in Canada on all sides of the spectrum. Only poltards even think of the old flag.

So you admit there is no symbolism in the flag.

Canada is gone.

Even in the best case scenario where we elect Turbo-Ford 9000, the damage has already been done.

We can't come back from this.

Of chinese and muslims

Im a germophobe

Wasnt it an old french flag?


general pershing acting like a child and then getting his shit pushed in to the delight of everyone is a bit embarrassing

Canadian flag meaning is ambiguous. Some see the leaf here as representing nature between two oceans. Some who do not like the country see the leaf as "leave."

No way, you syrup fags better fight to the last man against importing the 3rd world

You know, 90% of the time I see a car with U.S. plates, its passengers are non white.

It has an adopted symbolism as it was used in WW1 medals and uniforms and was adopted as an official national symbol born out of conflict and honour. The change from the red ensign was a slow effort to move away from British colonialism and produce a truly new country similar to what America had done. It's just unfortunate we ended up getting cucked to death before we got a chance to really take off in the same manner.

here you go man i know just the thing

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America won one of the most crucial battles in ww1. I'm not saying we even mattered, but the invasion of the black forest is what led to the winning of the war. True, it could have been done withour us, but definitely without canadians.

Projection, your PM is a faggot, and your immigration policy is dempgrahic suicide. Stop already

There are more nonwhites in canada than in america. Literally majority of "canadians" i see down here are asian

Conflict and honor. Name 1 conflict canada has had a big role in.

>It's our flag and growing up you see it and you learn from your family what being Canadian is
>what being Canadian is
anything. kinda the same as nothing.

I think your flag is nice. I think yor soldiers fight valiantly. Trudeau sucks nigger dick

>tfw despite your neighbourhood quickly going down the diversity drain some of your neighbours still fly the real flag

feels good man

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So thats probably why we have 100s of patriotic songs while you only have two.

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>to my knowledge
yeah well thank fuck we never count on americans for any historical evidence (world history =/= American revolution)

Until they will revert to the old flag (posted ITT), I'll not take down my Quebec flag.

that's our flag you knob, deal with it

you simpering self-hating Canucks are a true embarassment; many such cases; sad

Nice responce there bud. You going to actually provide anything disproving what i said?

You can only be such an arrogant cunt because of your big nasty neighbot that you are jealous of.

It was based off chalk engravings left behind in tunnels at Vimy Ridge from WW1. History didn't start the day you were born bud.

Any tips where would you get one of the old flags?

Ok, i'll give you that Canadian soldiers fought valuantly in a battle in ww1. But how many "canadians" know the maple leaf's meaning? Do you think it should be more straightforward?

How long till it gets the dixie flag treatment?

They still call it Bay street?

I thought they changed it to Gay Street, similar to how Queen Street was renamed to Queer Street, Dundas became Dude's Ass, etc.

Based never thought of it tyat way.

we metamorphosed warfare during the midst of WW1, in the Battle of Amiens. After this victory, Germany was on the defensive and ultimately settled for peace following little over 3 months of allied persistence. There are other battles that you won't know of - owing to the fact that U.S was so late to help...

Our national anthem "Oh Canada" was proven a rip off of Mozart...
Seriously.. If that isn't just sad, then there's the fact that Quebec and Ontario were the original "Canadian province", the namesake of the country. It really says a lot when lower Canada (Quebec) wants to separate. That's sad, really sad.

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Because prime minister Pearson was a cuck so memed a new flag into existence so he wouldn't offend the brown people

"In 1963, the minority Liberal government of Lester B. Pearson gained power and decided to adopt an official Canadian flag through parliamentary debate. The principal political proponent of the change was Pearson. He had been a significant broker during the Suez Crisis of 1956, for which he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. During the crisis, Pearson was disturbed when the Egyptian government objected to Canadian peacekeeping forces on the grounds that the Canadian flag (the Red Ensign) contained the same symbol (the Union Flag) also used as a flag by the United Kingdom, one of the belligerents. Pearson's goal was for the Canadian flag to be distinctive and unmistakably Canadian. The main opponent to changing the flag was the leader of the opposition and former prime minister, John Diefenbaker, who eventually made the subject a personal crusade"

ignore that cunt, Canadians are always remembered here for ther sacrifices and always remebered they joined at the begining of their respective wars and not half-way through.