Did the holocaust happen or not?

Did the holocaust happen or not?

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It did.

~200k people died.

Zionists responsible. They were the ones who killed the Torah Jews.

Talmud ftw

it did

that it happened is literally irrelevant to the tenability or moral righteousness of white nationalism. It a priori doesn't follow from its core principles, or at least it doesn't from the principles of someone like Jared Taylor

I don't think early 20th century Britain, France or America, who all fought against the Nazis, wanted to live in multiculty diverse hell


WWII happened. Then it gets a bit murky.

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>it did
Why didn't they ever find the bodies?

holocaust denial was invented by the jews to bait white identitarians into discrediting themselves

The gas chambers on display at Auschwitz were built after the war by the Soviets as propaganda. I guess you could say that the Holocaust is "real" in the sense that the Jews were subject to a discriminatory legal system, but when I was in school the term "Holocaust" referred to the specific claim about gas and ovens. They also claimed that the Nazis shaved people's heads to make pillows and blankets. People were more gullible in the days before the Internet.

t. 40 year old Boomer

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Do the math. What was the Jewish population in 1939? 1946? See