Let's create a Utopia Jow Forums


Since the dawn of agriculture to the heights of industry there have been two classes of people: The oppressor, and the oppressed.

From these two classes civilizations sprung up, and from civilizations came war, famine, disease, death, oppression, genocide, and a whole host of other faults.

And in his weakness, the oppressed looked to higher goals in order to nurture the deeper parts of himself where he thought the oppressor could not get to. But when the oppressor took note of these things he just manipulated the higher goals of the oppressed into established institutions to further oppress the oppressed.

And so, it seemed that there would be an everlasting class struggle between the oppressed and the oppressor. But what if I told you that we can change that? What if I told you that right here, right now, we can create a Utopia instead of bowing our heads to the higher ups hoping the promise of higher things come to pass.

You and I, the people, we can create a Utopia, we can overcome the oppressors, we can strive for world peace, unity, and happiness by simply working together as a community of people, one large family, to provide for each other and make our own heaven on earth.

Together you and I can make a great leap forward in the history of humanity. All you have to do is take my hand and trust me. Will you do that?

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I crave Indian pussy. I need an Indian waifu. Everyday that goes by without an Indian waifu is a day filled with pain and misery.

Indian women are goddesses, their beauty is unmatched. Every woman is a roastie compared to the elegance, chastity and beauty of the Indian goddess.

If I do not get an Indian waifu I will end my life, for a life without an Indian waifu is a life not worth living.

I shall be reincarnated as an Indian. It is my will.

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Tl;Dr. Everyone knows Feudalism is the true Utopia

only nice looking yet cucked Canadian men allowed in this utopia

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Everyone is allowed.

>The oppressor, and the oppressed.
>The strong and intelligent, and the weak and dumb
1. Remove Marxist
2. Remove Euro-Jews
3. Remove Cucks
4. Build Wall on Mexican border
5. Mediterranean Seek-n-Destroy migrants ships
6. Deport every rapefugee that came in the last 10 years
7. Infowars on Channel 3 for spite

>complains about oppression
>posting pictures of stalin
there's only one solution for you, commie filth

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"lets create Utopia"
*shares picture of Stalin (probably about to fuck a kid)*

Yeah get fucked commie. I will literally die before I allow Communism to come to America.

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this is now a right wing a e s t h e t i c thread

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>6. Deport every rapefugee that came in the last 10 years

Make that 20 and we might be OK.

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begone commie thots

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Its important to stay visible. Fascism is seen as the alternative when people realize there is something wrong with the liberal order. It has been allowed to be this way, you have the nazis as the favored villain in video games and movies. You even have fabricated atrocities to keep them in the public mind. This is all intentional, so that when people start to suspect something is wrong, they will check more closely the first other place they are aware of, the place the status quo says is the bad place. There they will see things like the nuremburg trials, the fact hitler never wanted a huge war, they will feel "aha! i must have stumbled onto the truth!", then off they go to become fascist sympathizers with out even really understanding what fascism even is.

It is all as planned, the modern far right is the controlled opposition, the 'other option' for people unsatisfied with the main line narrative.

But some people will come to realize this, and eventually find their way to communism, and see the truth of things. Understand how great the ussr really was, understand about project gladio and gladio b, come to see the complete orchestrated world we now live in designed to keep everyone unable to react properly to it.

There wont really be any happiness with this, since there is really not much that can be done. With wisdom comes sorrow, as the preacher said.

Communism is more ZOG controlled than fascism can ever be

North Korea best Korea

>Communism almost totaly stamped out
>But its the thing the secret super shadow jew pupetmasters that run the world are behind!

cognitive dissonance

>the privileged and lucky vs the underprivileged and marginalized

Stalin was a savior of mankind.

You genuinely believe this? Russian and Chinese Communists didn't treat each-other like family, they both became a nation of swindlers looking out for themselves. We can see this even today with the Chinese selling cooking oil made from human feces, walnuts filled with concrete, baby formula full of chemicals that cause abnormal head swelling and even death. And this is because Communism destroys the family by entertaining notions like equality, and destroys the nation's sense of community with its anti-national attitudes.
If you wanted your nation to work together as a community, to provide for each-other and care for one another then fascism is the better choice.
Your post only makes sense on a superficial level, but the specific problems affecting the west today can't be fixed by communism as modern communists are in favor of open borders and repress anyone who opposes them, opposed to family values and represses anyone that advocates them, and in favor of a social policy that won't fix gang violence and criminality, grooming gangs, etc. In-fact, they'd make the situation worse. Modern communists are the most degenerate and fringe people you could imagine, I'm convinced half of them are trannies. Why the hell would I want them in charge?
Jews were in favor of the Soviet Union because they thought their man Trotsky would come into power after Stalin and wage an all-out war against the world and bastardize the white race, which they hate. They came to hate Stalin because of his response to the national question, his belief in conservative values and socialism in one country, etc. Even Mao was a Jewish puppet, plenty of pictures with him and his Jewish handlers online.

And Stalin wasn't even that great for the record. His wife was Jewish, his children were Jewish, most of his close associates were Jewish. Communism was such a Jewish ideology that Jews changed their names as official party policy to mislead gentiles out of fear the goyim would know.

>Oppressor and oppressed

Yeah nah this is where I stopped reading. fuck off ya poof.

Alright, buddy. I'm in! Just need you answer one tiny little question - who gets to be in charge of making Utopia happen?

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There will be a grand leader who shall overlook the entire process. He will be our savior.

Will this be a descendant of David or someone else? Cuz all of this is sounding awfully familiar...

Ah yes of course, how silly of me. Our grand leader can never be corrupted.

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Is she potty trained so she wont shit all over the place?

You know, when you put it that way, I almost want to believe you. I wish I could trust you, and take your hand, and be whisked off to a magical, far-off land where everyone has enough and no one is greedy.


But you see, that's plainly not how it works. Human nature being what it is, "real" communism, with the generous spirit of what Marx called "Primitive Communism" will never be realized on a global or even national scale. The best one can do to implement such a system is to go off-grid with a "tribe", at or below the Dunbar number, and live with them in that way. But that will do absolutely nothing to solve misery on a global scale, and you'd just be shooting yourself in the foot, for reasons I will outline below.

Firstly, how egalitarian is the primitive "peasant" commune (before feudalism) anyway? Or any other local, decentralized tribal society for that matter? Not very. What people like the pre-Marxist Populists of the late 19th century saw as spontaneous collaboration before they met the peasants was really a very stratified, patriarchal rule, with any crime or opposition being severely and brutally punished. Their hopes were dashed when they encountered peasants and their brutal ways, and one man even drove himself insane because of this.

Of course, one could say, and perhaps very rightly so, that this state of affairs was brought on by brutal feudal, and later, capitalist oppression. But a cursory glance at many tribal societies around the world reveal similar attitudes and practices of brutality, and while it is possible that "colonialism" worsened them, a sane person will think it impossible that this would account for all or even much of it.

Secondly, loyalty is first to oneself, second to one's loved ones, third to one's racial or ethnic ingroup, and last to one's species. Of course, there are exceptions, but as a general rule, most people follow this pattern or one similar to it. We idealists perhaps follow an inverse


>wants to create and utopia
>communist flag

You might be looking at this from the wrong side

pattern, at least in regards to policy issues, where we put the higher hopes for the species as a whole ahead of racial solidarity and national identity, at least on an intellectual level, because we think that it is the right thing to do. This comes naturally to us. And it's a noble ideal, at least on its face. But most people just do not think this way, and we ignore this fact to our peril.

The way I see it, true believers in communism are genuinely good people. I am not talking about the ones who spout slogans and wave signs around, and don't really think about what they are saying. I'm talking about the naturally kind, generous person who would sacrifice his time and his labor in order to help other people succeed and prosper. I've met one self-proclaimed communist like that in my life, and I used to hold that sort of person, who I thought to be an example of all communists, as a high moral ideal and as proof for the validity and beauty of the ideology.

But that's not a realistic picture of the moral character of the average communist.

Aside from the aforementioned sign-waving useful idiots and the Atlantean true believers, there is a particular breed of man that educated right-wingers think of when they hear the word "Communist". It chills their bones to think of this man, and rightly so; he is deeply cynical, cruel, and uninterested in human prosperity. He is the wolf in sheep's clothing, destroyer of innocent life, and harbringer of doom.

Why do you think this happens?

Because communists and communism ignore human nature. This attracts the idealists on one hand, because they see human nature as something rather dirty (History proves them right) that must be dispensed with (History proves this impossible). It also attracts the cynical and predatory, because they know that the generous souls will do a lot of the work for them, and that owing to this work, they can place themselves in a position to take over. Selfish bastards.

I might still be a communist if people like this didn't exist, but we find them everywhere- from feudal lords to capitalist pigs to women that divorce their husbands for money to children that dishonor their parents to rootless cosmopolitans to millenial youth looking for their next fix of pleasure. They are inescapable, and must be dealt with realistically.

These elements of humanity take the biologically derived principle of loyalty to self above all else to the extreme. So we have to level with them, and make it more painful for them to hurt us than profitable to do so. We can do this with various incentives, and propaganda, and the like. The only thing is, communism can't do this.

I'm not sure what can, but we have time to empirically investigate this.

See you on the other side, Comrade. Good night.

No silly, religion is fake and we're going to get rid of it all. Instead, we're going to have a leader similar to Stalin.

Yes please

>Since the dawn of agriculture to the heights of industry there have been two classes of people: The oppressor, and the oppressed.

>actually believes that society is a class struggle between the proletariat and the bourgeois
>not just the fact that some people are better than others and get rewarded monetarily as compensation for their hard work and innovation
Sure capitalism isn’t perfect, but the fact that it generally evens out so that the smartest and hardest working have the most is a good sign that it’s a really great system of governance.
But hey, don’t let me stop you from creating your “utopia” just don’t come crying to me when you and everyone around you literally starve for your misguided ideals.

>Being this much of a newfaggot

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Bump for daddy Stalin
