Since the dawn of agriculture to the heights of industry there have been two classes of people: The oppressor, and the oppressed.
From these two classes civilizations sprung up, and from civilizations came war, famine, disease, death, oppression, genocide, and a whole host of other faults.
And in his weakness, the oppressed looked to higher goals in order to nurture the deeper parts of himself where he thought the oppressor could not get to. But when the oppressor took note of these things he just manipulated the higher goals of the oppressed into established institutions to further oppress the oppressed.
And so, it seemed that there would be an everlasting class struggle between the oppressed and the oppressor. But what if I told you that we can change that? What if I told you that right here, right now, we can create a Utopia instead of bowing our heads to the higher ups hoping the promise of higher things come to pass.
You and I, the people, we can create a Utopia, we can overcome the oppressors, we can strive for world peace, unity, and happiness by simply working together as a community of people, one large family, to provide for each other and make our own heaven on earth.
Together you and I can make a great leap forward in the history of humanity. All you have to do is take my hand and trust me. Will you do that?