Buckle up buckaroos


Attached: Here we fucking go.png (590x345, 70K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Storm is coming.

Attached: 1512823392591.jpg (1008x1260, 354K)

>They tried to steal and influence an election in the United States
pic related. Hillary worked with Trump to get him elected. Russia used PSYOPs and Israel used MITM.

Attached: projecting.png (491x334, 318K)

most of us are bolted in...because this ride never ends.

Attached: BAS_MAGA2 electric.png (677x858, 268K)

Attached: 1518670833099.webm (1280x720, 962K)

the fire rises

Talk is cheap. Do it already.

This better be good to excuse him not calling out the shifty shit that's been happening on the internet

post the full video, Kushner shill.

Attached: trump shakes hands.webm (854x480, 1.78M)

user in that dc airport happening thread tracked a possible special forces flight to NY0 (an airport not far west of albany) I wonder where cuomo is rn.