What can be done to save the internet from socialist censorship?
What can be done to save the internet from socialist censorship?
Ending free speech is a process to free speech.
I've been thinking of this plan:
we gotta get the majority of society against them
we have to get someone big on YouTube banned by them
Then the huge backlash from the public will force the companies to change
It's risky and might not work but it's our only hope
>socialist censorship
kill yourself
dropping redpills early and often
Go hug your collectivist faggots.
>What can be done to save the internet from socialist censorship?
At this point the internet as we know it has too much of its infrastructure and services owned by companies that are sympathetic to leftist political ideology so it will not be possible to stop censorship. The Left have fully embraced the idea of allowing media corporations to impose censorship as long as their political opponents are silenced. Obviously this is extremely short sighted and it is very likely to bite them in the ass very soon at which time the Left will begin screaming and complaining about the censorship they are now celebrating. This is an obvious cycle that we will just have to patiently wait out until the opportunity inevitably arises and make sure you rub it in their goddamn faces until they reverse course.
The current generation of leftist can not handle the banter and neither can the companies who service them. Censorship is their only answer at this point.
Protect free speech by setting a legal precedence of restricting free speech?
Sounds like one of Q's tricks.
>What can be done to save the internet from socialist censorship?
1. Do not use their sites.
2. If you have to use their site, ruin the data they harvest from you or block them from collecting it.
3. Block all ads or spam click all of them with bots like AdNauseum.
4. Boycott businesses that you see advertising on the sites you hate, just like you would if they advertise on a TV network you hate.
5. Go out of your way to fan flames in times of scandals or when the company is under fire. Make sure they're banned out of Russia and China and other large markets.
The firms that are the biggest on blocking free speech rely on advertising for more than half of their revenue. It would make sense that they cave so hard, because they are at the mercy of the ad shekels.
The ones that actually MAKE physical products can just get sued by the Feds over and over for breaching antitrust laws. There is greater exposure to lawsuits in general for them, usually over patents, royalties, or antitrust. Remember that Microsoft almost got broken up over Internet Explorer.
reinstate net neutrality
Its our only realistic option
There is a real user, thanks!
We're already on it:
Well given that internet infrastructure is built in part on public right of ways you can make a reasonable argument that by use of public land you can require them to uphold the constitution as an access requirement.
Which would be a counter to the libertarian ideals, but it might be required.
Lets bring back Myspace
Unironically buy some shit from Jones. He's going to sue the shit out of these people, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind. He's the most useful lightning rod right now and the guy most likely and able to do something. He has loads of stuff on his site, there are plenty of things that aren't faggy infowars shirts, he has flags under gear if that interests you, it's what I'm getting because it's what I like the most. Find something and send the humble fluoride merchant a bit of cash. He mentioned in an interview how they were banned by Spreaker a few weeks ago and were planning on suing them for that, this was before the major bans. He is absofuckinglutely going to sue the social media giants. Let Jones and his millions fight the good fight. He now has nothing to lose and so much to gain, it will raise his public platform, his credibility, and potentially secure him a legacy. There are nothing but upsides. I expect him to announce lawsuits and to ask for legal fund donations in the coming weeks.
We™ win using lulz, Jones setting major precedent in the Supreme Court on freedom of speech is going to be hilarious.
Nothing will change. Normies don't care. Even the right doesn't care; too busy with social gossip. Trump doesn't care because the left is waving "the nigger tape" in front of him like keys and a baby. Bait taken. Normies will never name the jew. Everyone else is afraid to speak out because they'll be deplatformed. No one cares about the country more than their income. Society is full of pussies who just want easy contentment like hampsters in a cage. At least future societies will perhaps learn from this failure.
That is such horse shit.
All of these things aren't happening by pure coincidence.
This is all apart of one centrally controlled plot that can be monkey wrenched as soon as the central players are identified by Anonymous.
Why was he taken down?Like all the other threads about him you faggot boomer niggers wont put out one of the most important pieces of this ungodly tapestry.
Simple fix: The government actually serves its purpose and passes free speech laws so CEOs can't violate out basic human right to free speech. Nothing legal can be censored on any publically traded platform. Problem fixed forever.
Our corrupt politicians can't fix the problem because then people would use the internet to dethrone them.
First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. -Hitler
Trump can. Repubs will get fucked hard in mid-terms and 2020 if they don't pass it.
If it doesn't happen by then, then we're literally in a cyberpunk dystopian corporate nightmare.
> Nothing legal can be censored on any publically traded platform.
Define legal. Porn should be great afterwards.
degenerate smut restrictions can still apply, but you can't censor for political speech.
find out all of the crimes of the people trying to censor it, and put those motherfuckers in jail, with so much fines that they will never have money again.
Seems like a pretty great way to solve all the problems honestly....
Then they will get wrecked and laugh all the way to the bank. If republican politicians do nothing; they will still be millionaires while the Democrats are in power. The republican politicians can even skip taxes in the Socialist system.
What I always find funny about the right and the left is the Right has never won a single battle in 50 years.
Liberals win every time taking us further down their path while the republican voters vote republican and therepublican president never does anything for them or change anything.
You all lost, stop thinking this is some war, it is more like you sit down at your computer like the lazy jobless fat fucks you are and shit post memes.
Had you all got off your asses we wouldnt be in this boat. But instead of doing anything you posted memes, and idolizaed fucking ugly women who acted republican on youtube and gave them money.
Grats you right retards you played yourselves.
Fuck you right and left pricks.
>gets censored by huge corporations
>blames socialism
Only in America