Could this have been some kind of an attack or dry run by glow in the dark niggers? Or just degenerates being degenerates?
70 'overdose' within hours of each other in a park
Other urls found in this thread:
inb4 “you can’t overdose on marijuana”
any new haven /b/ros that didnt smoke the cess?
80 people smoking pot in a park.
Why are you such a fucking degenerate country?
Quite likely fentanyl or carfentanyl.
Possible link to the 42kg of carfentanyl they found in the house of the brother of the guy who just shot up toronto.
I would have thought it was some flash mob shit and laid down dead with everyone lol
What the fuck do you mean by "glow in the dark"
We got a fresh one here!
it's how you can identify who is CIA
I've gone through a quarter pound of weed in a single day. If it was possible to overdose on weed, I'd of done it.
Dealer arrested named Feliz Menendez. Por que?
so they don't mention how this happened at once. did somebody hand it out to 70 people at the same time or did they all go buy it from a gas station at once?
shit doesn't make any sense
if you didn't smoke so much weed you'd know the difference between "of" and "have" you dumb degenerate. it's clearly taken its hold on your brain's capabilities.
Synthetic marijuana you stupid faggot
Here you go, I think the authorities need to start treating people who peddle these drugs as potential terrorists.
lurk for two years before posting
It's most likely as simple as this is the day the shipment came in and it was distributed. As a first responder there are some things you can expect by day of the week depending on where you work.
Fentanyl in park water.
You can OD, but you need like 2g of pure THC, so with raw plant matter you would need to consume like a kilo, but with extracts it becomes possible.
The biggest issue with pot is cannabis induced psychosis. Which, if it doesn't effect you it probably never will. However, a small subsection of people will go absolutely ape-shit when they take cannabis and become ultra violent, unpredictable, and pron to self harm.
The fucking stoner community pretends this does not exist and actively refutes it at every turn. However, a quick pubmed search for "cannabis psychosis" yields many well done peer reviewed studies.
That said, it still should be legal, as those who are not effected, in general, never become affected.
Is it that synthetic weed 'spice' that turns people into fuckin' zombies in the UK?
How is that mechanically possible?
I used to chain smoke cigarettes every second that i was awake and at most even when i was busy writing ect and constantly lighting smokes before the old one was done, I'd get up near 4 packs in a day very rarely.
Half a pound of weed is like 12 packs of smokes, more actually.
Glowjews getting ready for post-election day. They hope you vote correctly on the big day.
Make sure to post the correct opinions on all of your social media, goyims.
They are watching.
Someone dosed some synthetic weed with fentanyl is what I heard.
That stuff is fucked. See above post about psychosis, but that spice stuff is associated with so much psychosis. It is so fucking dangerous, it gives people psychotic delusions; i.e. I must take this shot gun and shoot everyone to save the world, also I can fly so I will jump off this building.
>niggers are genociding themselves
yeah. its fucking nasty shit to begin with and they claim it was laced with something, probably fentanyl.
Oops, I was thinking half a pound. But that's still the equivalent of like 6-7 packs of smokes.
I don't understand that at all, you would think that fentanyl being that much stronger would be worth more but they stick it in 'lesser' drugs. I imagine they can't cut it down it's so strong?
Murk loar newfag
gooks make this shit in china,they throw random psychoactive research chems together and call it a day,they don't give a fuck
What a boring thread. These blankets are so warm and cozy, I think I'll go to sleep. you guys should too. its good to be well rested and sharp when discussing african Americans and other prejudices. Sweet dreams fellow racist conservative non-jewish activists
Gooks are japs.
Chinks, fobs, ping-pongs are better choices.
no shit. I've never heard of that, but it would explain how some african niggers can smoke weed all day and then go kill kids with an AK 47
>thinking marijuana overdose is a real thing
I thought that gooks were Vietnamese.
I've been calling them that since they came over on rafts, I hope I'm not mistaken.
it's definitely fentanyl which is incredibly easy to OD on because it suppresses the lungs. this either comes from china or middle east
i use it for all Asians,i know its not the correct terminology but i like the word
>"what’s believed to have been synthetic >marijuana"
synthetic marijuana isn't even remotely close to real marijuana, it's plant matter that is sprayed down with absurd amounts of chemicals
someone please to post the glow in the dark niggers meme pls
This entire “synthetic weed” bullshit doesn’t make sense, I’ve never smoked pot in my life and even I know that if they sub it “synthetic weed” it’s probsbly some grade A bullshit. If it’s laced with fentanyl like the reports suggest this was done deliberately to kill unless some turbo nigger thought it would be a good to add on an opioid to something as benign as weed.
I know they beleive it to be a genetic component, so maybe. That is a hard topic to look into because any science that points to race as the factor is heavily worded to imply it is not.
>Allele 18A-72 is associated with risk.
>Allele 18A-72 has high distribution among group HG-7032.
>Group HG-7032 consists of people mostly from subset 17A.
>17A is associated with people from sub-Shara Africa.
i thought the break in text when replying was where u put another >
dont smoke real marijuanos kids
No, it's bedtime user. Maybe tomorrow
Redpill: There is probably a project created so that in the event of X weed from mass dispensaries can be replaced with spice on the same day, theoretically causing a zombie apocalypse by activating the conditioning of all that media through all the psychotic people. At that point the disease gets spread through paranoia and control of media because anyone could be a "zombie."
Gooks started in WW2 with US troops encountering Japanese, and I guess was eventually used for Koreans. It was originally meant as Gooky Eyes. It was how they identified their enemies, look for the Gook eyes.
Well then you will be able to empirically validate that absurd statement with sources and incidents.
oh wow, it's from k2. fake weed. i knew people that smoked this shit and they said it was absolutely horrible.
i'm on my 2nd week of quitting pot and feeling great now. this is after years of smoking heavily daily. i recommend all stoners here to just drop it.
theres a new heroin called "grey death" circulating in the north east right now. a bit tougher than the normal stuff.
and cops are linking this to some mexican too, it seems like, for a suspect
it's from k2, fake weed, not opiates like i originally thought too
found one.
Niggers poisoning their white customers.
way to ruin the fun.
Good, fuck druggies.
I hope they died before they got to the hospital.
>The Social Media Big Data Mining Experiment: New Haven Edition
it just means that some good heroin has come to town. this happens now and then. they are used to bad stuff and they mix in a lot more than can handle. It has happened here many times in the past
Or you could just not be a junkie and avoid the issue altogether.
Blaming this on glow niggers and not just on the fact that junkies can go right on ahead and die.
>Good, fuck druggies
So any substance that has a psychoactive effect should be banned unless the FDA tells you it's safe? Like when they said oxycontin had very low addiction potential and now we have an heroin epidemic? Brilliant. On the plus side rehab stints and suboxone sales are fucking BOOMING!
Remember when enough fetinyl to kill half the planet was busted?
Kikes on suicide watch.
Ironic this happens right after Trump sets up a new anti cartel taskforce
the biggest issue facing white america today is drug abuse. i think you should change your view and help try to get these people clean.
I've dabbed entire grams of wax that was 85% THC before, you'd need a lot more than that.
>42kg carfentanyl
That's more than he ever could have sold. Enough to kill an entire city if you could get the delivery method right.
is that the fatal dosage of each of those?
oxycontin only got big because of kike doctors in florida shipping the fucking stuff at industrial levels. Be less of a faggot.
yes, moar deaths of useful idiots need to happen
Why are you posting this in every thread?
Definitely fentanyl, we use it in conjunction with Ketamine to intubate patients prior to takeoff (t.Emergency Chopper Crew).
1. The road to a junkie is a short one, thanks to (((them))). Most deaths are still from FDA-approved, prescription drugs.
2. Who said the poison would be laced in shady, unregulated street drugs in the future? (((They))) have a lot of options for delivery methods. I'd assume they'd test on junkies or the homeless first, since not too many people would miss them, especially given the circumstances.
It's like testing that stain remover on that patch of carpet you don't give a fuck about before applying it everywhere.
Junkie apologists are everywhere, even on Jow Forums. Libshits blame corporations and Jow Forums blames teh joos, but in the end no one told these faggots to pop pills for a high and act surprised when they can't stop. Junkies are niggers with 0 impulse control, regardless of color.
You're shamefully stupid you fucking know it all oxycontin was always a schedule two drug meaning only thirty day prescription and you have to go see a doctor for a new prescription every thirty days and it was prohibited to mail any prescriptions over a decade ago in 2012 the FDA rescheduled all opiate/acetaminophen to schedule 2 so there were no opiates being mailed and the pill mills were mostly out of business, but it was too late, twenty years of giving out opiates like candy had taken it's toll and Mexican drug cartels were there to fill the void created by the crackdown on pills with cheap dope. Voila! Heroin epidemic.
Damn. Well at least it made them mad anyways
Dude a half pound of weed in a day is far more than 6 packs of smokes. 1 cig with filter is.031 oz, so about 33 cig in one oz. So that is about 13.25 packs in half pound. And that is math withfilter which probably weighs more than half of that .031
Just don't take the ebil herbal tea kratom! It's bad, take our pills, they are good. Go to rehab 6 times then die from an OD anyway.
Don't chase the high from your pain meds like a nigger and you won't have a problem. Half the pill niggers I know got hooked by taking Vicodin for bullshit like sprains and then they acted surprised when they were stealing cash from their grandparents to buy heroin.
If you give a kike money for their poison you deserve what you get.
>because of kike doctors
The patent-holders and main profiteers of Oxycontin are also kikes. I sure wonder why such a dangerous drug was allowed any legal status in the first place...
shitty mexican weed no doubt
>tfw living in the emerald triangle of NorCal
What about people who aren't druggies, don't know shit, are given a prescription and never told about the addiction potential?
Interesting, source on being able to actually OD on THC?
You did. You're dead. This is hell. Enjoy your stay in Jow Forums - you're here forever.
Its enough to kill most of north america if used right... 100's of MILLIONS of lethal doses.
if used by some idiot even in a primative "dump it in the water" thing it can kill a whole city no problem.
Scary shit senpai... people want us all dead its no joke.
Stay safe, stay comfy.
no more brother wars.
>Enough to kill an entire city if you could get the delivery method right.
Apparently police claimed it was enough pure material to produce as many as 50 million lethal doses, more than enough to wipe out the entire population of Canada.
Marijuana overdose.... I thought pot heads said that couldn't happen? I knew it was just like all those faggots that claim it cures everything known to man. Fuck pot. It turns people into junkie low life scum.
>I sure wonder why such a dangerous drug was allowed any legal status in the first place...
The FDA is there to rubberstamp big pharma's concoctions, the research is all in house of the company looking to patent which is a huge fucking conflict, and I heard a rumor the pharmaceutical manufacturers have the cost of the eventual lawsuits that could arise from injury or death planned into the eventual final cost so even if it's a deadly flop they still profit.
>be me
>give up on swag in high school because it is terrible
>experience first-wave synthetics, nice
>experience post-ban synthetics, nightmare
>Try to make friends with co-worker, invites me to smoke
>tell him sorry, I don’t smoke swag; no offense
>”oh no, it’s good fucking shit”
>get there and it’s fucking swag.
>take one hit and make a lame excuse about work or drug tests or something
>drive home
>white knuckle insanity fear
>tfw youv’e driven more high than sober
Faggots absolutely 100% spray shit on shit weed
I’ve also purchased weed that had pills crushed on it, but I sold bowls of it to someone I didn’t really like.
You mean someone that didn't read the label that has warnings with brightly colored labels on every prescription for a controlled substance?
Yeah but that's just what's mathematically possible if they were all injected intravenously with the stuff, a terrorist attack won't be 100% efficient. Most of what the fent is going to be wasted no matter the delivery method.
They could have killed people for years by taking the right chemicals and making it into a gel form that's absorbed onto the skin and just leaving it in places people will touch.
"Welfare Wednesday" in Vancouver is known as "Carnival".
Hastings and Main, the Sunrise Hotel, the Balmoral Hotel, so on and so forth..
on 9/9/99 i ran over a cia nigger with my car
I see nothing worng with degenerates trying to killing them selves.
>people overdose on synthetic marijuana
>this makes marijuana dangerous
Fuck off kike, this is proof positive that prohibition of marijuana FUCKING KILLS PEOPLE.
I mean someone who was given a prescription and the only brightly colored warnings were ones warning, don't drive or drink alcohol, nothing at all about being addictive and fatal. From the doctor or on the bottle. Addiction by prescription it is called, and it happens a lot.
Do you think (((doctors))) are in any way culpable? Do you think they are in any way abusing a position of authority? People are trusting their health and well-being to these people.
These are the same class of kikes that act like it's fine to give your kid meth or SSRIs for having (((ADD))), the same class of kikes that say it's totally healthy to painfully mutilate a newborn male's penis for life just days after birth, and the same class of kikes that say total body mutilation and HRT of a child like Jazz Jennings is totally normal and healthy.
If you oppose these things, the kike pitchfork mob rushes in. Don't want to give your kid a vaccine? You are NUTS for not trusting the DOCTORS!!! Are you NUTS??? You AREN'T going to circumcize goyim jr.???? CRAZY GOY!!!
Do you guys really think if you didn't know about Oxycontin or were redpilled on the kikes beforehand, and a kike doctor perscribed you Oxycontin, would you know to avoid it? Or, do you think most junkies start by thinking the pill or the dose is safe, and it's just like an antibiotic or Claritin?