Faith Goldy for Mayor of Toronto

Can Pol meme her into the mayorship of Toronto like you guys did with Trump?

Attached: Faith Goldy.png (1000x750, 1.1M)

Other urls found in this thread:–08_Writers_Guild_of_America_strike

>voting for a women
How far you've fallen.

>wanting to elect a woman

Attached: 1402844423325.png (500x575, 190K)

no because the russians have nothing to gain

Trudeau counts as a woman

>wanting to elect a woman

>Faith Goldy
I can tell you that all Faiths I know are cum dumpsters that look for attention. And mate, she fits and looks like a Faith.–08_Writers_Guild_of_America_strike

Probably not, Toronto is an insignificant shithole. Whole countries are easier.

>electing a roastie with enhanced dick sucking lips
I'd lmao.

oh god if she puts out a blowjob video ill vote for anything she wants

alt media ethot vs i dunno probably some globalists

>voting for a woman
i know right
its come to this

Aren't cities generally leftist shit holes? Don't see it happening.

Attached: faithtonguething2.png (544x1007, 696K)

torontonian here. it's a lost cause. she'll never win. the city is too far gone. but she should campaign anyway just to stir shit up for the lulz

any woman who isnt a hambeast
>haha look boys, i'm sooooo alt-right and conservative xD
Jow Forums

>but she should campaign anyway just to stir shit up for the lulz
then even if she loses we win

its hardly worth debating then, it doesnt matter if she can win or not. there is shit here that needs to be disturbed. and where there is shit, there are shitbirds to kick up that shit. faith could fly high as our shitbird meme mayor

Anyone have her bikini photos?

Tranny skull

Attached: faith man.png (873x493, 498K)

this bitch is retarded.
why would i waste a vote on some dumb e celeb

pls stop spamming this beefjerkie looking jewess. thaaaaaanks.

Attached: fiath goldy zionist 2.png (614x849, 456K)

Why would you waste a vote on any equally incompetent candidate?