Press S to spit on his security clearance.
Consequences will never be the same
Seems like a lot of shit is happening tomorrow. Manafort Trial finished up, the press are coordinating in Trump hit pieces even though they've done it for 2 years straight, and Brennan just lost his clearance. Hmm....
tf is wrong with this guy, I mean, just look at his fucking face
Why does some former anything need a security clearance anyway?
oh yeah today and Friday are going to be good
he even looks like the Hollywood badguy
almost expect matt damon to jump out and shoot him
To discredit current president
Sometimes former officials will be called upon to help with the current administration. That's much easier to do when you can actually read them in on the situation.
Many private-sector jobs require security clearance.
Also note that "security clearance" does not mean access. It only means eligibility for access if you are in the need-to-know. So basically the only thing this accomplishes is a) makes it more difficult for current intelligence officials to get help from Brennan if necessary and b) makes it more difficult for Brennan to get certain jobs. The former is bad for the country and the latter is just petty.
Done and done
Does he still glow in the dark without his security clearance?
He glows, just a little bit different though.
low tier at best glow in the dark director
Ha! Looks like he took a mouthful of rather foul spunk!
He's upset about getting fired from Gringotts.
His looks of consternation are worth the price of admission. S
>lost his clearance.
he's goon will just let him in though
fuck you commie scum S
Comey and Brennan are the same person
shut the fuck up, nigger. it's not enough to obey trump, you must also love him. any deep state kike who does not bend their knee to our lord and fuhrer must be defeated by any means necessary.
are there any photos of them side by side that are NOT photoshopped??
heh heh, based chocolate croissant
Look him up on IMDB