Ask a Mexican anything

Attached: ximena navarrete.jpg (183x275, 8K)

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Why do you think your opinion matters?


Attached: extremely rare white pepe.png (675x559, 477K)


The simple presence of a likely proxy flag is more interesting that anything this bean has to say unless it’s pics of those tiddies.

Why do your women age so poorly?

too much food.


Also what he said


yes, suicidal mongrel.

what are you talking about? white women age like warm milk

Attached: Elisha Cuthbert.jpg (594x400, 60K)

one more to the collection

>Suicidal mongrel
Is it the nigger admixture that gets you down?

Attached: Nigorilla warface.jpg (368x453, 36K)

I didn't say they didn't. But mexican women turn into goblinas.


are you Catholic?

we dont have niggers like you, we are white

Attached: Argentina is white.png (2116x2552, 418K)

You seem insecure.

Let's explore this.

Why do you attention-monger in the form of a thread? Do you really not get enough attention from people around you? Or is it because you have no other means in your life to seem interesting to everyone else?

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Isn't your country the fattest nation in the world? Go take a walk you fat fuck.

>We don't have niggers
You have nigger admixture, pic related.

Attached: download.png (811x768, 359K)

Por que teneis una mierda de país

Is it true only the shit comes to comes america
And high quality educated mexicans that speak english have no reason to leave
That is what i am getting here
Usa mexican
Ugly fat dumb doesnt speak english
Mexico mexican
Educated respectful speaks accented english sometimes attractive

Because every mestizo is part nigger, and as a mestizo ages more of the nigger genes continue to get switched on and they look more and more niggerish, becoming a short fat brown hairy bigfoot.

mas mierda que el tuyo no.

puto muerto de hambre, sin la UE, estarias peor que el congo

A Mexican in Mexico. My kind of subhuman. Good lad.

well this Mexican weather lady can go goblin on muh dik desu

Attached: YG7.jpg (1080x1316, 92K)

What are ur measurements, post tits or btfo.

>A Mexican in Mexico. My kind of subhuman. Good lad.

your cuckery dont have any limit, achmed.

Attached: GREAT BRITIAN.jpg (73x125, 2K)

Then explain this nigger!

Attached: afro-mexicano male.jpg (736x490, 47K)

Would it not benefit Mexico as well to help build a border wall to the US?

People always talk about people going north. But not really about the guns etc going south.

Wouldn't a border wall be mutually beneficial for both countries?

What is your opinion on this?

Mexicans in mexico are not humans
They are in the usa

Nice thumbnail. Now address my inquiry you dirty fucking newfag.

Tell me about the beans. Why do you eat them?

US and Brazil are nigger kingdoms, due your greed. Portuguese and British started slavery, now they have rights.

Attached: del toro.jpg (827x1000, 105K)

Pay for the wall, si o no?

a lot of mexican dishes includes beans and rice as a side.


you'll niggers eat brussel sprouts?


This. Mexicans are never white. They all stink like niggers

>This. Mexicans are never white. They all stink like niggers

Attached: latin america is white.png (278x254, 14K)

Palau is now my new favorite, right after Australia.
godspeed to Rainbows End.

Race is deeper than just white skin you monkey. It’s european blood which you only half barely half of from Spain. You aren’t white nigger

What do you think about those who cross the border othe mecicans on this board dont like them. For cowardice

Do you know many secret torture recipes a la los zetas? Do you get cheap cocaine? Is it nice to bang those little mamacitas?

Share best guacamole recipe Please. The one with the juice from the pickled carrots and jalapeños.

I am white, nigger.

Attached: AAAAA.jpg (2592x1936, 2.12M)

why did you just elect a communist thats bros with the Castros and Maduro?

cut 1 tomato into dices

cut only 1 jalapeno to its half

cut 1 onion into dices

add the guac and add it salt.

You look white yes but you’re half Spaniard and half native indigenous spic which is a brown nigger so I don’t trust you I know Mexicans girls w your skin color and they barely even seem white

he is not commie, he is our God emperor that made mexico city safe, great and modern again when he was mexico citys mayor

did you took the pic with a potato spic?

I am not half indian, I am a criollo.

I live in North mexico, the majority of the woman are white.

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Do you hate the southern states

Hmmmm maybe but I don’t trust Mexicans they are all bottom feeders

well then i hope he can clean up the cartels because im tired of their shit on my side of the boarder.

By the way, you guys can disregard this retard. People literally went marching out in the streets to protest against how unsafe the city was under AMLO's rule.

Reminder that no mexican on Jow Forums has managed to defend AMLO when called out for:
Having his party be full of the old-pri corrupt expats
Having a high command women (A jew) literally say that she wants to see Chavez' policies from Venezuela implemented into Mexico
Having his party funded by The Open Society

of course, we the criollos built up the only good part of mexico and those indian niggers are flooding us.