Wage Slave

>Wake up 5 am
>Spend over an hour commuting via bus
>Go to gigantic warehouse
>No one knows my name
>Dont know anyone elses name
>Not even my supervisors name since its a 20 character long indian name which is impossible to memorize or pronounce
>No time to stop and chat
>We are all just worker ants with an ID number and are easily replaceable
>Do literal bot work for 8 hours which involves walking all fucking day long
>Spend another hour in a half getting home cause shitty buses are always full
>Come back at 5-6 pm
>Have a mere 3 hours of time at home
>Too tired to do anything but lie down since legs hurt like fucking hell
>Sleep Rinse and repeat
>Weekend comes but too tired to do anything hobby related
>Cant do physical activities cause my body is physically sapped
>Rinse and repeat

If I were to move out on my own id simply spend money on an apartment that i'm never in and bills for things Ill barely use

I cant possibly imagine the people who try and pay off a million dollar mortgage (which literately translates to death pledge in french) who spend a couple decades paying off so they can slowly die in their newly paid off house knowing their children will presumably inherent it... That's if our civilization haven't collapsed in on itself or a major conflict renders it to dust.

is this really all there is to life??? or is it the inevitable shitty fucking phase every young person with lack of job experience and no money goes through?

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I like not sucking at my job, they don't care when I'm in the office or not because I get ten times as much done as the slaves who spend 8 hours there.

First, go to your supervisor pull down your pants and poo in there as you stare into his eyes without looking away. You will become CEO of Pajeet corp in no time

>Pajeet supervisor
Just neck yourself mate, you have no growth in this job and all other jobs are gonna be taken over by pajeets or chinks anyways.

Bro, quit your job and go to trade school. Get a certificate in anything like welding/plumbing/eletrictian/CDL and either work for a company or start your own and you'll make way more money and you get to know your clients which are people in your community. Love you bro hope shit gets better for you

I work four hours a day get paid eight kys

Welding from what I'm seeing is good money right now. Especially, if you're on your own authority.

Yeah dude welding is pretty good money especially if you do underwater welding hut that's to dangerous for my tastes

Get a shift job 4 on 4 off.

>Two 12 hour day shifts followed by two 12 hour night shifts.
>Followed by 4 days off.
>Days are pretty long then you get 24 hours off before night shift.
>Sleep on nights anyway so get days to yourself.
>Basically work 2 days out of 8 and paid more for being on shift.

being a kid my "dream job" was to weld, although I think thats only because I enjoyed setting shit on fire for fun. but my uncles lungs got all fucked up because of it if I remember correctly and swayed me more towards automotive service type shit

Why don't you go to school to be an in-house dealership service tech? That's gotta be pretty decent money

>got all fucked up because of it
It's why you use an extractor fan or other breathing apparatuses.

People can be retarded with what they let themselves be exposed to at work.

Same here

You have a starter job. Use your work record to get a better one. It's how it works. Prove yourself in crap jobs, to get better ones.

Workers should rule

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how does that work when the job itself requires such little thought that anyone could easily do it... some retard would get the same work record as me even though they not qualified to do anything else

fuck u leaf come to south korea and try working til 7:30pm every night

12 hour shifts start sucking. I do those as a paramedic and I regret becoming a medic now. Only hit me 4 years in though

I do 12 hour shifts for 42 days straight, then get 3 weeks off.

That sounds like torture. I do 3 days straight, then one 8 hour shift at my other job and get 3 days off.

soo why don't you become a NEET

Sure you do giving rimjobs. No thanks.

Don't think that would pay so much

NEET life isnt economically possible


Underwater welding doesn't exist.

This post already exists, is this a new spam thread that I have to filter out?

This was me at 21.
Now, at 30, I no longer wonder. I know that’s all there is to life.

tfw you can't live a hedonistic lifestyle because you have to be a productive member of society to survive

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Hey aren't leafs get crazy unemployment gibs? Just spend the time that you're wasting away working with pajeets to find ways to live comfortably on neet bucks and cheat the system.

>hour in a half
>exhausted from walking arounfd

be less fat and less stupid.

life is insane. grotesque in many ways. so yes, thats all there is other than whatever meaningful relationships you have with people.

It's called life you stupid leaf. Welcome to being an adult. Fight exhaustion and get shit dont because no one else will do it for you. Grow some balls.

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This is the world the Jews created for us brother. We live here, in this decaying structure ready to collapse at any moment. We are all empty here. While the parasites live a life of luxury you dwell at the bottom like a peasant. Accelerationism is your freedom now....the Jews claim they thrive in chaos but they haven’t even seen it yet. They want a chaotic world right? Well then let’s give it to them...let us fill their fat bellies until they burst!

>how does that work when the job itself requires such little thought that anyone could easily do it

even if it is easy its still experience, maybe start looking for different opportunities, inside the company (for example managing staff of your current level) or outside if you dont like what you are doing.

>be me
>wake up at 8:45 and walk to work
>20 mins late everyday, noone cares
>say hi to colleagues who are really nice people including managers
>make myself a tea go to have a shit, play couple games of hearstone
>go to lunch
>get fresh tea, play office foosbal with colleagues
>browse stuff, shitpost, occasionally do some work if needed
>walk 10 mins home or for a beer with friends/collagues after work
too bad i cant get a nice girl, life would be good

In a decade this might be done with machines and you having no experience in anything else will put you in a fucked up position. Leave it now.

I became a limo driver so as to avoid physical labor or being in an office. Plus you are always in a different place, I would also recommend CDL if you don't mind doing long trips you will make bank

people forget that labour is cheap and will only get cheaper and automation will be expensive

>some retard would get the same work record as me even though they not qualified to do anything else
That's where you're wrong:

still better than dealing with office politics and social bullshit all day long

You sound like a normalfag op

Just the fact that you could make an organized list of steps you do each day indicates your abilities are well above the demands of your job.

Now put a motivational song on the back ground and say it out loud on a bar.

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Listening to motivational stuff that might make your mood turn euphoric will cause burnout sooner or later.

Automation will eventually get cheaper to the point that all extra cost that comes with having a worker will no longer be viable.

You can also finance a 2010 or newer car and drive for ride-sharing apps. This will pay the bills especially if you have low or no rent. Then you are not reporting to anyone but yourself. Just have to stay motivated

You will eventually get thirsty, so why drink water?

Didn't know that drinking water can have such side effects. Thanks for letting me know.

That's where you're wrong

Your welcome meme flag.

>be less fat and less stupid.
I weigh about 130, im hardly fat

If this describes you, then what you need to do is ask yourself why you are busting ass to leave your kids a house when your own parents didn't do that for you.
Let them buy their own fucking house, or not

>le work and die meme

People used to think computers would be too expensive. They used to think machines could never create intricate things like human hands could. Never make the mistake of betting against technology.

it's brown people's fault


This is why the cycle of poverty exists at such extremes today.
>100 years ago
>Poor family all save up their entire life to buy a farm / business / home.
>Next two generations don't have to worry about rent or mortgage, can invest their income elsewhere.
>Family slowly rises to middle class, housing is cheap because people maintain and live in the family home.
Then there is the current day logic:
>Lol fuck everything, if I suffered, my kids should too!


Brainlet. There's simply no other word for it.

That might have worked 100 years ago but your children will be ungrateful shits to you even if you leave them a house.

You aren't tired because you're doing too much work: you're tired because modern life is depressing AF, and your lot will be the lot of 95% of people if the corporate capitalist order keeps getting its way. Modern people like to moralise about slavery, but the State of life for the majority of people in countries like the US and the UK, is the biggest system of mass enslavement that has ever existed.

>This is why the cycle of poverty exists at such extremes today.

No it isn't: it's because the system is rigged to impoverish the native citizenry. Allowing masses of third world labour, letting the corporate world control your government, and allowing rich foreigners from all over the world to buy up property, while gaslighting people into getting into enormous amounts of debt--this makes such poverty inevitable.

Shoulda payed attention in math class. Then you wouldn't be doing physical labor like a peasant.

The problem with this wage slave shit is that it's low IQ tier rubbish. You get paid proportionately to the value you offer to people and the value you can offer rises over time as long as you're investing in your own skills, experience and abilities.

This is what is called deferral of gratification, you work hard at the start, on your skills and abilities and that investment is paid back later on in life with good wages and comfy life.

There's a classic experiment that phychologists have done with kids for years. Sit them down in a room by themselves, with a sweetie in front of them, and tell them they can eat it now and that's all they get, but if they can wait 15m without eating it, they get a second one free. Classic and straightforward example of deferral of gratification, and there's a decent distribution between the kids that can manage it and those who can't, and to what length they can wait.

Those children when later on in life are given IQ tests correlate very highly with whether they could defer gratification.

Work and education is exactly the same thing, people work crap jobs to get some skills and some experience so they can move onto a better job, and then a better one.

It's the reason why low IQ people end up on bennies and stay on them, because their reasoning is why go work when I wont get paid more than my bennies, and the answer to that is that if you invest in yourself then you'll earn more every year until you're on a wage you're happy with, which almost anyone can get on quite comfortably by the age of about 25.

You can learn a shit load of new things in those 3 hours you have spare, so instead of monging in front of the TV invest that time in yourself and every time you do that you're ahead of someone else who didn't do that. And in a decade you'll be fucking glad you did it.

>being paid to walk
xD dude.
Have fun with it man.
You realize you don't want to do the job, your now free. Be as incompetent as you want.
Take home some "Breakages".
Negotiate a higher wage, you've got nothing to lose.
Write to the guy above your supervisor, say your being wasted, you know if you got a higher position you could do some great work.

The worst that can happen is your out of a job you don't want.

And no-one looks after their parents anymore so the parents have no reason to leave an inheritance behind for their kids.

>>Wake up 5 am

Lazy mother fucker

I get up at 4AM and only get

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>be medieval serf
>have no rights, because rights doesn't exist yet
>live off your land, give one tenth of your produce to the local noble/church.
>farming is hard, but not too time consuming work
>spent rest of your time socializing, playing games and fucking your wife or getting drunk
>maybe some poaching if you feel adventurous

Today, you have literally the same amount of rights if you get into a conflict with a rich person (noble) as the guy 600 years ago. But you are bigger slave, you don't have no land and everything you do is monitored. And what is most pathetic, you have to crave and ask for your own slavery to some HR feminist cunt.

So congrats all of us.

If you're struggling in the first place you absolutely should not be having kids.

That's one of the 3 biggest contributors to poverty, read the findings of the brookings institute, you avoid poverty by doing 3 things.

1) Finish school
2) Get a job and keep it for at least 1 year
3) Do not have children under 21 or until you're married.

Less than 2% of people who do those things are in the poverty band.

And also don't bother buying a home to give to your kids, you buy a home to get out of the rent trap. It's an investment in your financial future, you can just sell it later if you either don't have kids or don't want to pass it on.

This is a giant heap of bullshit. My parents generation grew up, went to university for free, went straight into a career job out of uni, and in a few years could afford to buy property it was so cheap.

Today kids are brainwashed into going to university, they are encouraged to take on enormous amounts of debt, their degrees have been devalued to the point of worthlessness, and the only jobs they can get are minimum wage (as a huge number of jobs that are skilled have become)--then they work 60 hours a week so they can make the 700 quid a month rent on a 1-room bedsit with a shared toilet and shower.

I lived in the UK, I grew up in the UK: it is a fucking miserable shithole compared to most other European countries. The fact you defend it just makes you a pathetic cuck.

>If you're struggling in the first place you absolutely should not be having kids.

Sane, first world, white person thinking.

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>poverty band

This is your problem: you're examining things like a complete retard. Simply living in London if you are making 30k is poverty compared to living in Vienna on 20k. The healthcare, the travel, the filthy streets, the pollution, the masses of blacks and pakis loitering on every corner, the parks and areas you can take your kids to, and so on. It is worlds apart and you don't even know it.

Yeah it's also why no-one is having kids. The amount of women in their early thirties i speak to who are desperate to have kids is crazy, and they don't seem to be aware of how urgent it is. But they are afraid to have kids because their careers are not properly established yet (education these days goes on until you're almost 30), and they live in a multicultural dump they can't afford to move out of and which they would not want to raise kids in.

some ppl see kids as "investments".

And I wake up at 1am and only get

London is a shithole and expensive as fuck because all the massive businesses go there and everyone's wages are through the roof and so cost of living soars.

This has got nothing to do with London though, the poverty band is relative to where you live, that's fine it doesn't alter the calculation much other than to say if you're not yet worth much don't live in an expensive place.

Either way kids are expensive as fuck and you should not be having them until you can actually afford to raise them well otherwise your life will be miserable.

>some ppl see kids as "investments".

First world sees kids as an expense,
Third world sees kids as an investment

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My family are retards, I'd help my mum if I could but everyone else can strictly go fuck themselves. Grandparents are bitter selfish boomers who deserve to be alone for what they squandered.

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Wrong. To struggle means to live. Your line of thinking is basically procrastination along the lines of "I can't ask out a girl unless I finally bench 4pl8" - if whites thought like this in the past they literally wouldn't exist today.

Women bought the feminist narrative to be independent from men, and have not planned their futures properly, investing in education and career if you also want to be a mother is a monumental waste of time.

Molymemes call in shows are great for this, he grills idiots all the time on, why the fuck do you have 100k in student loans if your plan is to have kids at like 30.

This women can have it all attitute is just retarded and it'll really show in the next 2-3 decades because all those women dumb enough to fall for it are going to be husbandless and childless and miserable, that'll be a signal to the next generation of women that actually, like everyone else, you have to pick your poison.

Why don't you wagecucks actually try and save uo some money to invest so you can make even more money? It's not that hard to limit yourself for a while in order to get a profit

luckily for women, they don't need to pick anything in 3 decades, as either islam or the west itself takes their rights away at that point.

>not owning (buying) a share of the company and raking in free money from the company wageslaves

never gonna make it brah...

>Either way kids are expensive as fuck

Not true. If you have a family you can get just about everything you need off other people, second hand. Only things are food and nappies. In Austria you can even get 2 years maternity leave at 80% of your salary.

And most jobs in the UK are in London btw. Nor is the extreme cost of living there about "wages"--it's about a massive excess of demand in the housing market because the rich from all over the world use it as a playground, while cretins like you slave away for a few dimes.

>tfw you had a comfy job until your boss found out you were a Trump supporter and he bullied you until you quit

I was being paid off the books, which was good for money, but bad for expecting him to not outright illegally discriminate against me.

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Learned your lesson... never talk politics or religion at work also never date anyone at work.

The University racket is an indentured servitude scam, but you're a fool if you think women will ever do anything aside from follow the general zeitgeist of the times.

I didn't, he found my social media.
Whenever they brought it up to me I played it as cool as possible, I didn't disagree or argue, I just sort of gave neutral non answers.

>he found my social media.

Lesson learned.. have TWO account the public one that is bland with cat videos and the other private one that calls Hitler a Hippy.

It's beyond me why anyone works as a warehoue slave at amazon. It's literally the stereotype of a wagecuck, work hard all day so Jeff Bezos can buy a 5th private jet. It's bullshit to the point I lose respect for people who work there.

> brit
> single mum 3 siblings
> 137 IQ according to MENSA
> start from nothing

hint to weebs, working in japan is shit but the money is alright, if you're not retarded you can save easily

Yes, and half your time goes to taxes. Beautiful, isn't it?

>working in japan

Single brit mother in Japan!
Do you have ANY sex-life there??

Educate and escape the cycle. Sounds simple because it truly is not that crazy to go find some scholarships even for a trade.

Buy bitcoin

>being a hated foreigner
>always viewed with suspicion
>literal yesbugmen

well you brits are used to that last part...

Nothing I'm saying is specific to the UK, it's all broadly applicable.

No, nothing is free, someone paid somewhere.

>parents generation
Hardly any of them went to university as a percentage, it was a much more niche thing back then, you're trying to generalize an entire generation of people by the 5% or so that attended further education, your anecdote isn't evidence.

Yes life is in a lot of ways worse now, the state is too large, taxes are too high, the govt fuck with the free market too much, they interfere with schools too much, in many ways it's worse.

But the idea that if you invest in yourself you make more money, that's still true. The problem is that you need to pick investment into skills that are actually useful, if you goto uni to do gender studies you're not gonna get hired. If you go and do engineering or computer science, you will. The benefit over our prior generations that we do actually have is that you have the worlds knowledge at your fingertips with the internet, so you can work all that stuff out yourself with some research.

That sucks guy.

I haven't worked since college. Been on Medicaid and welfare for 21 years and am perfectly okay with it. I get free room and board and free food, and get to travel internationally three times a year. I supplement my welfare income with crypto, some under the table gigs (helps that I speak Spanish), being a lifeguard, and doing surveys here and there. I am super healthy thanks to being at the gym and pool 5 days a week and am super cool cuz I smoke weed 24/7. With food stamps I can afford to eat healthy whole foods such as fruits, veggies, nuts, proteins, whole grains, and low fat dairy. My healthcare plan is comprehensive and covers vision, dental, and surgeries up to $28,000 annually. All prescriptions are free too. I have zero co pays except one day I picked up $600 of medical equipment for a sports injury and got dinged with a one dollar co-pay. I was pretty upset about that haha.

There is literally no reason to get a job. The only reason I would need one is to get health insurance. But I doubt any plan is as good as a free one...that actually has superior care. Lordy my friends who do work are utterly miserable, having to wake up at the crack of dawn, feed their kids, worry about their mortgages and debt, commute two hours in bumper to bumper traffic in a suit, sit in a cubicle for 9.5 hours, become stress balls, then come home and not want to do anything except eat, sleep, and fuck prostitutes under the guise of hanging out with me. I myself don't bang hookers cuz I'm getting pussy nonstop thanks to my active lifestyle giving me a great body and amazing confidence and desire to step out of my comfort zone and meet people from all around the world. I can credit my international travels as the reason I have no interest in politics, race or any of the things angry wagie Americans have to obsess over due to their boring ass lives.

tl;dr: if you want to have fun and fulfillment in life, go on welfare.

All I want is
>a place to stay
>some free time
>a computer and a phone
>an internet connection
I'll eat soup and drink water every day if I have to, it's irrelevant. Clothes are whatever plain shit I can get. I only need quiet time to myself to make it.

Learn to work for yourself and dictate your own hours.

I know you won't care and are living up your life but damn you are a nigger and everything wrong with this nation.

Haters don't matter.

What about class harmony instead of class warfare?

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