What do you guys think of Ben Shapiro?
I watched a bunch of his videos and I like his arguments and debates, but he is also a Jew.
I really wanna watch more of his videos but I have no clue if he is a fucking Israel zionist shill.
What do you guys think of Ben Shapiro?
I watched a bunch of his videos and I like his arguments and debates, but he is also a Jew.
I really wanna watch more of his videos but I have no clue if he is a fucking Israel zionist shill.
Ignore stormfag lol faggots, he's BASED and whether you like it or not it's true: America is turning brown and that's a GOOD THING, we just have to make sure we remain a True Conservative nation and remain loyal to based Israel
Literal zionist neocon Jew pretending to be libertarian.
Fuck Israel. We need to stop our support to them, they can protect themselves. we are just wasting money paying them.
if he wasnt jewish Jow Forums would find some other reason to hate him, call him controlled opposition like peterson and southern.
slimey kike
NO JEW is our jew
By this time it is apparent Shapiro has serious personality and self image problems, like many khazar "jews".
If you think that a jew will work hard for your well being, you're a retarded.
But if we stop sending billions to Israel, who will be our greatest ally?
Saged as.this shouldn't even be a question on this board
Lol nice false flag bro. You've emboldened my hate for the kike and civic cucks.
Understanding Benji is easy
>I formulate ALL my thoughts and arguments through a Israel/zionist lense
Congratulations, (you) now understand Benji
I'd take Russia over Israel at any day.
He makes some good points against transgenders and pro-gun but don't be fooled. He's not /ourjew/.
You are a shameful citizen of this country. Fuck off.
*is pro gun.
>Zionist Jew or /ourjew/?
Zionist Jew.
Ben Shapiro is BASED
Toad-voiced manlet neocon incarnate smuggy, who equates talking quickly with intellect and who uses the Jew's typical gift of crowd-pleasing showmanship to bewitch his audiences by exploiting the mic drop craze and deliver bland one liners that come across as witty. A fake, a fraud.
He says that porn is immoral and should be made illegal.
You guys watch porn, right? Are you guys immoral degenerates?
WHO keeps making these threads, man?!
>But if we stop sending billions to Israel, who will be our greatest ally?
>t. IQ
I actually 100% agree. An alliance with 12,000+ total nukes would be pretty epic desu.
Trump + Putin = Global Domination
Ben Shapiro website “The Daily Wire“, is being funded by the billionaire Wilks Brothers, Levi and Farris, in Texas. Who also fund Ted Cruz and his Super-PAC “Keep The Promise”.
welcome, newfriend, shills constantly clickbait their favorite tube shitheads on Jow Forums, prolly benji himself is in this thread looking for more traffic.
expect 6 to 8 Shapiro threads A DAY. sorry
He's a hypocrite. Advocates one thing for the world but an entirely different thing for Israel.
Classic Jew
have a free upgrade
You have to go back.