Chug The Jug Fatboi

In Canada, All politicians who want real political power must bend the knee to the Milk Mafia and CHUG THE JUG.

What are the implications of this agri-cartel being canada's kingmakers?

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I don't understand. A solid container is perfect for milk.

Also show flag.

>I don't understand.

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Show flag.

SM was first enacted by Pierre Trudeau. It uses central planning to determine/issue supply quota's to dairy farmers. Quota's are bought/sold and has resulted in the corporatization of dairy operations. The average dairy farming corporation has an average net worth of over $5m. Farmers who produce dairy products without a quota are fined, arrested, and ultimately if they resist, murdered. A ~300% tariff is slapped on imported dairy products from abroad to eliminate competition. Many describe supply management as a legal price-fixing cartel.

The result is that Canadian dairy is mediocre, the dairy industry is slow to innovate, and their product is vastly overpriced compared to what would be available in a free market. Often it's relatively poor people that disproportionately bear the burden of overpriced dairy as wealth is transferred from relatively poor consumers to relatively rich dairy corporations.

Countries like NZ and Aus did away with their supply management regimes decades ago and saw much prosperity afterward as farmers there switched to producing things in which they had the greatest comparative advantage. In recent years, Conservative and Liberal governments have bent over backward to maintain SM, and it gets in the way of entering free-trade agreements with countries that view the practice as unfair trade. Canadian gov'ts have had to make concessions at the expense of other industries and Canadian consumers to maintain the SM racket.

Canadian citizens should care because cartels run counter to Canadian values, they cause harm throughout the economy, and make a few farming corporations better off at the unjust expense of millions.



Getting rid of supply management isn't even something that should be debatable anymore - it's just objectively bad. Australia did it on their own for free, and we won't even do it to save our other industries (like auto) and avoid economic ruin.

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