
Should healthcare be private or public?

If it was public, should certain groups be excluded? Fatties for example.

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Wouldn't you be willing to pay for this person's healthcare?

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Public Healthcare could only work in an ideal society, with people of equalish needs.


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Why not just government insurance on everything ? It’s like a huge casino anyway, if everything goes smoothly the gov gets to spend it all and if not they work to mitigate risks

Yes give government your money instead of buying an insurance directly. I'm sure it will be efficient and the costs will stay low when the government is backing it.

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If Healthcare was public in America, he'd already be dead

I'd vote for whatever as long as it kills boogey

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Private, look at how our government handles social security, plus public insurance would rise the cost of medical care

If it's private, (with no government nexus whatever (licensing boards, etc.)) it should properly be "medical services". "Care" for pets, property, children and mental incompetents.


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>make an entire career by being fat and gross and eating unhealthy amount of junk food
>pay for my healthcare

fuck man why does nobody talk about this but Jow Forums, why every youtubers acts like he's got a disease he can't control or something. He's fat and he's fat because he's an irresponsible moron. Fuck man. I'm so sick of seeing everyone from Ethan to Pewd just putting on their ''sad and empathic'' face whenever he's mentioned. Guys wtf is wrong with you, he's the one in the wrong here, not people making fun of him. He should by all mean be dead by now and he would've had no one else to blame but himself for being a jackass self harming himself on youtube. If this was a guy jumping down building and into a fucking container full of used seryngue people would call him a retard and there would be fucking petition NOT to pay for his bills. For christ sake. This shits needs to stop and I'm pretty sure youtube and twitch have very clear policies about harming yourself/abuse of substance. Boggie needs to go, joe worlds tour, fuck, anyone who's just a disgusting pig for the sake of the view should be deplatformed right the fuck now before it inspires other retards to do the same.

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Should be a mixed system, with a private and a public option. People should be free to choose.

it's not a ''sketch'' god damn it, he's still eating that shit. He's not faking wolfing down doritos mountain dew juice, he gulped that for real and digested it and got fucking fat. Anyone who's under the age of fucking 25 is such a fucking moronic fanboy.

Possibly fungal growth

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If healthcare is public, then no adults get to choose who they have sex with. The State should determine which healthy adults should breed, and when. Any one having sex with an unapproved partner should be executed. No exceptions.

Masturbation will be encouraged.

Why? Because choice of sexual partners greatly influences the long term health, and therefore the long term costs, of individuals.

That's the problem with PUBLIC health care. It becomes the community's business how you live your life, and who you interact with, and how often you interact with yourself.

I hate this pathetic retard
We should just euthanise fat people

Public care for day-to-day issues.
Private care and insurance for serious cases.

Possibly with the option to opt out of public care and not pay taxes for it, with access re-granted if you pay in again for a couple years.

Unironically hoping this fat fuck chokes to death while playing his twitch.

>taking the bait

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Public funded healthcare removes personal responsibility. Now everyone wants less personal responsibility but, is it good for society in the long term? One would think a world of children that have never had to suffer through anything would just be a setup for failure.

How about a publicly funded healthcare system paid for by those who use it. The more you use it the more you pay into it.

Jabba was the most prominent criminal mind of his time.

Fuck healthcare. Stop being a clumsy sicko.

Put it out of its misery

Fatties should be banned from collecting any sort of government assistance at all.
Also, why do fat people get to park in handicap spaces? What the fuck?

>Should healthcare be private or public?
Both. Private for those who can afford and public for the poor.
>If it was public, should certain groups be excluded? Fatties for example.
Nope. Every citizen should have the right for healthcare.

You don’t know what kind of fat people we’re deal with here, Finn.

I laugh at fat people on foodstamps claiming they can't afford food and are starving.

Reminder why boogie's wife left him.

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It can be either, but health insurance companies should be non-profit. They don't have to be charities, but when their motivation is to deliver profit instead of help people you get shit service with a smug attitude because What are you gonna do? Switch plans? It's not open enrollment, go fuck yourself.