No your not. It just takes practice. Lots of practice. Like learning guitar or a sport. Most people just don't have the patience
Joshua Scott
Congrats. You can now run for the GOP primaries.
Isaiah Cox
I can't practice. It's too boring and my grades are shit. I literally have no motivation.
Caleb Bennett
the problem is, unless you continue practicing or using that knowledge, you will lose it. Not many people use math like this on a daily basis.
Asher Taylor
Relatively few jobs require the understand of calculus, trigonometry or even much of algebra. It really doesn't make sense to make children miserable by forcing them to study a subject they don't enjoy and won't be applicable in their adult life.
Benjamin Phillips
This is true. But what it does is it teaches you how to problem solve and think critically. Which is essential for many careers, like computer programming, engineering, etc. even philosophy and logic are very closely related to math.
William Sanders
How do you self-study math, not for exams, but when you realize you need more to be a better developer?
I somewhat unlocked my passion for maths in my first year of college. I didn't like it either in HS and my grades were quite poor, then I enrolled into computer engineering and for some reason fell in love with it(during calc I and linear algebra I), enough to switch to maths altogether. I say this because HS professors are probably the reason many people find it boring.
Can comeone explain what the fuck is going on in that picture?
Ayden Smith
triple integrals is college math. if you're doing college math chances are it's math you need.
Joshua Morales
The point of math is to improve your iq and general intelligence, take a look at the highest average iq per major and you will find that Math related subjects dominates that list. Also just a reminder that you can't consider yourself white until you at LEAST know math up to calculus.
Jose Bailey
Fuckoff maths is the best
Tyler Nelson
calculus is based
Cooper Evans
Michael Ward
engineering and computer programming requires math to understand the subject material properly
Jonathan Gomez
Check this mans pants for shit, might have us an american stuck in Deutschland
Tyler Nguyen
report non-politics threads lads
Hunter Sullivan
This isn't true. It's wishful thinking. Learning is highly specific. Psychologists have been studying transfer of learning for over a century and time after time, they find that far transfer of learning rarely occurs.
Ayden Garcia
Math builds on itself. You can't go forwArd if you don't understand the foundations.
It goes >algebra >trig/geometry >calculus >linear algebra >differential equations >etc Then physics and statistic/probability use this math in their principles and theories.
Evan Wilson
integral over a 3 dimensional domain of a simple linear function
Justin Johnson
OP what do you study? I didn’t do triple integrals till I went to uni.
Josiah Gray
literally the only pleb tier maths i use is trig. i wish i paid more attention years ago. that and calcs for voltage drop sucks being a brainlet
Ryan Hall
Where on earth outside engineering, mathematics, and physics would you ever even need double integrals?
Kayden Lopez
>those who can't end up doing peasant jobs Who said anything about working.
John Bennett
Two of the best math teachers I ever had were Greek.