How fucked is France?

>pic related

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Has been predicted for a while. There was a video from 10+ years ago explaining this.
It is because whites aren't fucking enough and are dying more but populations are stable. Why? Migrations.
Almost all of Europe is fucked.

Europe needs to accept that Mohammed is their new masters. White European women don't want to have babies anymore and gov and corps love cheap ass muslim labor, so it's all over for Europe

Shut up you nigger.

>Almost all of Europe is fucked.

Most of european countries are still majority native, even Germany is 90% white still

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>force-feed europeans islam
>use destroying islam as a pretext to destroy europe
>jews pat themselves on the back for destroying amalek

Kek, they are minimum 10 million ( 65 million people in France). And they are young, they'll have many kids.

Old white people and young shitskin.

>whites aren't fucking enough
They are fucking, just not having children

Just wait until they start taking over their politics, that’s when the real fireworks begin

Yeah at least that isnt happening here

...apart from Sadiq Khan obviously...oh and our new Home Secretary, a bunch of Labour MPs...nvm

>Old white people and young shitskin.

Not necessarily, alot of young immigrants in western Europe are form Eastern Europe as well. Things aren't nearly as bad as pol makes them out to be.

Can't speak for France but the rest of Europe will be able to make fun of El demonio del 56% for quite a while still

France will go full civil-war before 2050 anyway. It will either be good or bad. Last time we did it fucked us very badly.

France is that bad though

Belgium a little too

Netherlands is teethering on 85% non-white

Lol. Not for long

I thought Dutch people were mostly conservative with a particular fondness for the family unit?

Why doesn't someone put birth control in the water supply of Seine Saint-Denis and other areas full of Muslims?

It's literally only the big cities on the west coast.

All the cancer is consentrated in amsterdam, the hague and rotterdam

Even only 20 mins away from rotterdam you have villages that are 95% white

top kek

5.7 millions is a joke, there are many, many more than this. There are no ethnic or religious statistics here, so the numbers always swing wildly.

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Remember France in the last two wars ? We cant trust them to mount an offensive.

> why are French boulevards lined with trees ?
> so the Germans can march in the shade

replace "Germans" with any invading army on french soil.

Ik geloof je niet,
Belgie ligt rond de 70% als je alle kankerbejaarden neit in kaart brengt