Friend's Ridiculous Theory About The Alt-Right

So I was just talking to a friend of mine who's somewhat connected in alt-right circles. He gave me this whole theory about the alt-right that I find hard to believe but honestly it has some ring of truth to it.

Basically he said that the alt-right is a bunch of people who were bullied badly as kids, internalized the bully tactics (name calling, cool posturing etc) and never got over them. Seeing the severe effects these tactics had on them as kids, they started using them as adults in a bid to demoralize their political enemies like the school bullies did to them.

He went on to point out how much alt-right tactics resemble high school bully tactics, as they basically consist of insults that insinuate weakness, intended to emasculate. Examples include basedboy, cuck, beta, etc.

He then pointed out to me that most alt-righters, despite posturing as alphas, are actually rather subhuman. He listed examples, including:

* Vox Day (looks like a washed up alcoholic or drug addict)
* Matt forney (lardass)
* Hiter (homeless).
* Andrew Anglin (manlet with mongoloid features).
* Etc.

He then went on to say that this is all based on the same psychology that the far left is based on. Whereas the far left are privileged rich kids larping as poor minorities in order to get minorities to vote for them, the far right are a bunch of loser degenerates larping as chads to get chads to align with them. He said that both philosophies are pretty much built on projection and deserve to be treated as mental illnesses, not authentic ideologies.

I asked him which ideologies are legitimate. He said that in today's society the only credible belief system that is held by mature adults is a bedrock classical liberalism with some social democratic features to alleviate poverty, and he emphasized "there is no real debate among intelligent people, only the classlib-socdem synthesis is remotely credible, all the other ones are temper tantrums at best, mass psychoses at worst."

Is he right pol?

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Tell your friend he's a dumb faggot.

Your “friend” may be developmentally disabled

your friend is projecting. the right is based in nature.

>Basically he said that the alt-right is a bunch of people who were bullied badly as kids
Stopped reading here. Try harder next time with your concern trolling.

Also alt-right isn't a real thing. It's a label invented by the media to paint libertarians, civic nationalists, white nationalists and aryan brotherhood gangsters all under a single brush.

Wise words from your friend. The dog that barks the loudest gets the bone...but it is still just a dog.

Shekels have been deposited into your account. Thank you for serving the JIDF.

>It's a label invented by the media to paint libertarians, civic nationalists, white nationalists and aryan brotherhood gangsters all under a single brush.

This. When NBC or whoever it was first started talking about the alt-right Jow Forums was laughing its ass off about this made up coalition. But flash forward a year and tons of people were unironically calling themselves alt-right.

P.S. I actually was a bully as a kid but I regret it now that I'm older. I just did what I saw other kids doing.

I have friends who were bullied, and they tend to be somewhat narcissistic, that is have a fragile ego at heart but with a big fake persona built up that constantly needs to be validated. They tend to be leftist and look for validation by imitating what they think popular opinion is.

It's cool that you know Sarg'n.

>Is he right pol?
No. We are the actual Chads who bullied you in high school and the time has finally come for us to save civilization again.

His whole theory is shit. If you're looking for skinny dweeby loser faggots mired in ressentiment, look at Antifa.

The thing is this: American midwits who are dumb enough to get humanities degrees learn all about Gramsci and Adorno and Foucault from their faggot sandal-wearing college teachers. Then go on to write for websites like Jacobin and N+1 or whatever. They think they're the real intelligentsia, since they have their damn degrees. They sneer at conservatism and masculinity because they have been conditioned to do it, obedient puppies that they are. Faced with an organic phenomenon like the alt-right, they defensively resort to the oldest trick in the book: armchair psychoanalysis (this whole "those guys were just bullied as kids" thing).

I bet all alt-righters have small dicks

(But I think OP is trolling. Seems like I got trolled. Oh well.)

No he is as wrong as could be
I was the bully

It's ok, you gave very valid points and I agree with you. Never saw even a remotely buff lefty
They're all weaklings

I did not know monkeys could write so well and make such accurate analyses

>Basically he said that the alt-right is a bunch of people who were bullied badly as kids, internalized the bully tactics (name calling, cool posturing etc) and never got over them. Seeing the severe effects these tactics had on them as kids, they started using them as adults in a bid to demoralize their political enemies like the school bullies did to them.
This isn't exclusive to the right.
>Marxist tactics resemble high school bully tactics, as they basically consist of insults that insinuate weakness, intended to emasculate. Examples include virgin, incel, neckbeard, etc.
>"there is no real debate among intelligent people, only the classlib-socdem synthesis is remotely credible, all the other ones are temper tantrums at best, mass psychoses at worst."
Pretty cringy desu. Your boy sounds like a pretentious fag who never got his nose broken for running his mouth. Everyone thinks they're hot shit until they get punched in the face.

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There's nothing weird about not wanting your race to die out.

No I was never bullied. This is like, the lowest tier of arguments. American History X or "Who hurt you?"

This is your best effort OP?

More like the SJWs and antifas are the people who were bullied and grew up in resentment. It's simple really, they're usually ugly and/or not concerned with outward appearance (won't accept that looks matter), they operate in groups (protection), and they virtue signal to get acceptance they never got as a child.

"Alt-right", or more likely, gamers, that congregated on the chans, are generally outcasts - people who don't conform to the social norms and were likely ostracized by their peers. Sure, some are bullying victims, and some are bitter and irrational, but I would fathom to guess that most are reasonable people who realize that the western society is ridiculous and is destroying itself. Being reasonable is also a curse, as you realize that you most likely won't achieve jack shit, so you in turn you get Jow Forums, a board to meet up and laugh as the civilized world is falling to pieces...

The only the thing where you are right with Bully mentality is when it comes to the whole Chad and Virgin thing.
While fun in a lot of ways and good in the sense that it creates inspiration to better oneself and become a strong, steel willed happy person many cunts on here have a view of "Chad" and an obsession with it that either screams that they are still in school or never got over it.
There is no one singular "Chad" type who always ticks the same boxes and is the only one who gets girls.

Dude nobody cares about the (((alt-right)))... these guys are tools being propped up by the media. It's just your millenial version of David Dude. These tards are totally irrelevent.

HOWEVER... Vox Day is excepted. The dude is legit and he's a serious behind he scenes mover. But he's not alt fucking whatever. He's patient zero for the culture war on SJW's.

Also, your friend is doing a classic ad hominem, an elaborate one. Not one single criticism I've heard of anything on the right starts or even includes their ideas. Do you notice how he takes it immediately to the persons and character??

>There is no one singular "Chad" type who always ticks the same boxes and is the only one who gets girls.
That's why there are so many variants to the Chad vs. Virgin meme. The underlying archetype is one thing, but it has many varied manifestations in reality.

>Dude nobody cares about the (((alt-right)))... these guys are tools being propped up by the media.
>HOWEVER... Vox Day is excepted. The dude is legit and he's a serious behind he scenes mover. But he's not alt fucking whatever. He's patient zero for the culture war on SJW's.
t. Vox Day

it's definitely him lol

Grug think pebbleson not truthful.

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if any alt-righter told their therapist what they were really thinking, theyd be put on anti-psychotics.

Wooow, look at that.

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No. Liberals want to replace wealthy Anglo Saxon and other European kids with mob whites. They do this because they didn’t get approval from the Europeans as kids. They were made fun of for talking funny, or being fat, or being gay, or dressing weird, etc.
Now they want to kill all of the rich and privileged and replace them with subhumans so they can finally be the leader of the pack. Leftists want to be leaders, so they try to bring in people they can lead.
Not sure about the right, but where I live most popular kids are the sons of wealthy republicans. How does this fit your theory? Maybe the alt right is full of a lot of former lefties that just happened to get red pilled.

You dweebs have such delusions of grandeur that you think Vox Day would be in your precious little thread.

I was an ancap when the alt right label came about

This. Also, the right aspires to BE Chad, while the left tries to rationalize why it's ok to be the virgin. (Which is virgin behavior in and of itself). Also, being Chad is more than just sex. People can be the virgin archetype even if they aren't technically virgins.

>everyone who disagrees with me is actually mentally ill

your friend is literally a giant faggot trying to use armchair psychoanalysis to delegitimize his opponents, which is even worse than "bullying people for being weak" because it's passive aggressive and refuses to attempt to take the high ground of the argument by pretending there isn't one.

I actually have more respect for antifa than your faggot friend only because they at least have the decency to claim they're right. You friend is just a slimey loser who has to pretend that there is no argument to be had in order to shelter his worldview. Pathetic.

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>"connected in alt-right circles"
get necked faggot

They're mentally defective. I have a master's degree in a liberal art. I thought I was a lefty because I grew up in a small conservative town and my parents taught me the boomer version of leftism (unions are good, colorblindness in regards to prejudice), but once I got into college and realized that I would be forced to denounce and resent MYSELF in order to be taken seriously, and that that respect would evaporate in an instant if the correct progressive opinion changed overnight and I didn't get the memo, I couldn't take them seriously. Any group who forces you to disown yiur family, hate yourself, and dedicate your life towards repenting is a fucking cult. Full stop.


Clean your room...

And THEN Play the game.

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Most alt righters and racists in general have very tiny penises lol. Your friend is completely right

Non whites**

Where's your meme flag now BISSHHH

People on here are the only generation z kids in the entire western world that are against sex and like being a virgin until they find the right girl. You are another clueless one

sounds bretty fucking lucid to me.

>alt right
Definitely correct for the niggers who self identify as such though.

I never used the faggy ancap flag, I used the confederate one for a few months though.

That is the dumbest fucking high school level retarded shit that I have read in some time, and that is saying a lot here on Jow Forums. Your friend is a clueless moron and so are you. It goes in all fields, kike faggot.

>stop larping
>all you need is around 10 million whites

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>People can be the virgin archetype even if they aren't technically virgins.
There's a the Virgin Chad vs. the Chad Virgin variant too.

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>(manlet with mongoloid features).

Coffee must have been strong this morning! Excellent commentary my boys!!

Experience tells me that those bullied go to the left side, we re they can be in their safe spaces and praise equality so they can all be equally weak, shit bait 0/10

there is no such thing as the alt right you memeflag faggot
that shit is some crap that (((they))) made up to box in their wide variety of opponants

>1 post from this ID

Guess how I know you’re another AstroTurf shill. Guess.

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>the only alternative to being far left or far right is to be a liberal with social democratic ideals

yeah youre a retard.

hi, /leftypol/, trying a slightly different tach on the same tired ass pasta today?

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I uburonically agree 100$

Yes, t. Phonefag

We was doing well up to the point that he believes there is any difference in any political movement. All of them are based on establishing loyalty from those that are in a position of lower status. Either by promise of title, or position, or just the illusion there of. No difference in any of them for the last few thousand years.

What do you mean by " that I would be forced to denounce and resent MYSELF in order to be taken seriously" ?

>not wanting savage shitskins flooding into my country and ruining everything, lowering the quality of life, and raping and murdering my children means I was bullied as a kid
I had a perfectly normal childhood I grew up with two parents in a well off neighborhood had plenty of friends, went to private schools, went to college, was briefly in a fraternity, have a BS in biology (real degree, is mundane point) have a great job, make plenty of money, and own my own house. I have everything going for me. Being able to recognize that not all humans are equal, because not all countries are equal, doesn’t mean I’m projecting or some nonsense. I hate these pseudo-Freud’s that try to make deep conclusions about the human psyche based on your politics. No brown people and brown people countries suck, and I don’t want them coming here. Nobody is clamoring to move to Fucking Brazil or Nigeria or Afghanistan, why would I want those people here? America doesn’t have magical soil, it is nothing but the sum of it’s people

>armchair psychoanalysis
I'm going to steal that term, it's a perfect descriptor for all the mental gymnastics people do to explain to themselves why others think/say/do stuff outside of tge Overton window.

They're unable to even consider the idea that they themselves are wrong, so they come up with wacky explanatory theories such as the one OP's friend came up with.

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>"there is no real debate among intelligent people, only the classlib-socdem synthesis is remotely credible, all the other ones are temper tantrums at best, mass psychoses at worst."
Your imaginary friend is a massive faggot

I don't even know what alt-right is at this point. Can't keep up with all the terms. I am somewhat right on the scale despite the fact that I had a pretty good childhood / parents / family / upbringing. Mostly because on the left side you have topics that you can't discuss some topics without being called *insert insult here*, which seems to me that a lot on the left suffered from being bullied.

of course he is, but that's just a long way of saying "trumpcucks are cucks", which is just a tautology

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That is not how it happened.

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>1 post by this ID
Stop responding to bait.

>Hiter (homeless).
Homeless at like 18-20 years old dumbass.

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>My "Friend"
>Jordan peterson
>Armchair psychology about an anonymous collective he has literally never met in real life.

Yeah, this thread is trash.

Mic drop

>CIA psyop richard spencer coins the term Alt right