So Vicious

I would hate working for ICE. They are equivalent to a Nazi Death-squad in progressive's minds

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If I was a merrimut I'd apply.

This sounds like it was written by a 13 year old wanna-be street operator. Like he's out there giving real hood advice.

>equivalent to a Nazi Death-squad

One can dream...

how does pouring sugar on cement sabotage ice

I would love it but I can't speak Spanish and I don't care to learn their savage Mexican speak just to arrest some emaciated third worlders.

>how to rack up federal criminal charges

I just woke up like four minutes ago and thought I couldn't figure it out because I'm tired. I was too afraid to ask and get called dumb.

Whats cement got to do with anything

Why does this man hate cement so much?

>in their mind

No surprise here. Criminals supporting criminals.

he is a leaf pokemon


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>How to sabotage those sabotaging ice

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he left out going to Home Depot, using his moms credit card, renting a jackhammer then blasting out the concrete so they needed to replacement

Basically this
But fuck it, let them

ICE pours concrete on immigrant children

Reminder that the Left when pressed hate police and the military just as much as they hate ICE.

Yeah, this it extremely edgy. Why bleach and not sugar or piss? What did he mean by this?

>also fuck concrete

>Gangbanger thinks he can fight the feds

Theses people are hours of entertainment

and it's actually border patrol that stops people at the border and puts them in cages. Nothing to do with ICE

Potato spelled with E. Retard confirmed

Ooooooooorrrrrr jjjjjuuuuuusssssttttt dddddoooooonnnnnn’tttt coooooome here illegally.

I don't get the cement thing...

Let’s talk about concrete shall we?

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potato confirmed

>I would hate working for ICE. They are equivalent to a Nazi Death-squad in progressive's minds
Seems like a really fun job if you like liberal tears

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It's not a he, it's an ugly walljumper girl with a mustache. She probably wrote bleach because there was a moderately popular tech site on JT that had a segment on putting bleach in an engine and it stopped the engine.

Bulba is a chemist


It prevents "new" (means wet) cement to get hard.

libertarian Jow Forums would have supported them

Link to the tweet?

Sugar doesn't dissolve in gasoline. It'll sit there forever, worst it does is clog a fuel filter. Drop gas tank, empty fuel, rinse, reinstall. Its like a $400 operation to fix if the filter gets clogged, but overall it doesn't do any serious damage.

>sitting on my patio
>surrounded by light colored cement

How bad is it that I'm not even surprised?

Well, that was interesting. Quality post.

Oh ok. I would think there'd be a more fun substance to use but maybe I'm wrong.

Yes but how does that fuck with immigrant deporters Hans?

>pour sugar on new cement to prevent it from setting
What does this have to do with immigration agencies?

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Obviously but how does that stop ice?

Is he suggesting leaving around a bunch of booby trapped sidewalk pieces in the hopes an officer will step in it?

That's pretty dumb

You can´t drive on wet concrete.

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dunno but it sounds street af in his brainlet head.

Why would people just go around pouring concrete?

"pouring sugar" is something that a nanny would think about doing

Did Dan Quayle write this?

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>damn white people and their
*shuffles cards*

Okay ICE can't drive but neither can literally anybody else? I'm still confused. Do Americans have special immigration lanes?

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>doesn't want government work, salary, hazard pay, benefits, regard for keeping our country a little safer for all
>would probably take every government dole they could get their grimy lil hands on

Yup, sounds like a regressive retard to me.

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Maybe that's how they think they'll stop the wall?


Yeah but libertarianism is dead.

Maybe on a newly built section of "the wall"?

Sugar syrup...

You hate them because Trump is using them to bust the pedo rings. I love ICE

They are probably more stressed from dealing with mexican criminals than from reading shit written by twitter basedboy.

>They are equivalent to a Nazi Death-squad in progressive's minds
just wait until they see the RWDS, lmao.

Working for Trump or ICE must be easy as fuck right? Like, how many people are lining up saying "make me a target of extremist liberal shitheads"?


fuck, i thought replacing it with russian 'o' would work.

>progressive's minds
The only thing they progress into is another holocaust.

Google it, Hans

>ICE keeps people in shitty makeshift prisons, how inhuman!
>here's how to prevent them from building proper facilities

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A way to really show Ice is to sneak in one of their cars, fart, and then leave it locked up. They'll know you mean business

We don't call them liberals. We call them pro illegal extremists.

Aren't ICE taxpayer funded?
Won't all this "resistance" just take money from other public causes they harp on about?

This user has ideas!

These people think "taxpayer funded" means unlimited magic sky money. There's only a finite amount when it comes to the wall, ICE or other shit they don't like. Otherwise it's just evil white Christians being withholding to be mean.

I met a spic ICE agent, he said he does his job with great joy and goes the extra mile capturing illegals, he says they are the ones that give hispanics a bad name with many joining gangs and raising the drunk driving incidents, what a timeline.

No, they just don't fucking pay taxes and therefor taxpayer funded means rich-people funded.

There's that, too. Austin is a good example of people voting for every project to get funded and can't afford property taxes anymore, though. The shitlibs mind can be an empty place where desire and feel goods can't check in with reality once in a while.

imagine hating americans this much

Tribalism in Spic community isn't as bad as Nigger's

Making the wall

Why do i keep coming back here? I hate this place and everything i learn here kills me a little more inside.

t. came here to troll da ebil drumpfkin nazis and now doesn't know what to think

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I cam here many years ago for the lulz. After habo, and got stuck. No trolling but ive got family. I justeant to be normal again. Fuck you faggots.

one of us! one of us! gooble gobble! gooble gobble!

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>knife those fucking ICE tires
They mean those truck tires on vehicles that are GVWR 10000 and up? Please do. The resulting explosion should propel them back over the wall and straight to hell.

You're here forever fren. ONE OF US


>defeating a federal government agency perpetually funded with millions of dollars by using petty vandalism and being an annoyance
Good luck with that.

Fuck you. I want to vote for hillary and drink onions. I want to enjiy the switch and collect nerd toys again. Im tired of lifting and shooting. I hate feeling like the end of the world is around the corner. I hate all of you you bastards why won't the day of the rope sweep me up? Im so tired i just want a home where my kids can grow up safe. But im white, my family is white. Why couldn't i be born a souless degenerate?????

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I remember a college roommate that bought many of those sticky dildos as a joke in university. He stuck them wherever he could so long as it was impossible to remove them without a ladder.

You're an absolute animal.

Because you are a Jewnigger shilltard.

Because deep down you care. Or at least you want to see all of this burn down into ashes. Either way leads to the same result.

That a boy!

6 ways to get into jail fast.

Working for ICE is a wet dream. I love being hated by people who I have no respect for.

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When did Dan Quayle join pantifa?

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user you let the memes control and dictate you too much. If you want to enjoy the switch again then do so. Just don't be a s o ifag about it. If you want to collect nerd toys again then do so. Just moderate yourself. Keep lifting. Keep practicing shooting. You think I enjoy that feeling? You think any of us here do? Consider yourself fortunate for being someone who could still see through the bs even though you have a family. Most people with kids have a tendency to go along to get along. Anons with kids don't have the time to devote to uncovering the mysteries of this world like neet anons do. Consider yourself fortunate.

Get me a link to this tweet so I can report it to the FBI

I want to die

Keep fighting faggot. We'll all make it.

This is part of their brilliant plan to win support for their cause by being annoying cunts who piss off all of the moderates.

The FBI consists of idiots and traitors. They won't do anything.

I've tried and i physically can't. There is one game i can stand to play. And only when my friend playa with me. My only hobbies now are reading and woodworking and i hate both but feel alive when i do them. Why do we have to feel dead? The kikes may the one true God damn them for the sins they commit, are the ones who run this world, why did we have to be born now? Why did i have kids now? He could have made me celebate or sterile. The end is near and the world keeps on like nothing is happening.

>not having a locked gas door