what does Jow Forums think of brazil ?
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Very gay, very ugly and very racemixed.
Would be a good country if you replaced the local population with Asians or Whites.
> what does Jow Forums think of brazil ?
we didn't
Loirinhas gostosas.
I jack off exclusively to Brazilian dickgirls, some of the most attractive goddesses in the world. Way prettier than most Amerifats.
I caught hpv from a canadian girl while I was there on vacation.
9/10 would ride bareback again.
>what does Jow Forums think of brazil ?
Delicious soup?
Novinhas gostosa.
Fuck, a quad :D
Having writing on your flag should be a crime
ugh. white girl's flat ass.
my gf is from Brazil pic related never been there tho
It's a piece of trash.
This is what all of /pol thinks of br*zil
Meme Genius Bettynho
Would be better of if we had not imported millions of niggers
Your women are sluts
3/5 needs empire
I eat people
I thought they are actually hard to get, I had to "court" my Brazilian flatmate while at uni for over a month before she caved in.
This meme ages quite well.
If Bolsonaro wins a 7
If Bolsonaro wins and does everything on his plans 9
Now a light 3 to a solid 2
Its one of the best
You have some great stuff.
Bossa Nova and Samba
You are literally the nightmare that Sweden can become.
This video is Brazil in a nutshell:
Two dudes on a bike try to mug two other dudes standing around, who then pull a gun and steal the muggers' bike.
Basically a nation of criminals preying on criminals.
Are you blind? That ass is rather bulbous.
I dont think much of it and when I do, this image pops in my head.
They are a disowned shithole child that keeps on blaming us for their mistakes.
Uncultured retards who think they are better than everyone, especially us.
Wherever a Brazilian must go he must say shit like "BRAZIL CARALHO" despite migrating somewhere else.
I hate and despise then, want nothing to do with them. Their women don't even have the so proclaimed "bunda", thats just a meme, they are manly.
They act like niggers, always ready to dance and be loud whenever there's a chance. Extremely uncivilized.
They are 100 years ahead of what muricans will look like.
> talking shit about how blacked other countries are
Ok moortugal
you and mexico have producing some of the best gore videos lately