Slavs are the lowest form of life

Slavs are the lowest form of life.
At least Blacks, Pakistanis or Indians can adapt to western lifestyle and behave like humans.

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muhammad, what are you still doing here, there are drugs to be delivered, people to to get stabbed


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I wish all the slavs would go back. They shit up my country.

If all the slavs went away then you wouldnt have anymore white people in your countries.

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good joke andrey

How many scientists responsible for making great findings in chemistry, how many great writers and you brainlet still think they are subhuman? You and your youth are a fucking disgrace known to get trashed wherever you go and cause problems. Also you have worst looking women in Europe.

>How many scientists responsible for making great findings in chemistry

Distilling vodka from potatoes is not exactly an achievement beneficial to all mankind Adolf

They look whiter than your average brit, no joke.

>Blacks, Pakistanis or Indians