I was at a speed dating event last night for the second time. Just like the first time, it was full of smart, pretty, successful women in their thirties and forties and men of similar ages with manual labor jobs (and a few running their own manual labor businesses) but no men of equivalent professional or educational status except for one doctor. Why he was there, I do not know, as he made it clear that he was not really looking to date anyone. He did however buy me a drink in the bar afterwards and asked me what I thought of the event. I said I would be unlikely to go again because I have nothing in common to talk about with the men that I have met at these events.
He proceeded to give me a lecture as to why I shouldn’t automatically dismiss dating the two guys who were responsible for service washes in the launderette as they may be perfectly nice people and that career women in their thirties get what they deserve if they don’t. I am just wondering how many other men think like this? For me, it seems plain common sense that, while professional women with masters degrees may be compatible with men in less successful professions, the guy that left school with no qualifications to work in the launderette is highly unlikely to be a good fit.
It is not the first time that I have come across the attitude that career women deserve to be alone if they don’t want to date men without any education, or men a generation older, or the obese. I am just wondering how many men really think like this.
Because feminism has driven men out of the university and into lower paying jobs while instilling women as fixture and preferential in the university and token hire for made-up jobs.
Oliver Reed
>to date men with lower education, why? Because if they want a family that is all they can get
Ian Wood
Jace Allen
>Women in their 30s and 40s Are worthless trash. No man wants these old hags. They're learning they've been lied to, that an "educated" career woman whore is not what any man wants. But now they're too old
Colton Smith
Women want to "date up" and get higher-status men, but they also want to "smash the glass ceiling" and hold all the same high-status/paying jobs that men do. They want to be equal to men while also having men that are better than themselves. Obviously you cannot square this circle, and the result is hordes of catladies who "succeed" so much in their meme careers that they end up removing themselves from the gene pool and becoming single childless catladies.
Kayden Rodriguez
cause they got memed hard Your saggy old ass is irrelevant and no amount of education is going to help you
Noah Ortiz
Because they are in their 30s and 40s and losing their most desirable qualities: Youthfulness and fertility.
Women don't like poor men and men don't like old dried up women.
Jeremiah Morris
Fippybippy next thread
Mason Garcia
How come it never occurs to them that men don't give a fuck about their meme tier degrees and just want a young thot with fat tits? It's as obvious as women wanting men with money and status.
Hunter Davis
Ian Ward
>equal professional or education status this is why. women in general don't understand the philosophy behind success or how ideas are formed. men will typically not congregate based on achievements alone, but rather shared interests, developments in a certain field, or potential areas of improvement in said field. women however will get a bachelor's or whatever, then gravitate toward other people with a bachelor's and then talk about how they all have bachelor's. men look at the logic, sense, and applicability of ideas, regardless of paperwork and will weigh them against other ideas through discussion. >it's just a piece of paper argument a la the pro gay marriage argument
Bentley Brown
>I deserve a rich well educated man because I say so ! Yeah the dating market doesn't really work like that, beggars can't be choosers.
John Ward
More like: >Women Didn't read
Christopher Baker
>old hags sassy old hags
Kevin Rivera
They just don't get it that very few men are attracted their success, ambition and status. The men they covet also have no problem in marrying down. I'm finishing my masters and currently dating a woman working in catering, and feel perfectly happy and cozy with her.
Elijah Kelly
I don't want to date and marry an equal. I like smart women, but smart women know how to follow strong men. All your degrees and titles tell me you're trying to be a man, and unless I'm proven wrong and you are a good supporter woman, I'm not going to be attracted, either mentally or physically.
Levi Jones
lol the doctor specifically showed up just to shit on career women and laugh in their face, zero intention of dating any of them.
Who told her that a career is valuable for women in the dating market? Why isn't she holding that party accountable?
Oh right. Antisemitism
Ethan Peterson
I never met a man who wanted a succesful or ambitious women. Personally I want a happy one, I never see ambitious people that are happy - they always chase the next thing.
Kevin James
you really got to be a simp to date women in their 30's and 40's anyway
The conundrum is that every man wants an intelligent woman, if for no other reason than to have intelligent kids. But at the same time, the women who go to college are often indoctrinated slags. It used to be that successful men used college-education among women as a shibboleth to determine who was from good stock, but this simply doesn't work anymore.
Honestly, at this point I'd be down with just straight-up having your girlfriend take an IQ test before considering engagement/children.
Smart guys don't want strong independent women who will take 75% of everything they own and offer nothing in return. Besides, throughout 95% of human history men supported women financially. Maybe it's their turn now.
Charles Nguyen
>t.roastie is mad when the one guy she is interested in tells her, you are too old and should just date one of the guys your age who you feel are beneath you because they aren't as educated as you.
Blake Nguyen
>man wants an intelligent woman, if for no other reason than to have intelligent kids women are all mostly average intelligence It would be better to look at her brothers/father
Noah Brooks
It is quite ironic that part of the reason modern women fall for success meme is that they would not have to marry some beta, but when they finally would like to marry someone only the worst of those betas are interested anymore.
Levi Howard
the key word here is "men" mind you. libtard beta fag professors and other "educated" elites will totally congregate based on degrees alone then wax poetic about how the ignorant and stupid nameless and faceless masses don't understand the finer points of fart sniffing.
Carter Brown
Date no but I'd love to fuck a lot of them, problem is they still have high standards these days.
David Hill
Christian Rogers
She'll still try to blame those betas for her decisions.
Lincoln Scott
because the men with good careers are dating girls in their early-20s rather than these dried-up whores. >i wasted my most sexually high-value years working on my career (that i hate) and having casual sex (on birth control) and now the men my age don't want me lmao
Mason White
>The conundrum is that every man wants an intelligent woman wut?
Ryan King
You mean to tell me stuck up narcassistic white women dont want to date anyone they see as socially lower than them? How unbelievably shocking
Well you should be looking at her family regardless because making sure she comes from an unbroken home with a healthy relationship to her father is even more important.
Asher Reyes
Lots of tradesmen earn more than womyn with meme degrees ever will, but despite the wealth the are still considered to be beneath cool wine aunts.
Andrew Hernandez
Austin Garcia
Because if you're desperate enough to go speed dating, then you're too desperate to just dismiss people before getting to know them (I mean, fuck, that's the entire point of speed dating - getting to know people quickly).
Jacob Watson
tl;dr: women btfo
Blake Miller
Women get massive government support and help getting into higher education. Of course there's a massive imbalance between them and men who want to date them. All the successful guys are after young mother material, not 30+ women that have rejected the idea of being moms and wives.
If you put your efforts into being a provider like a man, like say by going to higher education for years, don't be shocked when you're treated like a man and need to drastically lower your expectations and how valuable society actually sees you as in the dating market.
James Harris
Because jews made education about memorization and credentialsm so everyone could play against the white man
Sebastian Campbell
Because men of her "calibur" are fucking women 6-8 years younger than her. See? Shallow, superficial expectations go both ways, dumb cunt.
Jordan Perry
women in their 30's and 40's aren't as valuable as women in their 20's. that's just biology.
Liam Torres
It's not so much about wealth as status. Plumbers and electricians make good money, but those are still "icky blue collar pleb jobs". It's the same basic idea as how women are constantly clamoring to get more women in STEM jobs but not, oh say, underwater welder jobs.
Jose Sanders
Men of similar education having the same age are either married or looking for younger women. There is no reason for them to settle down for some old hag that rode the cock carusell. Simply put ... men will fuck you but when they want to settle they will look for the untouched lady
Jack Rogers
>women however will get a bachelor's or whatever, then gravitate toward other people with a bachelor's and then talk about how they all have bachelor's
>no men of equivalent professional or educational status
LOL fuck women.
Adrian Lewis
>It's the same basic idea as how women are constantly clamoring to get more women in STEM jobs but not, oh say, underwater welder jobs.
Thomas Hughes
>women in their 30's and 40's aren't as valuable as women in their 10's
Charles Myers
Why is this even a problem? Today at the highway I saw workers building a new road. Some of them were bare chest, tanned, good muscle and were so sweaty they looked like they were oiled up.
If a woman has money why would she even want pic related? Go for a guy you can fuck ffs.
Or do they want "Christian Grey"? So a man that's rich but also a good looking chad? If so, it's their own fault.
Because the doctors and high-power lawyers that they feel as though are worthy of their Gender-studies educated selves go for much younger women. Because, in effect, they can.
You can't have your cake and eat it too...
Jack Thomas
>women in their 30s and 40s stopped reading I don't care about this demographics, about their successes and struggles, all kinds of statistics, I simply don't give a shit about them
Caleb Torres
please stop posting this
Owen Thompson
>Have a successful career >Will still happily divorce a man and cuck him out of 50%+ everything he's ever worked for
Why do women just not get it like literally I'm starting to believe the smaller brain thing
Elijah Nguyen
you fucking pedo degenerate; this isn't /b/.
Asher King
women in their 30's and 40's are human waste
Jeremiah Price
One shall not fuck a woman in her 30s, for she is the most likely to get pregnant, a refuse to abort. One shall only fuck women in their early 20's and 40s.
Tyler Mitchell
True, but it says a lot about your social status if you made it to 30 and still don't have at least a BA. Even if its in nothing, it can be the difference between working a pointless office job for 45k a year or working the cash register at target. I've seen it personally.
it's not that it doesn't occur to them, women innately know what the mating value is of a woman, or else they wouldn't become uncomfortable on the sight of a man marrying a younger girl or watching said younger girl show off her taut, nice figure in a bikini when at the beach they're basically keeping their mouth shuts to see if they can find a guillable retard (they won't) that fits their standard and will marry them (him) thinking that they're the cream of the crop
Carson Torres
Are you telling me this problem will solve itself?
Camden Adams
They want Christian Grey, aka the full package. Tall, ripped, good looking but extremely smart and professional. They're that deluded.
Austin Morgan
Place must've been crawling with executive assistants, chief visionary strategists, office administrators, and h.r.
LOL It's like they really can't fathom men don't want haughty career women. They want nice young girls with firm tits and supple asses.
Brandon Hall
>He proceeded to give me a lecture
Random stranger gives other random stranger that they have just met a lecture.
Does this happen in the USA?
Anthony Richardson
>45k a year or working the cash register at target
Where the fuck do you make this kind of money working a cash register?
Sign me the fuck up. Fuck what I'm doing now.
Juan Jenkins
this is a google picture, retard. Do you think I stop at a highway to make a photo?
Also I don't care if it would be creepy. Men make pics of random women all the time and attractive men deserve to be acknowledged.
Ayden Moore
>They want nice young girls with firm tits and supple asses.
How many of these are there to go around though? In the US, not many. Even harder to meet them once you're out of college and working. But I forgot this is Jow Forums, everyone is 27 years old making 100k a year and fucking 18 - 19 year old 10/10 virgin they met off tinder.
Jonathan Rodriguez
Such men do exist. The issue being is that they do not go for the Cool Wine Aunt types. They go for the younger sister who went into nursing instead...
Isaac Hernandez
Put the bong down, I said "OR"
Joshua Scott
>construction workers don't have any power That's why.
Cameron Allen
i wonder why do people think that a college education translates into intelligence. especially here at Jow Forums where we've seen the hordes of retarded cucks that spout marxist propaganda after they've been mind-virused in such colleges I can accurately judge the intelligence of a person by how well spoken he/she is and how perceptive they are, but it takes a while as in you need to hang out with them, a degree will never tell me they're smart unless it's STEM
brainlet read it again. He said a BA is the diff between 45k/year dead end office job or working a cash reg.
Jack Anderson
This is what they want, not what they get and they will settle for less, just like your dad did.
Bentley Johnson
>Do you think I stop at a highway to make a photo? Post the damn picture bitch. We know you took it. Also post bob and vagegey
Jack Nguyen
could be but actually I generally like "simple" men more than white collar guys. I would like to live at the countryside with a man who can use his hands for manual work. I have asperger and have a feeling i have a male brain since I objectify male bodies a lot so I don't care much if a man has a "career" if I don't want to see him naked.
Jackson Clark
Honestly most women with high IQs look for a good looking guy that works out and is loyal, being intelligent is a bonus.
When you're in the upper percentiles you know the chance of finding someone that's at your level, age-bracket, physical appeal and ethical outlook is pretty improbable. Good looking (as in works out and takes care of themself) and good person is enough.
yes the social status indicator is hard to avoid, but it is typically women who drive this paradigm. they want the power suits, to wear pants, be CEOs, etc. Men, whether CEOs or mechanics ,recognize the need for one other and will also recognize sense or nonsense emanating from one another's mouths regardless of degree, position, etc. >behold the man himself majority of women with mindvirus can see nothing else but the degree, the paycheck, the car, the watch, the widget, the doodad, the thingamajig. no job is pointless and men know this, that is why men are found in ALL jobs from president to garbage man. whether men realize it is because of their degree or lack thereof is irrelevant when we consider the social and economic benefit of the "job"
Chase Butler
I only date women who have more education than me.
I don't see why I should have to settle for an idiot. It's really hard to find a good woman these days.
Jeremiah Baker
>and have a feeling i have a male brain And a male body too no match no doubt.
Dumb cunt. Jesus i cant believe you were given voting rights. You will literally vote for some guy just because he's handsome and completely ignore everything else.
A woman who cannot settle down with a man before her early 20's is damaged goods
Owen Flores
Men are expected to put up with bitchy women who can't cook or clean, why?
Cooper Campbell
Because men are smart enough to realize that they don't need tampons in the men's room, and that is what modern "education" is.
Evan Martin
> Women in their 30s and 40s are expected to date men with lower education, why? Oy vey, whatever happened to feminist's quest against objectification? Surely, a man is not his wallet, dick, experience, achievements and assets. He's a person, he has personality - that's what really matters! Or not?
Alexander Harris
Someone hitting straight A's in university is pretty reliably intelligent. It doesn't mean they're right, but you should be able to infer they're above average in pure mental potential/ability.