Where did these crazy neo-nazi, white supremacist, KKK, fascist...

Where did these crazy neo-nazi, white supremacist, KKK, fascist, racist white men get the idea that the Jews are attempting to replace whites?

Attached: 1502769914035.jpg (3072x2044, 1.13M)

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Attached: DH_o8crVoAAUjK5.jpg (873x1024, 205K)

Attached: Alex Edelman.png (640x1126, 354K)

Attached: pssst we're totally gonna replace you.png (640x511, 59K)

Please look into the Kalergi plan.

I'm Jewish. There's nothing wrong with being Jewish.

Attached: 1533152636279.png (1491x838, 1.79M)

who cares.
freedom of speech.

link to tweet for "things"

>"Demography Is the Key of Everything"

Attached: 1457288635723-0.jpg (1394x3526, 1.36M)

Visit the archive link for the original twitter URL.

Attached: 1518419919492.jpg (640x524, 70K)

>Where did these crazy neo-nazi, white supremacist, KKK, fascist, racist white men get the idea that the Jews are attempting to replace whites?

Attached: 32144kalergi.07feb05a.jpg (587x330, 13K)

Page doesn't exist, sad.

Archive.is URLs are case sensitive.


How are random Jewish citizens replacing you? Makes no sense when you think about it.

Attached: commoncause.png (909x923, 617K)

>replacing us with shitskins

How is a Jewish citizen doing that when they have no political power

This can't be real, can it?

No one is saying that "random" Jews are replacing whites. Critiques of "the Jews" is not an indictment of every Jew in society.

she would be a real crappy me. i doubt she reaches the level of pure hate and limitless racism i put out on a daily basis

Wait a minute. The jew r white r u white people larping as non jew so u could keep larping as white supremacist hmmmmmm i understand now...
