Well Jow Forums? What ARE you going to do?
Well Jow Forums? What ARE you going to do?
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Get a sweet bear shirt look that guy in the middle has!
>dead center has pot belly
>trip over rock
>break 15 of your basedbones
Looks like you guys are having a great hike. Nature is very beautiful.
Cheers user *siiiiip*
Ps. Here is a photograph of myself and the guys,hah Arnold isn such a prankster
You can tell by looking in the eyes of each one of those fuckers that they expect everyone else do the fighting for them.
>they are all blonde
Nords really are the biggest cucks
They are going to train, and become right wingers when their useless balls start producing testosterone again
Someone let me off this ride, I feel bad shitting on these people at this point
I wonder if they had a filthy man on man sex orgy.
laugh in their face
I have that same green jacket
The boomer meme always reminds me of big lez show
Tons of people do, it's the Salvation Army Special.
I'm gonna chuckle a bit
The fact that they train is a real problem. Experience in sparring is worth much more than body type and they are gaining it.
The only method of transport these commies should be using is the helicopter.
Crush all 6 of them with my little finger
>those arms
my neck is bigger than those arms.
They weren't sparring. Look at them. Not a drop of sweat or a red face.
These faggots went to the woods, talked about how much they hated their dads and capitalism, sucked each others dicks, took this picture, then LARPed online for their faggot facebook friends.
Everyone knows the most effective training is done once every six months for an hour or two.
Those guys are Finns or Swedes and the pic is at least year or two old.
>limp wristed faggots
>wearing shitty hipster clothes
>zero gear with them
I bet they walked half a mile along an established trail, ate some granola, and called it day. Am I replying to bait or what?
Im a fucking stick and I could probably beat these guys in a fight bevause they'll at most punch someone. They wont go all out and attempt to actually tear skin, damage eyes, etc.
Do you honestly think they were sparring
I think it would take more energy to beat my dick than to beat their asses.
>inb4 beat their ashes WITH my dick ;)
Theyre part of the finnish leftist party, not denver antifa
did you look up "useful idiots" in the dictionary and find this picture?
most are so weak just holding their hand up is hard work
Turn in your swastikas lads we're done for...
All of them look super feminine except the one on the right, he looks like a pedophile.
ITT: Jow Forums underestimates their enemy again
Why do you do this?
Is it because you know that you yourself are fat and useless and you cherry pick the weakest examples of your enemies to reassure yourself of your superiority?
*blocks your path*
Are you faggots on damage control right now?
What they claim they are doing is an excellent idea. We should start building up local offline interest groups and start doing this, but less of the photos and more of the training. We'd be like the new free masons.
aren't necks generally bigger than arms?
they'd run away to virtue signal another day
This guy leftist guy "tap water goblin" is meme in Finland. I heard he has some sort of bone sickness tho.
there is something so effeminate about the communist fist
Someone shop this w dildos coming out of their hands
>creepy cross eyed fuck
>pig face
>smug shitskin
>fat chick
>fat chick
>another neckbeard
>that one girl in high school who was akward and smelled funny
>a literal downie
You can't make this shit up.
They only guy who has even the faintest idea of how to fold a hand into a fist is bear shirt guy and he's struggling to keep it together.
These are some pretty limp wrists
I found Waldo!
(bottom left)
>Someone let me off this ride, I feel bad shitting on these people at this point
I honestly agree with you. I normally hate theses fucking clowns, but somehow this makes too much sense. Disenfranchised blonde hair'd kids. I have always felt it wrong to feel "pity" for another man, but In this case I honestly do. I spend time in the woods. I hunt, fish and cannot see any of these guys anywhere close to real "outdoors".
Damn. I feel bad for them. They are going to get doxxed, and they have no way to defend themselves other than slapping you and throwing feces at you.
Or penises for hands
We're going to quietly wonder why a lot of people in the USA have lost their minds and think that Nazis/fascists still exist. Seriously the next time I hear someone say something about Nazis or Fascists I'm gonna flat out ask them if they took their meds today because it's not the 1940s anymore.
>Kiitos Hanavesigoblin :D
Do you believe they were sparring? Do you?
These are people who all think They’re living in a real life Disney movie, pathetic
Honest question: how do you get such buggy whip arms? Imagine laying in the bed, starving yourself for days and days, nothing but water, and that's still hard to achieve.
My theory is that those xen are not so subtly taking female hormones and their muscular growth is being fucked up. Or, they are literally ftm.
Hyped for the next season to come out.
Hard to punch a person with limp wrist, nicht wahr?
I don't have to do shit. They'll die up there because Mother Nature doesn't give shit out for free no matter how much you bitch and complain about how unfair it is.
Only if the other guy is bigger than you. I remember the first time I was punched. A kid that was like a whole head shorter came up and suckerpunched me. It hurt, but I was more angry that a small beta male would dare hit me. So I back handed him so hard he fell over, and I kicked him until he cried.
This is how I'd imagine a fight with the antifas in OP's pic would turn out.
is "sorry not sorry" related to chris chan?
No. They clearly don't know each other. They have no physical contact, no alpha of the group, nothing that resembles a small community fit for encouraging everyone to be better. But if they actually start doing it, we're at a disadvantage.
things like that exist, make on with your friends.
Every other thread is a photo from twitter
The absolute state of this board
The top article is about my little pony fans.
Speak for yourself. I'm 6'3, 210 lbs and go to the gym religiously. I've been in fight sports since I was 14. I'm 28 and wear a suit to work. It would take another 15 of them training for another 2 years attacking me at once before I would consider them a threat.
tfw they dont realize theyre the nazis
>start enjoying the mountains
>learn to fish
>learn to shoot
>learn to survive in the wild
>slowly redpill yourself
They aren't going to do any of that.
Looks like a whole lot of gay priding in the mountains this weekend. Is 6 enough to get their sodomy train full circle or is one going to be left as a caboose?
>not a single arm raised straight up
that image just exudes a waft of weakness, shame and faux-femininity, like a two-week old puff of queef gas passed through a gurgling post-op mexican transexual modified penis pussy
Kek. The only one with enough testosterone to even be interested in girls is a downy.
Is that hanavesigoblin in the bottom pic?
What in the fuck is wrong with blonde men?
Nope, this ride never ends, faggo!
>Well Jow Forums? What ARE you going to do?
Avoid all slap fights with theses guys - their expertise with slapping is legendary.
you fuken druggo
We have retards on both sides, at least ours are shamed enough until they start working on their gullet.
looking at the picture again, my fucking wrist is bigger than their bicep and i've only just started lifting.
The memes are real
Use this picture as motivation to go to the gym literally every single day so that I never end up like that Jesus Christ does this clear lack of respect for their bodies explain their general willingness to accept the mutilation of their weedly cocks in their quest to throw away the last vestiges of responsibility and become grotesque meat sculptures imitating the female form
Cuck Fu isn't sparring you colossal tranny
They are so LOW ENERGY that even Jeb! would beat them.
>still too weak to actually lift up your own arm
Social media whoring will ruin most of that. Anyone who thinks like a neckbeard incel faggot instead of like a professional fighter will want attention. It's a key flaw but can be somewhat countered by a simple rule:
If you start a group, snitching is punishable by severe injury. Not death, because people imagine they are immortal. Loss of a dominant hand for snitching would be fair.
Ha ha gl fags.
t. liberal.
Just put them in prison so my nigga tyrone can clap dem cheeks
*blocks your nationalism*
your move, racists
and people look at me funny every time I look up while walking past a crane
You don't have to cut off a hand for fagots larping. But they do need a beatdown. If you have to think like a pack of dogs. When I was a teenager I grew up surrounded by thugs (European ones). When someone acted out they got slapped. When someone challenged the slapper or someone "above them" you fought. If you fought hard and lost people stopped fucking with you. If you fought hard and won, you could start talking some shit. Just like a pack of dogs.
Wheres my PokeFlute when i need it...
too bad he mistook the tranny for a girl.
>failed to prevent the rise of every fascist government that ever existed
>failed to stop every socialist nation from becoming authoritarian
>believe in using violence against anyone who is not a commie or ANTIFA
>cry that no one else should violence but them and when anyone fights back they go "we wuz just fighting nazis to protect you"
>literally made up of faggot white boys
>shitty appeals to minorities
Those faggots can suck my uncut brown cock