Name me a bigger American hero than Patrick Little alive right now

Hard mode: not Trump

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Whites will become minority with a whimper , they are to scared to do shit!
1950s America 90% white
2020 fewer then 50% white and no outrage.
Just accept your history will be rewritten and statues removed to be replaced with POC .
The old America and Europe has all but gone.
Why don't jew like the new America?

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>Easy mode: not Trump

Patrick "I don't have a fucking chance" Little. Its just not even bait at this point.


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Jimmy Carter

Nobody. He is Rockwell incarnate.

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How is he a hero exactly?


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>I don’t stand a fucking chance

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He's a Jew. Here's proof:

Attached: Patrick-Little-Doxed-You.jpg (2524x2902, 879K)

>mfw all the assaulting and shilling in the world can’t stop Little.

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the next POTUS for sure. cant be stopped!

See:Cry harder shill :)

>pic related
youre using the same methods which failed you. why? are you all this defeated?

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The watery shit I took this morning.

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booty blasted

pls continue failtrolling your way to defeat

buttocks blighted

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>pls continue failtrolling your way to defeat

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>Hole hosed
>buttocks blighted
>Orifice obliterated
>derrière demolished
>prostate pulverized
>Posterior pounded
>Ass assassinated

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>user explains the errors they're making causing them too lose
>too dumb to act on it
wew lad

Candice Owens

Zionist nigger

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George Lincoln Rockwell.
Pat has balls though I'll give him that. He needs to have more charisma and better signs and he can be just as good if not better.
Maybe more organization.

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Captain America, bitch


>da joos

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>not wanting to turn the jew against the jew

fuck off

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Colin flaherty.

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i cant

u wanna fite me, man?

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GLR and Little are both shills, they seem legit becaise that’s what it takes to co-opt a movement. He will only stregthen support for jews and israel, they will play the victim. Jews need left wing jews to be reall left and really zionist. Pat little will do it for him.

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Being an anti semite sperg in real life is just delaying the real awakening to jews. People are not ready to receive his message he is doing more harm than good

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