I just flew home to Poland from a business trip in Canada. Before I left Toronto...

I just flew home to Poland from a business trip in Canada. Before I left Toronto, I took a picture of their grocery store shelves. I was shocked to see the prices of some of these items that cost pennies by me. What you are about to see is the destructive result of Trump's tariffs on the country of Canada. Again this was 100% taken in the city of Toronto, no other city remote or locally, this was 100% in Toronto. Don't let shills till you otherwise.

Attached: Toronto-Canada-Water.jpg (960x720, 143K)

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Attached: toronto-canada-water2.jpg (1200x630, 103K)

seen this thread before. its funny but dishonest. the pics are from some far north remote gas station

Attached: Toronto-Canada-veggies.jpg (960x720, 150K)

Shill #1 right on time

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Fap fap fap

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Fuck Canada

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lmao why the fuck would tariffs have fuck all to do with water prices? Water is usually bottled in the country it's sold, and seeing that Canada is like 40% freshwater lakes why would tariffs affect its price?

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Umm.... we can read the "packaged on" dates on the fruit labels you retard. These photos are from three years ago.

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Here comes Trudeau's storm troopers right on time

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>16.79 Canadian Dollar = 12.77 United States Dollar

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oh look its that polish autist again

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Attached: Toronto-Canada-Corn.jpg (960x720, 97K)

any pics proving where this was?

Attached: toronto-canada-cookies.jpg (704x960, 71K)

Check image name

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Attached: Toronto-Canada-Chocolate-Milk.jpg (620x405, 193K)

Leafs btfo! How will they possibly recover

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Attached: Toronto-Canada-Cheese.jpg (886x498, 120K)

Attached: toronto-canada-cauli.jpg (780x439, 87K)

Iqaluit, Nunavut right? These prices can't be right unless it's that rural shithole.

Attached: Toronto-Canada-Can-Corn.jpg (960x720, 158K)

By becoming the ethnostate

Toronto Canada

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Attached: toronto-canada-bread4.jpg (2592x1936, 2.01M)

what is it with you faggot? You post the same goddamn lie filed thread every fucking other day?

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Attached: Toronto-Canada-Bread3.jpg (625x417, 140K)

KYS shill

Attached: toronto-canada-bread2.jpg (1200x630, 122K)

Just bought corn flakes for 2,50$, fuck off.

You guys know this faggot is showing prices in the fucking Yukon right?

Attached: Toronto-Canada-Berries.jpg (750x562, 66K)

Here comes another one of Trudeau's fucking internet storm troopers

Attached: Toronto-Canada-Beef.jpg (1200x900, 149K)

it's some place way up north, farther up than Iqaluit.
This guy and the Polish guy(might be the same person desu), make these threads every single day for months.
I grown fond of them now.
A case a water here in toronto for that is like $2

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This is a lie you shill. I told you guys that would say this.

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Get rekt meme flag

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