If Jow Forums was actually against pedophilia, you would do something about all of the pedos on Jow Forums.
As you read this thread there are posts on /a/ /c/ and /e/ about fucking little girls. There are active loli porn threads on /b/. /v/ is discussing child rape games and /tv/ talks about their favorite underage actresses. /mlp/ is filled almost entirely with pedophiles.
Get your own house in order first before you start bitching about other websites Jow Forums
In a free market economy, the widespread availability of privately owned child sex businesses will actually reduce the overall level of child abuse...because we'll get rid of all that red tape about reporting these abuses.
Lucas Flores
Red tape is a spook.
Adam Sanders
The only antis are retarded newfags. >/tv/ talks about their favorite underage actresses I like a Maya. What lolis you guys like? youtu.be/zy7OOtTcMH0
it's better to have pedos fapping to cartoons then molesting kids.
Julian Butler
privately owned child sex businesses are child abuse you sick fuck.
Isaac Cooper
t. spook
Grayson Foster
Every Jow Forums thread is a pedo thread. Girlchildren are owned by their fathers. It is a father's right to have sex with his daughters.
Joshua Thomas
>Every Jow Forums thread is a pedo thread. Got any proof to back that up? >No, but I FEEL that way! Gofuckyourself.cactus We cannot stop monsters from using an anonymous Chilean bread baking forum.
Joshua Ortiz
>It is a father's right to have sex with his daughters.
Probably 90% of the anime loli obsessed 4channers wont agree to interact with little girls in real life.
Ethan Harris
You do realize the girls they are after are not real right?
Christian Torres
The logic here is that you delegate most life decisions of a kid to her parents anyway, as well as hold them responsible for her behavior. So if you want to be honest about it you should either allow the kid to decide her gender (or consent to sex) or you should reserve this power for her parents which would allow them to whore her out at will.
Well, it is. A man owns his daughters, he made them, he can fuck them if he wants. >I only like pretend little girls, not real little girls You do realize no one actually believes this, right? youtu.be/AK2hVpzGsZk
Ayden Carter
No they r based
Brandon Anderson
that's bullshit pedo logic and you know it.
Jose Gutierrez
so its not logical because a "pedo" uses it. Logic either stands on its own or doesn't, it doesn't matter what kind of person uses it.
Jordan Walker
it only stands in the minds of pedos, everyone who isn't a pedo will see how illogical it really is. A father has no more right to fuck his daughters then he has to torture and kill his sons.
Christian Murphy
I'm not saying the particular poster's logic is sound, I'm saying there's arguments that are logical and discounting them just because you think the person using them is bad is illogical.
James Sanders
we are the counter balance op there's enough of us here now to be proactive
Brandon Sanchez
>some socialist not knowing about the "sex play" of girls young as 4 in the Weimar Republic
Jeremiah Stewart
>I'm saying there's arguments that are logical and discounting them just because you think the person using them is bad is illogical yeah you are right, but that's not was i was doing. my argument wasn't ad-hominem. i'm not saying his logic is bad because he is a pedo. i'm saying bad logic like he's using is only attractive to pedos since it suits their desires. if you want me to break it down bit by bit without ever referring to him personally or pedos in general, i can.
Chase Campbell
>I have no argument against it >I'll just say it's wrong and that'll make me right That's not how it works. Yes, try to explain how females aren't property men can use as they please.
Joshua Evans
>there are posts on /a/ /c/ and /e/ >Coming to Jow Forums to bitch about the rest of Jow Forums Go ahead, ask me how I know you don't belong.
Jason Campbell
All you said was that it was "pedo logic" before I responded to your post.
Blake Carter
'Sup fellow paedophiles.
Landon Sanchez
Go ahead, break it down.
Jaxson Scott
yeah, pedo logic. as in bad logic pedos like. >Yes, try to explain how females aren't property men can use as they please. if you honestly believe that, we will have to discuss very fundamental morality, and to do that i'd need something to work with. could you explain to me why females should be the property of men?
Jordan Bell
>could you explain to me why females should be the property of men? They're not fully people, like something between a child and a man. >we will have to discuss very fundamental morality The position of cuts as property has nothing to do with morality.
Jose Ross
>They're not fully people, like something between a child and a man. by what unscientific definition of "people" >nothing to do with morality. lol, now you're just being an edgelords
David Russell
It's very odd the contradictions. They are very against jew Hollywood pedos but think 13 is peak woman and age of consent should be lowered.
Jaxson Roberts
Those are just muslims
Nicholas Howard
And this is the second time I have seen this little girl Stirner meme with the ghost hair clips.
Jackson Ward
>13 Way too old. 5-8 is when girls are best, maybe 10. > age of consent should be lowered It should be eliminated.
Jason Torres
how many times are you going to defend pedophiles from scrutiny by accusing us of having feet of clay?
Carter Nguyen
All you have to do is literally click an arrow and hit report you cock gurgling autistic niggertard, and that shit gets you b& and probably v&
Wyatt Barnes
why would op not take pride in Jow Forums.gov?
Owen Richardson
nigger you have to be kidding
Carson Evans
What if the child consents you fucking idiot.
Jordan Nguyen
>Pedophiles You know they want to have sex with animu little girls. They literally don't exist. Can't really go after someone for wanting to dick something that doesn't exist.
Nicholas Ortiz
you know just as well as i do how easy it is to manipulate children. you could literally get 100% to consent to that using the correct tactics. That's why we have laws that say children can not give consent.
Adrian Collins
>whoa, different opinions? >must be fake I couldn't imagine this level of delusion "Sexual consent" is a fiction. You dont need consent from a piece of property
Jackson Lee
Austin Ross
>children >property this is why nobody likes dixiefags
Cameron Roberts
All of the old fags that are now on Jow Forums are the ones who got fed up with that shit. I scroll through the first page in /b/ and actually find myself shaking. It is the most degenerate shit I have ever seen.
Cooper Reyes
Didn’t read. Egoism is a fake ideology and Stirner wasn’t a real philosopher. Even quoting him will get you laughed out of any philosophic circle.
Grayson Evans
sensitive fag
Joshua Ross
Yeah, before they found out all of the gods they idolized in their youth also turned out to be a bunch of baby fuckers. Hell, the Catholic church, all of you stupid larping christian weasels got fucking EXPOSED. Suddenly no more bible threads, hmm.
Dylan Richardson
No, only the females. You can't own people.
Nolan Robinson
homosexuality is a mental disease that's spread by child sexual abuse.
Parker Rodriguez
>you would do something about all of the (insert thing OP doesn't like here) on Jow Forums Year after year the inmates still think they run the asylum.
Lincoln Jackson
>females >property again this is why nobody likes dixiefags
Brody Smith
Don't blame that retardation on us. Fucking memeflag nigger probably isn't American.