Can somebody give me a quick rundown why we shouldn't breed with Asian women and have high IQ hapa children?

Can somebody give me a quick rundown why we shouldn't breed with Asian women and have high IQ hapa children?

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man, i wanna racemix with asians or latins but i need to preserve my euromuttness

but you should absolutely breed with asian qts!

If its a boy you risk having a elliot rogers on your hands. Hea gonna have a bad time!

i live in Madison, WI and there is not a single white woman that is not tattooed like an MS13 gang member. my wife is korean and i have two kids. I feel no shame or regret for my decision.

What good is a "high IQ" if the White race ceases to exist?

I've fucked more Asians than I can count.
possibly 100's.


I'm sorry but its a fact.

So what you are saying is that women belong in the kitchen or the bedroom, should be barefoot and pregnant, that we should lower the age of consent, and engage in a little domestic discipline when required?

That we should vote for far right christian fringe groups that have no chance of winning, so that the mainstream parties (conservative / republicans) politicians will start to represent the above values and people like you? (moving the needle)

jews don't want high IQ goyim... it's why they are trying to prevent asians and whites from breeding, as well as any smart minorities.

Because you're being just like the slut you complain about all day

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Only jewish shills hate hapas
hapas are the masterrace, the only viable way to destroy the jewish menace is by breeding a superior aryan/asian hybrid

Half-white half-asian male children cannot carry on the white race or its interests.

Also, they're usually short and ugly and women find them unattractive.

>le jews
>jewish people breed with asians more than whites
just lol

hey man I live there too. we should hang out.

fuck off with your dumb pasta

Can't think of any rational reason other than muh feels

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2 words

Elliot Rodgers

I do not deny myself the pleasures of Asian fuckmeat, but so far I have not fertilized one. My children are both White.

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this, white women in the midwest are trash

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are you in college? im too already bud (33) maybe i shouldnt even be here

Get with a Latina. They are the true master race of women.

I mean who the fuck wants to date an asian. They really aren't that appealing. They What to be White so bad.

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>I'm going to try and start a family with a woman that couldn't even be loyal to her own.
Good luck with that.

Polymorphisms of two loci at the oxytocin receptor gene in populations of Africa, Asia and South Europe

The oxytocin (OT) system is known to be implicated in the regulation of complex social behavior, particularly empathy and parenting.

According to the data for the rs53576 polymorphism of the OXTR gene in 12 nations, the nations with higher frequency of A allele (Japan, China, Korea) are more collectivistic in comparison with those having higher frequency of G allele (USA, UK, Australia, Canada, Netherlands, Italy, Sweden, Germany, Finland) but at the same time the last ones seem to be more predisposed to major depressive disorder [17]. Although, these data should be accepted with cautious. Same authors demonstrated recently that AA and GG carriers of OXTR rs53576 demonstrated different brain activity, using functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), in reaction to racial ingroup and outgroup faces that received painful or non-painful stimulations, and suggested that these differences are linked to implicit attitude and altruistic motivation

My roommate in Korea was half Thai, half Georgia redneck. His dad got married over there while he was in the Air Force. Dude was 6'3, thin and ripped, had this weird mixed look that drove women nuts, only he talked like Foghorn Leghorn. No shit. I was from Mississippi and that fucker talked way more country than me.

Ok i'll remind you
>Your kid will be doomed forever sucking at sports. No son or granson or grangran son holding any WC or gold medals, ever.
>Robo chicken voice. You'll never find your child ranking at the top of the billboard
>Naturally submissive and boys have tiny sausages
>Genetical risk of pectus excavatum, and "die in you sleep disaese" for the boys
>The no soul meme is a reality, no asian can compete in emotional intelligence with white or blacks

women find it "unattractive" because the kikes dont want them to be attractive. just turn on the tv, its always smart strong and successful black guy, and awkward, skinny, insecure asian guy

just to play devil's advocate for a minute here, but isn't it possible Eliot was fucked up cause his dad was just a terrible genetic and moral specimen on his own?

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You know people like elliot represent a tiny tiny tiny fraction of a percent of people right?
You don't honestly think that race mixing causes shootings do you?
Correlation =/= causation

m-ma ma

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what the fuck that girl is like 3 years old.

Do any of you incels realize you can fuck a woman without breeding her? Just fuck as many asian women as you can then preggo a white woman later.

>forever sucking at sports
>implying sports matter
yay lets throw da ball! XD

His dad was a Hollywood Jew. Why do anti-wmaf advocates always leave this part out?

Hapas are very ugly. Honestly if 10 hapas and 10 burn victims were lined up, it would be hard to tell the difference.

Because their plan is to takeover China when the West collapses.

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theres an episode molymeme did on him that was pretty decent journalism. turns out the kid was sexually tortured by her step mother. their parents told him he was unwanted. and they ditched him at every opportunity for his kike father to pursue his hollywood career

>Hapas are very ugly

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pic related

dude is WMAF hapa, I don't know if he's won any medals but he's got a fuck of a lot closer than most people

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>master race of women
But women are the slave gender. It's a paradox! Latinas never submit!

Two words: JEW DAD

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Everyone loves sucking on titties faggot.

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chads don't fuck chinks, they fuck stacys

I'm 24, recent grad, I work at *that* software company

never too old for titties

>plastic Gooks who've shaven away the very bone of their skulls
It doesn't get much uglier and vapid.

Yeah, having kids competing with niggers in sportsball is not high on my priorities.


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oh yes. sometimes i wish they went away and see this entire town go straight to hell. specially with all those new fancy apartments being built

looks mid thirties to me

I think the meme was that he wishes he was a kid sucking on the tits.

also nice hitler digits

that looks 100 percent chink to me

do you want your daughter to look like a chink?

While ive never banged a gook and only one latina I do agree. How would you know what latinas are like in Ausland? I mean they swim the Rio Grande easy but fuck oceans??

Thats the word I was looking for, Orientals look plastic. Why would anyone want one, Idk, I guess all the make up they where fools them