Ask a colombian anything

i'm kinda free tonight, what do you wanna know about my country?

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Why are there so many Colombian trannies on chaturbate?

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Ey cabron. ¿Quantos pesos por ti madre?

a que sos paisa.

When are you guys gonna team up with Brazil and liberate Venezuela?

colombia tiene las mujeres mas bonitas, pero hay un inconveniente tambien hay mucho marica!

never, fuck them, we need a world example of what socialism can do

Your country ruined Samurai X.

How big is FARQ still and why don’t they just go to Venezuela if they love communism so much?

Will Maduro attack you because he thinks you were behind the assassination plot?

colombia needs a Donald Trump, we need to close the venezuela border,

Because prostitution is a really profitable business for women with little or no education at all. They earn more than 4 minimum wages per month which is a lot of money, if you take into account that most colombian familes have to make ends meet iwth only one minimum wage, Also, trannies are not one hundred percent accepted, it is hard for them to find a decent job

que esta pasando con la consulta anti- corrupsion? ya se robaron esa platica?? hahahahah muy cagada!

no thanks

mi mamá no es puta como la tuya.
no, onions costeño, pero vivo en medellín.
We have to cope with 4 years of a corrupt state and a puppet president. We have our own issues desu.
Eso hace que haya más probabilidades que coger mujeres.
Farc had about 10000 partisans. there are some dissent groups who didn´t want to embrace the peace agreement. I ignore the exact number of members, but it has decreased significatly. And they don´t move to venezuela because they stopped bein an communist guerilla a long time ago. Theey just care about cocaine

yo onions caleño, lo que puse es una cancion, tovas maliciosas, parce, pero que preferias, este guevon titere presidente o el mamerto del petro?

that was all staged by venezuelan government. He needs support and he tries to set an enemy, since we are allies of america, he tries to bully us.

creo que se va a realizar el 26 de agosto, pero como era de esperarse, la gonorrea de uribe no quiere.

hahahahah onions que es soya en ingles se cambia a cebolla ????

I know a hot Colombian girls here, only one Ive ever met and she's smoking beautiful!
But I am sure she has fake tits, does this mean she is a prostitute?

onions milkshake

probably dude,

Is your government right-wing?

s o y

Rate your bordering neighbours in order from best/friendliest to shit tier.

Possibly related but who are your biggest immigrant groups and are any of them worthwhile?

her butt is amazing

None of them. When petro and duque made it through the first round, I knew that colombia was fucked up. I supported fajardo. But our countrymates are fucktards
s-oy se cambia por onions, no sé por qué

how much cocaine do you snort in a day?

what's it's like living in a perpetual state of low level civil war?

Can you go outside your house reliably without being shot at or robbed?

pics or it didnt happen

do you have big butt female friends? if so, post some pics

Medellín?! Quien es tu jefe?

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yo tambien estaba con fajardo.... pero de los males, creo que petro seria el peor no??

Maybe, but that´s just a meme. We have to recognise that many women undergo that kind of surgeries, but it happens everywhere, not only in colombia. Our women have great tits in general.
I think that more than 50 years of history says so.

god bless him, but hes been dead since 1994

I want reddit to leave. Esto no es reddit y a nadie le importa su opinion malparido maricon

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this is Jow Forums now

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be quiet taco monkey

legal personal doze is 1G coke, and i think like 3G weed, but popular consensus is not degenerate, drugs are not cool, not publicly popular....they find out you smoke or snort... you are a social pariah

1- I do not do drugs. Even though I've being offered many times.

2- It´s really fucked up, but things have improved. As long as you are not involved in gangs, police, army and shit, you will be able to live a normal life.

3- It depends on the city and the area of each city. In my hometown I don´t feel safe, but unironically, in medellin I feel supersafe.

civil war is in the jungle, keep asphalt under your feet and you should be ok, your usual 3rd world thief will pickpocket or if he has a gun, will rob if you look like a pussy easy target... or flaunting cash/ gold

Are you free from drugs?

crime in the city depends on the hood youre hanging out in, be a good judge of character....and you'll be fine, ive never had a problem, then again.... im a US Marine and when i go visit i carry a Glock 9 my cousin holds for me.

I don´t have pics of bundas.
He died before I was born. Also, colombia is more than cocaine. Not like your country fraught with gypsyes.

Yo vi mucha mierda durante el gobierno de uribe. Entre los dos, mejor me corto los huevos.

>literally made colombia famous for cocaine

fuck that tosser.

Nunca he visitado reddit, twat.

I am, but the harvest of cocaine have skyrocketed, because the people in charge of it accept bribes, so they do not weed it out.

vos como hablas ingles asi de bien? aprendiste en colombia?

Más blanco que tú Pablo.

yep, mostly by myself. I read scripts from movies and books. Also, I joined a chat made by some guys from Jow Forums, so they helped me out and they let me know everytime I make a mistake. If it were for the colombian education system, I would barely conjugate the verb To be.


Go and ramble, maybe you can rummage into the rubbish and find something to eat, gypsy.

hahahaha true, alright man, im out,

see? now do s o y boy

night, countryman!

best / safest city for a gringo to visit and monger?


damn, even when I write in Russian it still autocorrects. desu.

Go to bed Andrés

I don’t have any plans of going there.

Those desperate Colombianas looking for a meal ticket and visa out of that hellhole creep in dreams sometime though

medellin 10/10 bogota 8/10 cali 6/10 cartagena 5/10 santa marta 5/10 buenaventura 1/10 manizales 4/10 cucuta 1/10 barranquilla 3/10

Oh boy,I think it is medellín desu. There are some couchsurfing groups, The weather is awesome, there are many places to visit within the city and nearby towns and villages. Transport system is the best one in colombia. As long As you dont go to dangerous neighbourhoods, you will be ok.

youll have fun. take a trip, get you an airbnb, live like a king with $1000 live like the fuhrer with $2500

No suena tan mal. El dollar esta muy fuerte ahi. Como cuanto dinero se necesita para vivir en un lugar seguro para un guerro y mas o menos lujoso pero no mucho. O mejor dicho, en un estrato 5, cuantas personas pueden estar comodos. Vamos a decir; $2,000 al mes?

Me gustaria mudarme a medellin por que siento que puede ser un buen lugar para coprar bienes y raizes. Y tambien por que las criptomonedas van a crecer ys er muy poderosas en Colombia.

Bueno, eso es lo que estoy especulando.

No es el caso porque desde 1996 la familia tiene una empresa. Además, onions húngaro. Entonces eras estúpido y luego todo eras estúpido mamabicho.

Medellin bro. Please read, por favor.

Lol at the fucking filter applied for Spanish too.

will I get killed if I just barely go off the beaten typical tourist path? whats the hooker situation there? will I be able to get around if I dont speak spanish?

uffff parce, con $2000 al mese vive como un doctor! yo vivi en cali 2 años recibiendo $400 a la semana y vivia en estrato 4, con carro (1983 chevette) osea no lujoso pero bien.

Medellin wins, dafuq is a couchsurfing group?

I want to find a girl that will stay with me for two weeks, show me the sights and keep me warm at night. Is that easily available? Any thought on possible cost?

get out of america wetback

Hello there friend.

pues medellin es una ciudad muy buena y ni siquiera tienes que vivir en medellin precisamente. Bien puedes vivir en la estrella, envigado o sabaneta. Los arriendos en estratos altos son baratos para el estandar de vida americano, eso es 500 o 600 usd aproximadamente. La comida tampoco es tan cara, y el transporte mucho menos.

extrememly easily available! my uncle is 60 years old, goes for a week every month, has two girls that take turns goldinging pennies out of him, fine as fuck 19 year olds.... keeps them separate for some reason tho....

>All these US flags in here speaking beaner

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you should have been wiped out by hitler.

Which city have prettiest women?

Do they want to be with man with blue eyes?

lol came legaly at 11, joined USMC... they call me the colombian redneck, american as fuck

fuck year gringo!!! and medellin has the hottest ones... not marriage material tho... party girls only, if you want marriage... bogota might be a better place.

now lets warn these boys, look out for their welfare, tell us all about burundanga, escopolamina.

He goes from the US for a week every month? It costs 1200+ for a roundtrip, he should consider moving there permanently.

Still, medellin sounds promising. Gracias amigos

I think it is, but you will have to find a reliable woman. staying with a escort for so long it´s not advisable because you don´t know wo that person is, you might find a girl who is involved in gangs and she wuold sedate you and steal everything from you or kidnap you.

Gracias por responder.

Ok cool, si, me gusta mucho esa ciudad. Cuales son digamos, las sonas mas americanas? La verdad onions hispano por mi mama pero estoy muy blanco y alguien me comento que habia muchos secuestro y robo ahi. Tendria que tener pistola? Como puedo comprar una? Es legal?

Sweet. eso es lo que habia calcualdo, gracias por confirmar.

En un estrato 5, casa grande como de cinco recamaras, en una sona buena. Como cuanto cuesta?

Also, como cuanto seria para un lagar como lo que escribi arriba, pero nadamas para 1 persona?

Empiezen a usar SmartCash, en medellin. Siento que ahi va a ser un hub financiero en el futuro.

Lol what are the best things to do? Eat?

how much coke do you do in a week?
just a regular one, though
the week does not contain your birthday or anything

Húngaros eran el lado de Hitler. Ha llegado el momento de chupar la polla novinho.

any tips on finding a "reliable" woman?

I don't want to wake up on a bathtub full of ice and missing a kidney

>If it were for the colombian education system, I would barely conjugate the verb To be.

The general opposite of "if it weren't for X" is "if it was up to X"

If it weren't for the Jow Forums chat, I would have never improved my English.
If it was up to the Colombian education system, I could barely conjugate the verb "to be".

I hope it helps, you made a logical mistake in a language that isn't logical.

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flies out of miami and owns 2 jiffy lubes, also owns an apartment in cali, so thats his thing....snorts himself retarded.... gets coke dick.... cant fuck.... so it doesnt make a lot of sense but.... he likes it i guess

read this i just did.

why is bogotá a better place to find a beyonce?

>american as fuck
no you're not, you're not white

Oi. Fuckwit.
You gonna answer this fucking question or not? I bump your thread and you pay no fucking attention. Forget it, fuck you fucking rude cunt. Maracon.

lol i forgot about how s 0 y is onions.

you know, the question is not how much coke you can do, the question is, when will the coke run out? and ,,,,,with $500 towards it.... youll be dead before it runs out

What's up with NZ posters? Why Aussies are normal human beings but all NZ posters are retarded faggots? Is that sun radiation that fries their brains? Lack of ozone layer?

ok ok i got you maricon, we dont like any of the bordering countries, equadorians and peruvians are indian shitheads, panamenians are dead inside, venezuelans have anoying accents and half are commies, the rest dirt poor, brazilian amazon jungle?? theres nothing there.... they dont even speak spanish

how much money would i need to fly to colombia and succ poz tranny dick and do massive amounts of drugs until i die?

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biggest immigration is from venezuela right now, reason? same as mexico / usa

Es legal tener pistolas, pero creo que tienes que tener demostrar solvencia económica o si no, te niegan el permiso.

to be honest, i don´t know. Or just change of hooker every night. They are cheap anyways. Also, what they use to sedate you might kill you. So, if someone lives through this and he wakes up uninjured, he have to consider himself a really lucky guy.

thank you very much. I will keep it in mind.

wanna live about a month and OD? take $4000

Fuck you cocksucker malaka. I'm Greek.
Dude. Legend. Thanks bro. First class response.
Poor bastards. Flooded with Venezuelans. They need to build a wall. Ty for the response.

colombian is the easy country in the world to immigrate. so it'd say 3/9......

at this moment the biggest diaspora is venezuela´s. You can buy a hooker for 5 dollars, as long as she´s venezuelan

I really butchered English language here

no prblem, and if youre foreigner, you can stay 90 days without having to ask permission, and its easy to ask, can buy and own land too, met plenty of ausies, kiwis, brits and american expats loving life there,,,,, food of choice.... look up " bandeja paisa"

yo user, we are starting the Jow Forums travel agency, i send them, you receive them, put them up in nice places with nice ladies....

Good. I will definitely carry one. Thanks.
How young? Lol jk but seriously. As a Mexican/American national. Can I just come in, buy land, invest and buy some cheap women from Venezuela while making a Bitcoin empire? What are your electricity rates like?