
What would it take to start building illegal self sufficient settlements on Antarctica .

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The earth is flat

Obviously but there is still land on the outer ring

>what is centripetal force
You would need crazy amounts of energy to reach the outer ring.
And walking there (in the inside out direction) - forget about it.

> believing The Earth is in motion

Sorry, I have been fed the "rotating spherical earth" bullshit all my life.

why illegal tho?

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Its been declared neutral territory or some shit, an excuse for the Jewish world order to conduct secret experiments there. You can’t colonize it or anything.


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>Self sufficient
You know its literally the driest place on the planet right? There's nothing self sufficient about the place.

Christ on a sail, is that pic real?

There is water in the snow

try saying that to her face

Ey yo GAIA you flat as fuck ho. Begone thot.

Not a lot but you're dreaming faggot.

Besides everyone already there is technically illegal.

No it isn't.

All you'd need is the jews blessing

And how do you melt the ice to make water?

with heat.

uhhh, fire?

yes it is

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I was going down the list of threads, saw your post, and opened the thread just to tell you how retarded you are to ask this question.

What's the fuel source for this heat and fire?

No, It is not.
Your picture is not evidence.


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There are warm areas of Antarctica and even hot springs

It's been very much sliced up already.

I'd love to do what Edmund Hillary did but fuck living there.


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God and anime duh

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Star trails in the southern hemisphere aren't possible on a flat earth.

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Nigger you're seeing the same stars

> implying space is more than a giant lcd display

it'd be pretty cool to have underground settlements with huge greenhouses up above. We could build them near areas with geothermal activity for heating and power, i guess.

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you can be admitted legally. do a science experiment for habitability for example. There is also unclaimed space

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That thoroughly debunks the flat earth model. I'm not sure what point you were trying to make.

Circular star trails can be observed anywhere on the Earth assuming a clear night and no pollution. It effectively proves a Flat Earth desu

Are you dumb? They're the same stars!!

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This. Note how the photo is in antarctica and the central circular point of the stars is at a roughly 45 degree angle. The circle would be directly above in the arctic and at 22 degrees on the equator etc.

They aren't, Southern Hemisphere has it's own constellations revolving around a southern polar axis.

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I can't believe you're actually arguing about flat earth nonsense. it's a fucking meme

Had this conversation before. The Southern cross only being visible from the south just implies that it is a lower constellation. Also, perspective plays a role, as the stars are localized on a Flat Earth model, being far away from the central point will alter the arrangements of the same stars as you see them.

My mental gymnastics can outweigh anything you offer, user.

The constellations are exactly the same! Your picture doesn't change that.

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I believe in the Flat Earth model, but shooting stars are supposedly meteorites breaking up in the atmosphere so they would naturally fall downwards on both models.

Have you taken the cosmic egg pill yet?

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An insanely rich crazy person who give money away.

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I'm "the earth is a donut" person.

Inner earth is I'm the hole.

Sounds like a nice place, unless the Nazi's are still there.

Saxifrage Russel and some of his buddies.

>impying there arent already illegal aliens there

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Flat earthers BTFO

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there are a lot of torus believers

well the magnetic field is earth too and it's definitely toroidal