Ruh roh Drumpfies! Add that to all the unreleased Michael Cohen tapes and you got yourself quite a bit to panic about!

Ruh roh Drumpfies! Add that to all the unreleased Michael Cohen tapes and you got yourself quite a bit to panic about!

Are you guys increasingly nervous yet? You better be! JUST wait until November when things really start getting bad for the brainlet hypocrite in chief!

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Other urls found in this thread:

bump for blumpf

Looks like you guys really are scared, or you're just sticking to your safe space threads where you lap endless praises on daddy!

Are you sure it's not six gorillion tapes Schlomo?

i could watch some old school data archives of omarosa working her way through college

>Oy vey! I fucking LOVE Israel now! So fucking based kikes! Fucking MIGA and MAGA guys I fucking love jewish cocks!

So which is it Drumpfie?

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>Omarosa believed to have as many as over 9000 tapes
It's over.

She is going to get it hard when Trump tweets at her next


>Omarosa "Believed to have"
Drumph is surely finished this time.

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yeah and so far her "bombshell" tapes have been absolutely NOTHING. the only thing the media can do is hype the fact that they exist because they know nothing is on them.

the nigger tape turn out to be nothing. CBS ran with it early Thursday morning around 4am but then quickly took it down when all that was discussed was Trump discussing a white vs black apprentice, WOW how terrible!!! especially considering Survivor did the same thing later.

if there was any there there the media would be playing it 24-7. right now they're hyping something that isn't there because it's all they have. they're fucking morons and like everything they attempt it will backfire

blumpf is done for this time, I'm sure of it.

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its over for tapecels

Yeah, totally nothing which is why Trump saved his security clearance removals story for the day one of her tapes was released to pivot / re-focus the story with his dog whistle, and you all fell for it. Trump is definitely concerned about what's going to be released on these tapes, just go look at his twitter tirade today.

oh man, boots are quivering

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She was a diversity hire who didn't do anything or talked to anyone.

It’s over. It’s over.

False equivalency, this board IS an echo chamber. Look at how buttmad you guys are getting at me for example, and look how you react to anyone that dares criticize your daddy on this board. You lack the ability to criticize Trump in any meaningful way, 95%+ of this board is just endlessly lapping praise on Trump or posting Trump memes and shit.

Maybe if you faggots could actually admit this I would respect you, but you can't even do that, you instead pretend like Jow Forums is some sort of bastion for free speech that it's not.

What's the bounty on the piss tape up to now? And if there was a nigger tape, CNN would be running that motherfucker 24/7.

It's literally a reality tv show, and they're playing you like a fiddle.
They even brought in some of the best actors from Trumps old show, and you're still eating it up like a fucking retard.

Blumph is done for, for real this time, just like the 500 other times in the past two years.

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Trump is loud, brazen, outspoken and confident. Blacks actually prefer a leader like that vastly more to some limp-wristed white jewish onionlad even if they pretend to feign being made he said NIGGER. Like, what a raciss n sheeit. Aw shit it turns out he said nigger while he was fucking a black porn star he paid for raceplay prostitution...dayum, that guy livin the dream.

First off, isn't it illegal to just record someone?

Secondly, why do they lie about this? Just release it if you have it ffs, this is annoying. Like the Russia collusion evidence, "HURR WE HAVE TONS OF IT", and nobody never saw it.

>any day now blaumph! ANY DAY!!

these coming years are going to be golden, keep on cranking out the salt libshits

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Someone should do a version of this for the tapes.

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>this is an echo chamber!
>you are so mad!
>you can't take critcism!
Why can't you lefty faggots stop projecting?

its all so tiresome

>You lack the ability to criticize Trump in any meaningful way
There is nothing to criticize him about meaningfully. You're just a assblasted faggot.

Bro literally nothing is going to stop Trump. He said it himself. He could literally shoot someone and I would stand by him. He means to save the West, and all the nigger tapes in the world will not save you

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You prove my point then, you're incapable of being objective and are ruled by your biases, now bye.

>get me a coke.

lmfao, can this whole circus just end already.

this the faggot media have nothing to show as they see russian bullshit is tearing apart so they are just trying to hype this nigger tapes.also if there were any daminging material regarding rump it would have been already out on last 2016 election,but hey all they care is about clickbait but not a context of a content itself.

oh no that sucks

this, they still haven't figured out they're being played at every turn. I almost feel sorry for them

god damn what the hell is wrong with cnn

this is only making me hate the media more

the endless paid Jow Forums shilling
banning alex jones
these dumbass media stories that lead no where with nameless "sources"

im burned at this point. gonna vote conservative every chance i get

says the libshit who still believe in russian bullshit

>Lol cowards won't reply in my thread
>Stop replying in my thread reeee

Really lol

>posts same garbage bait on leddit
>instant post removal
>circlejerk snowflake down-vote desperation
>ban from subs to preserve echo chamber

Why do you faggots think an echo chamber requires that people are banned to preserve some sort of narrative?

The point is the politics of this board IS an echo chamber, and it's self-re-enforcing. People that post here are influenced by other posters, maintaining the echo chamber. That's how an echo chamber works, it's a self congratulatory circlejerk where the dissenting opinions are silenced. What you consider a ban elsewhere is simply silencing / ignoring the dissent here, or outright attacking any post that is critical of the echo chamber like what happens in these threads that dare criticize Trump.

Also, I know that there's many other places, liberal and conservative that I would consider "echo chambers," but to believe that Jow Forums is not one of them is objectively false.

Beliefs are not based on evidence. Maybe if you actually were objective about the Russia investigation, and not got all your views on the matter from Jow Forums you would see some things that would make you very skeptical of your own biases.

she is a double agent.

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If she had a tape we would have heard it already. Op is a fag of course.

>be you
>post some retarded shit
>cry when nobody listens to (You)

kick rocks, bitch.

If I agree with you does that mean you're wrong?

We would have heard anything incriminating by now. They blew their wad with the pussy tape. They have nothing now.

Eh, isn't that espionage?

What is this faggot even rambling about?

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muh tapes

hell i have 300 tapes

cassette tapes video tapes scotch tapes
lots of tapes

pay attention to her accusations. you will notice they are very very vague such that the news can report them with truth and she van say these things in truth.

the fine details are the key

they dont have anything other than a media with an agenda pushing chickenshit noise for the 6 second attention spans across the country

>people disagreeing with me proves this is an echo-chamber

>People that post here are influenced by other posters, maintaining the echo chamber.

And people like you are free to come here and shit up this board by saying your piece and trying to change our minds. But the fact is that you, leftist and shills do a terrible job at doing that because your arguments are normally dog shit.

It would be really funny if that negress was paid to troll the media.

Nobody cares even liberal media is shitting on her.

i remember the last time they had trump recorded he asked for a diet coke


>implying any actual tapes wouldn’t have already been used against Trump
This is why you retards keep losing again and again, you never learn from your past mistakes, and you still believe the media. Kill yourself, faggot.

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One day you'll wonder why you wasted your time. Not today.

OP you stupid faggot, I see people criticize Trump all the time on here. Every day there's an "It's over" thread and I can't even count the number of times I've read people calling him a kike shill.

Watch her get assraped by espionage laws over nothing of value.

>I can't even count the number of times I've read people calling him a kike shill.
That one’s at least understandable since he has A Jewish son in law, jewish grandkids, shills for Israel constantly, and put Jared the Jew Kushner in charge of everything.

Believe it or not she's helping trump, the more she shows her hideous face talking bout how she secretly recorded others the more the masses despises her


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surely she could spare just 1 burger

>supposedly 200 tapes
>not a single one released
>they would have almost certainly come out during his presidential run if they were ever going to
stay mad losers

Honest question.

Have you ever considered that these completely over the top erroneous posts are simply made to reaffirm your commitment and devotion to our president?

She should be arrested!!

Considering there has been literally hundreds of claims like this since Trump came down that escalator and literally none of them have led to anything, have you ever considered that you're a stupid faggot and Trump is a good president and that your faggot jewish nonsense attempts at attacking the POTUS have literally zero impact?

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The fact that your faggot ass is still posting proves this isn't an echo chamber, dipshit. Disagreeing with you isn't silencing you in any way. Maybe if you learned what these words meant you'd understand why you're just factually wrong.

Shut up you stupid shill

>those 200 tapes turn out to be all seasons of Trump's The Apprentice

>200 more days of cnn screeching about how THIS TIME IT'S A REAL BOMBSHELL WE SWEAR!!!!!!!1!@%$%=145__^÷::""

I'm not tired of winning, but that's ok cause you're not tired of losing.

Did I say he wasn't a good president? You fucking mong.. They have zero impact on anybody besides absolute retards like yourself who get violently defensive over perceived "attacks" which absolutely nobody could possibly believe or take seriously. You think you're the smart guy that sees through the shitty propaganda? You're the victim of it.

Who the fuck uses tapes in 2018?

nigs love mixtapes its all they talk about

>claims intellectual high ground
>doesn't make a single argument

If one access hollywood tape made people love trump I'm sure 200 tapes of his private conversations will make him more popular than he ever imagined.

yeh i thought so..but you probably need someone to spy ''for'' so idk

I don't think there's any real reason to wait if they had anything real damning

>October 14, 8pm
>Omarosa on CNN
>Been talking about playing the tape for a month
>Media harping on how it shouldn't be illegal to play the tape in fact, it's justified to take down Drumpf
>Won't reveal to anyone says has to play it live on air.
>Wolf blitzer about to cum as Omarosa hits play
>its HRC yelling at staffers asking why tall the niggers aren't voting for her

lmao people aren't going to fall for this shit forever. Real posters are going to see through the shouting "shill" and find honesty and truth.

Kill yourself, by the way.

Just take a look at real twitters/tumblrs/facebooks/local news/reddit etc, people are literally as retarded as OP.

I can't believe you people keep falling for this shit.

nice deflection dave, you're obviously working overtime

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Fine, you're right. It goes both ways. Pro Trump are just slightly less retarded than anti Trump people.

So why are people close to the most important human being on planet earth allowed to fucking record audio all day long with no repercussions? Is there no security in the White House at all?

Where’s the “nigger” tape at? I want to see the look on the left’s face when his approval goes up 10 points. Just like when he called Mexicans rapists, and promised to ban all Muslims, and even during cagegate when he was literally like hitler kidnapping small brown children and locking them in cages. Just accept it, if you want to take him down, this isn’t the way to do it

What evidence

People don't remember Omarosa's role on the apprentice. Literally a backstabbing double agent every time she was on hahahaha

i just found this article..apparently you aren't allowed to carry your phone with you or something so she's in deep shit if she recorded even a 5 min sound


>Just release it if you have it ffs, this is annoying.
>if you have it
They don't have it because it doesn't exist. You'd think the left would have wises up to this trick by now.

I'm sorry, what am I deflecting from? My posts aren't what shils look like.. you on the other hand.

If a non nigger and non female did this during the Obama administration they would have literally shot him twice in the head and called it suicide

>Why do you faggots think an echo chamber requires that people are banned to preserve some sort of narrative?
Because otherwise it's just an open free speech forum.
Because then there is nothing stopping their voice from being heard otherwise. You put out your message. It was retarded and people explained why in the first few posts. We got your message, but you're objectively a moron.

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I guess the Russia hysteria didn't pan out, so now you're onto this.

Keep it up. I love watching you faggots' hopes and dreams get dashed over and over again.

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>The majority of people don't give a fuck about Trumps former antics you stupid cunt...if anything it just makes him more popular with the plebs.

I'm no Nazi. My grandfather bombed Nazi's, he also fought Commies along with my father and most of my uncles. Couldn't be prouder of them.

(you) got some echoes from this post

Oh No! Brumplf is done for!

>pic is what MSM is doing to OP

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