>get slaughtered by isis
lol literally only a white couple would be this fucking stupid and naive.
what were they fucking thinking? lmfao!
Evil is just a make believe concept
Other urls found in this thread:
>Subject and text aren't even related
they went on a trip to prove evil is made up you fucking retard, nice reading comprehension.
you must be from the south.
They had a long trip and visited a lot of places without trouble, even been to muslim countries before. Just before going into kirjikfuckstan they decided to hop on a political bandwagon and virtue signal over how humans are not evil(did they actually reference muslims, or is that interpretation?). Ironically gets killed soon after when presumably muslim car runs them down, occupants jump out and proceed to stab and shoot them. One website referred to it as "hippie naivete"
How about you post a proper archived link or at least an informative image next time, you fucking autist. People like you should be killed irl.
>east yuropoor rat
>sayin someone else should be killed
made me chuckle.
>ad hominem
I expected nothing more
Anyone have the footage of the attack? I hear the attackers filmed it.
don't think it was on film m8, not everything is
I’ve seen it. It’s grainy, out if focus and shot from far away. Supposedly it’s footage of one being run over but I couldn’t tell.
Got that story of the brave womyn who toured wearing a wedding dress for peace and diversity?
Anyone know what happened to her?
>killed in Tajikistan
Ah Dushanbe are realy beautiful city, or it was beautiful city? Fucken Gorbachev.
>¢alls them white
They're obviouslyYiddishh lol. ISIS has done the world a favor.
>jay austin
>lauren geoghegan
yea real Yiddish sounding.
They died doing what they loved,
Showing everyone how virtuous they are.
>Useful idiots
Yuri Bezmenov wants to speak to you after class, user
white liberals have been brainwashed by ideological subversion. watch Yuri Bezmenov interviews.
At least we get to see the results of their little experiment.
It's sad desu.
They left their wage slave jobs to something exciting. They just shouldn't have done it like this.
GOddamn, the woman was ugly as fuck. She looks like a methhead version of Stephen Colbert there.
Evil is real it's called circumcision.