What do you think the Las Vegas Shooting motive was?

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Idk probably jews

forgot to comp sushi

I think he just really hated Vegas in the end


is u fer real

Alien whores with 3 legs and 1 titty from area 52 tried to cheat him out of some fikeelburg. He knew Kikesus would never forgive him and in a fit of rage he tried to attack them as they were flying outside his window, the humans were just in the way.

to me with the behaviours he had, it sounds a lot like he was an arms dealer. I speculate the sheer amount of weapons he brought with him points to either there were meant to be more people involved that backed out, meaning he was radicalised by a group; or he was trying to make a statement to draw attention to something clandestine he was involved in, and given how everything been so hushed up, i would say the latter

False flag paid by the Clinton foundation to push for more gun control.


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The god-damned music past 11 pm.

Country music.

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Even Vegas top lawyers think something was up.
Link related, 8 witnesses died shortly after the attack.

slightly less shitty

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(((OSI Systems))) was pushing for new security inspection systems.

To install tsa in casinos, hotels, and concerts

Comped Sushi

Multiple possibilities desu.

1. Arms deal gone wrong since Paddock had guns from Fast and Furious and attempted to sell them.

2. Attacking what he saw as political opponents

3. Islamic extremism tied to funding in philipines.

Some of these are creepy

He did it for the drugs
He did it just to feel alive
He did it for the love
That he got from people dying at a concert

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1. Death
2. Money
3. A robbery gone very bad
All of the above.

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A 'seizure' just like the reporter who reported Clinton for raping a child recently

a robbery? what was he gonna do, go down there and pick up their wallets?

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Arms dealer, got setup and used as a patsy.

no, that the guy was getting robbed, things went south and the guy ended up dead, so the robbers covered it by shooting off into the crowd.

john warned

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what larp toilet r u floating in user

and the robbers just happened to have infinity guns and said fuck it, let's kill hundreds?

No motive, just an old, suicidal loser who wanted to go out with a bang.

Well duh if you go to buy a couple pounds of weed you know the guy has a couple pounds of weed

As a public service I've started giving names to the various Vegas conspiracy theories to make it easier to discuss them between threads. If you faggots see something missing, let me know. The list hasn't changed much the last few months, and there is still no "official" motive.
>The FBI Rogue Informant Theory
>The Live Fire Drone Demo + Patsy Theory
>The Failed PsyOp Scenario
>The Lone Wolf Fallback Plan
>The Billion Dollar Multi Casino Heist + Diversion Explanation
>The Gun Deal Gone Bad Assumption
>The Cartels Run Bartertown Theory
>The Covert ISIS Operation Notion
>The Mossad False Flag
>The Spy Versus Spy Alphabet Blunder
>The Aborted VIP Assassination Attempt
>The CIA Op Gone Sideways Scenario
>The Sightseeing Saudis Explanation
>The Left Wing Gun Grab Speculation
>The Antifa Made Me Do It Argument
>The Social Media Big Data Mining Experiment: Vegas Edition
>The -john user Prediction

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What shooting?
Forensic evidence please

>The -john user Prediction

care to elaborate

Open protest to allow cannibalism.

paddock was an unhinged lefty and the crowd he targeted was mostly right wing trump supporters (country music concert)

>John user Prediction is a conspiracy theory
Yeah, about that, anons.

>tfw I figured out how to outsmart captcha

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>just stay away. go to arizona
do not listen to this man, go somewhere else

This Is What Happened. Keep Up.

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Saudi arms deal gone bad. notice how it wasn't one mag dumped after another. they needed to load the magazines.

Why not, 1 Post ID? Is it because you can open carry and shoot back should there ever be an active threat in the area?

>This Is What Happened
Since people will be sharing walls of text without supporting evidence, I'll do that.

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saudis attacking america

i thought this you all knew

Arms deal gone south


If you want to dig for yourself.

Not the official story

>Recruitment and retention of top-tier professional talent is the priority at Volant. Our firm is composed of individuals with security clearances at the highest levels of the United States government. Because our associates are dedicated, driven, educated, and experienced, customers rely on our associates to address the most complex challenges—in locations around the globe.
Don't glow too brightly in the dark.

It was an attempted assassination of a Saudi prince. It precipitated a cull in Saudi Arabia.

its because the majority of people coming here are shitting it up beyond repair

And the chap comes in for the kill.


Surrounding all of this were rumors of American mercenaries torturing the Saudi elites.

are we allowed only one motive per shooter?

thanks mohammed

Las Vegas Shooting occured on October 1, 2017

2017 Saudi Arabian Purge was reported as early as September 9th, 2017



You stopped glowing. I'll stick you under a lamp and you'll get that glow back in no time!

>1 Post ID?
this is my favorite meme
started because of shit threads being made for the sole purpose of shitposting and now retarded newfags like you think it applies to literally every single post no matter what

look at all these 1 POST SHILLS
what a fucking holocaust
obviously the mods are involved with this coordinated shilling attempt (probably because theyre CIA) since they refuse to take action

go fuck yourself

If you're so productive why not contribute in a positive manner instead of shitting up this thread? Thanks, person with no shred of dignity left.


here's another 1 post by this ID because I'm going to work.
Trump and a Saudi prince were meeting in the same building that the """""shooter""""" was, the plan was for a MOSSAD/CIA joint to assassinate both of them.
The plan failed so the attackers turned their guns on the population to cause chaos

Steven Paddock was a gun runner linked with a CIA project to arm some group, either cartel, jihadist, or communist thought i firmly believe Jihadists. This was part of a CIA operation similar to Fast and Furious, but the deal went wrong, a few guys shot up a concert and booked it, and now the government is trying to save their ass

>tfw anyone can do a web search and check specific years and months
Through this I found that the Saudi Prince announced his visit once then left the state before the shooting happened. Couldn't do your homework before going to work I guess. Best run down in the entire thread so far is


This is all I found.

They tried to sell gun control to a right wing crowd, tried to convince white 'redneck crowd, country music fans, that they are in danger and we need gun control.

It was a total fail like all other government staged shootings lol.

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I think it was a covert hit on the Saudi Crown Prince, "-john" and the crowd shooting was to conceal the hit and pin the whole thing on other people.

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why is it so hard to believe he just wanted to out do all previous mass shooters and take the title?

What dont u people get?

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and who were the saudis purging

didnt they kill like 500 americans during that shooting

>I still don't get the conspiracy, so let's say that the (((creators))) of these shows are evil, they know about 9/11 in advance and they want it to happen

then you would want to shut up about it, why would you jeopardize your whole operation by dropping strange random clues in various cartoons?

it still doesn't make any sense

Its called dupers delight, they get off on telling you what they are doing, and watching you doubt it.

Why is it so hard to believe that there are people in positions of power who are greedy and evil? And that they might conspire to maintain/expand their power and wealth.

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one off

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>(probably because theyre CIA
Ore they simply got many shekels for this
It's true tho mods are compromised af

>shitting up this thread
You can't shit up thread that was shit from the start

selfish nihilist sociopath knew he was near death and wanted to feel alive one last time. So he did what he 'always wanted to do.'

> being this much of a child raping country music fan
what a fucking shock. now everyone is a plant! your extreme faggotry is incredibly amusing.

To take more of your freedom protected by the constitution in the name of "protecting families from a preventable act".

>the saudis dun it reeeeee
you all sound like shills to

>muh whip

Country music fans = probably like guns

Shoot them with guns that were "easily" obtained

Now who thinks guns need to be furthur restricted?

he was a commie faggot that hated white people, simple

It was a guns for money operation that went bad, and the seller was killed. Political ties, C_A ties. A cover action was taken to make all other details irrelevant.

False flag in order to sway public opinion in favor of passing gun control legislation which otherwise wouldn't have been accepted. Same as every one of the scores of other false flag shooting events. Also, since non-whites commit nearly all of the violent crime, these events help to keep the evil white male narrative afloat.

Paddock was a black market gunrunner and part of a money laundering scheme. He was involved in a black bag operation.
For whatever reason, the spooks burned him.
He flipped out and did the mass shooting to expose their black operation while at the same time destroying the reputation of the casinos where he blew through his money.
The spooks stole whatever evidence was in Paddock's home that connected him to them. The feds helped cover it up. They'll chalk it up to a lone psycho and bad police response time. The casino will skate from responsibility thanks to a little help from their buddies in the government.
Into the memoryhole it all goes.

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Hey jew nigger,

Listen to Cody Jinks, Tyler childers, turnpike troubadours, shooter jennings.

A boomer liberal shooting up white people at a country concert? Liberals that find Kate's shooter not guilty also can't figure out his motive?


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ritual sacrifice

nice post, his father ran with th DA. it seems like we have nothing about any of steves contacts, besides the guy he purchased the ruger rifle from.

I think the terrorist got suspusous when they saw all the weapons in the room Why do a arms deal in a hotel when there are so many back roads to do the exchange .

We know from docs Paddock was an arms dealer. Casino is a perfect place to lauder $. Best guess is he was working with a 3 letter agency so he had little worry about being caught.

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Posses by demon

>Why do a arms deal in a hotel when there are so many back roads to do the exchange
who needs roads when you own the top 2 floors and a heli pad on the roof?

nice. does it say there if steve is the target or the sender?

Pic related. Link to court docs: documentcloud.org/documents/4349486-Warrants-1.html

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It was absolutely a Leftist Deep State false flag. The old guy was set up and murdered to look like he did it. The Left is evil and will stop at nothing to try and get guns banned.

Typical whiteoid being a whiteoid:
Taking out its sexual frustration while being a pawn for anti gun agenda and jewish trickeries

Fact: whites are destroying the society they created faster than niggers are killing each other. The greatest joy is that these whiteoids will never admit it and keep blaming others until they are extinct ^^

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All liberals must die.

Demand revenge.

6-14-17 will be avenged too.

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Avenged AS WELL
not avenged AS TOO
God you conservatives are so illiterate