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>why isn't the guy flirting with the idea of killing democracy leader of free world??

"Free world" is a cold war term, so it makes sense.

Unlike Merkel who changed the parliamentary system after the old one would have given the vice presidence to the oppoosition

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>Far left organization hell bent on immigrating as many non whites as possible to the first world and to think otherwise is xenophobic and racist, claims huge supporter of immigration from the third world that's currently destroying Europe, Angela Merkel, as leader of the free world.

Imagine my shock.

Didn't realize that (((Google))) was the acting authority on the position of "leader of the free world".

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>free world
>cant stick your arm out

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Leader of the world, full stop

You can't go around bombing children like Obama and separating kids from their parents so they can be molested, and still call yourself the leader of the Free World

Trump is the president of the US, there is no president of the world. No, not even a symbolic one. Why do bleeding heart liberals want someone who wasn't voted by their country to be their leader? Why would someone from Spain even care about a leader their country didn't vote in yet still call them leader of the free world? Why would anyone care?

concussion and a decent grave

the ocean

yeah but they had more than one death camp plus each camp probably had like 2 of those things

>looking this far deep into it
It's just the kikes at google trying to PR slap Trump. Calm down.

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Good, move Google HQ to Germany then

No these are 128 times more efficient than normal crematoriums, which is what they had. These are 16 bodies in 1 hr
Regulart is 1 body in 8 hours.

So google posters themselves as an authority who can declare for all of humanity who is leader of the free world, but will censor you if you don't say what they want you to say. Interesting

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Yea, fuck that.

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>free world
free as in kikes have free reign?

Shouldn't they be deciding what candy company is going to sponsor their next android update instead of writing opinion pieces?

Letting hundreds of thousands of radical zealots who are culturally bound to commit murder and are uninterested in assimilation into your country is the definition of "free world".

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okay so they had 128 of them

before everyone here gets all up in arms for a wrong reason, there were a shitload of articles saying more or less
>angela merkel is now the leader of the free world
google just aggregates terms, and faggot journalists are pretty much the only ones who use that term.

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lmao a leader that rules Germany going on 13 years straight for 4 terms, even though her party has been losing seats and almost failed to build a coalition, because the other paties don't want to be associated with Merkels disastrous migrant policies that have an impact on all of Europe
a leader that strongarmed Facebook and other sites to remove anti-migrant posts, because that's how we do it in the "free world", censoring opinions we don't like, very democratic

What are you talking about dude? Which countries democracy is he going to kill?

every thread? give it a rest man

Numbers confirm Merkel the leader of the (((free))) world

>holding hand or item over eye
gotta watch out for this

>Weak as fuck strawman on the first post

1/10, at least you tried I guess

With jew you always win

>"Free World"

That's a racist, xenophobic, islamophobic, imperialist and white supremacist concept. I'm triggered.

Best thing is that the goverment changes the voting and parliamentary systems all the time if it dosen't work out they want.

But Trump is a dictator because of reasons

It’s simple, actual freedom isn’t free and the only freedom Merkel offers is free gibs me dat

> (((Google)))
> free world
pick one


Thinking in terms of countries as insular societies is kind of outdated. Unless we're talking extreme counter examples like the Amish or some stone age people on remote pacific islands, humankind is one single society. Feel free to find your own planet if you don't like it.

This This This
Google is an online tool, nothing more. They have their heads stuck so far up their own ass they think they have the authority to make such claims.

>Leader of the Free World
>Army of broomstick guns
kek sure thing Jewgle, she can have it.

Free world BTFO

Free World

Attached: Screenshot_20180806-203826_Google.jpg (2022x1121, 969K)

If that's freedom, I want none of it.

Yes, being allowed to dress however you like is a sign of freedom. Not that a burger could ever tell what true freedom is.

>Routinely imprisons people for political speech
>Free world

Worse timeline

Sounds like america

When did they remain the Good Goy award?

Good. America is once again in the hands of nationalists. Trump is the leader of America, fuck all the shithole European countries.

Yay! The Nazis won! Based Google ushering in the fourth Reich!

Look at this faggot cucked snow nigger immigrant rape baby

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Will they take the title off her when red Cortez becomes comrade presidente?

Comrade Merkel

Fearless Leader of the Free World

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>implying anyone wears a burqua of their own free will
>believing the hijab/burqua IS MUH CHOICE meme

T. 56%

>unable to name a single policy that Trump has enacted that has restricted the freedom of any American citizen

>humankind is one single society
shut up, hippie

Haha muricans, you suck

Pff fuck AfD

Illegal immigrants are citizens too, bigot.

Pff fuck nazi scum

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Do you think there's free lunch there too?

>people unironically believe this

I guess the free world is dead then.


Except the gays...because she doesn't believe in gays getting married. So other than that yeah. Funny thing is Trump is pro gay....what a bunch of fags.

>humankind is one single society

Walk around an African country by yourself and see if that statement holds up.

I dont like (((AfD))) either, but that dosen't make it better

shes not my leader fuck off


This about sums it up.

First of all, it wasn't 'Merkel', second it was a good change


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The term "Leader of the free world" is no longer applicable as the cold war is over. That is what it meant. The "Free World" was Nato / the western bloc during the cold war.

The leader of the free world is the leader of the strongest military country that is not communist, and the one who does the most to fight against communism.

For the left / cultural Marxists to culturally appropriate such a term is extremely ironic as they are all a bunch of hippie commie faggots.

Well they are.
Now you know.

is that so ? Ill be taking that.

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good news we control the world frenz

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so we are officially the good guys now?

yes and the mainstream narrative.

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At least he is free to stretch in a certain way.

>so we are officially the good guys now?

Nope you swung too far left, get ready for WW3... Maybe then you germanistan folks will act right.

He means us not Merkel's gangsters.

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All that will happen is you mutts jumping in killing off the remaining native euros while your women are fucking niggers at home


>good guys
you misspelled goys

Freedom is slavery.
War is peace.
Ignorance is strength.

The freedom to
>Commit miscegenation and flush your genes down the toilet
>Cut your dick off so you can dilate daily
>Snip your kids at birth to make them as slaves
>Import foreigners who rape and murder your own people
>Hate your self, and your family. White devils!
>Have dildo pride parades in the streets, with kids watching.
>Brainwash children into being genderfluid tranny drag queens.
>Assist in the destruction of your country.

War is peace.
>Our young men sent off to die in some desert. Every one of them that dies is replaced by a somali refugee.
>Vibrant diversity brings peace! Not violent, rapey no go zones.
>Whites are evil. Whites are evil. Whites are evil. There is no war in ba sing se, I mean on whites.
>There is also no war for you mind. Remember, Drumpf is an evil cheeto nazi and porn is healthier than vegetables for you.
>War on the family. Your family disagreeing with you in unacceptable. Expel the nazis from your family.
>War on tradition. Destroy beautiful architecture and replace it with ugly modernism. Culture must destroyed, statues too.

Ignorance is strength.
>Everything is Trumps fault.
>We must give amnesty to all illegals. The US turning to a hispanic negro country will be amazing.
>Your wife cucking you is a good thing! Monogamy is bad. Raise those brown kids!
>There is no white genocide happening, you racist! Civic nationalism for the win! Based black men, awoo!
>Antifa are the good guys! They even burn US flags and fly USSR ones! Fucking based! Bash the Nazis! Queer tranny muslim pedosexual power!

Attached: Antifa germany.png (673x482, 386K)

>weird spastic racist murican rants on Taiwanese carpet exchange board on the internet
Don't let ((them)) hit you on your way out