Game of Thrones is Alt-Right Propaganda

Hundreds of years ago, the Targ)))aryan(((s, light-skinned, fair-eyed, light-haired conquerers, invaded Westeros (England; more generally Europe) and ruled ever since.
A few years before present time, the "mad king" (Hitler) is overthrown and his family including little kids was slaughtered (Romanov family) to near extinction. In the later books, the narrative of him just randomly burning people is slightly questioned (the series is still ongoing) and it is revealed that his advisor (((Varys))), the "master of whisperers" also known as "the spider" convinced him to let the Lannisters (corrupt and greedy European aristocracy) into his gates, who promptly turned on him and betrayed him (Constantinople).
(((Littlefinger))), the guy who instigated the events that led to the ongoing war, changed his family name to hide that his family is originally from (((The Free City of Braavos))). Braavos is also home to the (((Iron Bank))) and is Westeros's Frankfurt (The Rothschilds were also based in Frankfurt).
Also out of Braavos (read: Frankfurt) are (((The Faceless Men))), a mysterious group of former slaves who rose up against their former masters, the Valyrians who were the ancestors of the Targaryans. They kill people as a tribute to, and I quote, "the Many-Faced God, a god of death who is unknowingly worshipped by all religions in the world". In the religion of the Southerners, the "faith of the seven" (Greek/Roman Gods), he represents "the stranger" (look up Bacchus and who Tacitus and Plutarch said he was worshipped by). Essentially, they are the Frannkfurt School/Antifa/Anarchists/Mossad of the show and are masters of disguise, able to take on any identity they please (Varys, who is also from one of the (((Free Cities))) is capable of the same btw).

Attached: quotation__varys___the_spider_by_elernie-d5yo5lx.jpg (1191x670, 109K)

Varys purports to be a Targaryan loyalist, but he actually tries to help a Targaryan imposter, Fake Aegon, to the throne, whom he claims to have saved from the butchery of the Targaryan family. Considering that it is revealed that Aegon is a fake, this also means Varys most likely let the real Aegon die. The fake one might be a Faceless Man and/or related to Varys or the Iron Bank.

Now, you might say: "What about Daenarys getting raped by a seemingly non-European Dothraki ruler and then falling in love with him?". The key here is that the Dothraki are actually Proto-Indo-Europeans. A steppe herder-people who deify the horse (remember that the Proto-Indo-Euruopeans domesticated the horse), they place power and honour above all and hate (((merchants))) and (((maegi))) (magi were proto-Christians despised by the Persians). They refuse trade altogether and only accept gifts, but they will always reciprocate them (contrast this with the Lannisters/Lancasters, whose power is based on debt). There is even an article by a linguist, who wrote that the Dothraki language sounds alot like we believe Proto-Indo-European sounded like. And remember that the people who sold (or "gifted") Daenarys into slavery in the first place were Varys and (((Ilyrio))), a "philanthropist" from a merchant family from one of the Free Cities, who also keep her older degenerated brother as a pet and eventually let him die.
I believe they are setting Dany up as an enemy invading Westeros with hordes of savage Dothraki and Unsullied (Untouchables) foreigners in order to gain legitimacy for Fake Aegon as a savior figure.
The map of Westeros btw is based on Great Britain and the other continent is based on Western Eurasia. Interestingly, "Slaver's bay" is located right at the coast of Israel when transferred to a map of the real world. And the Dothraki territory corresponds to the "Urheimat" of Proto-Indo-Europeans, namely the Pontic-Caspian steppe.

Whereas the southern "faith of the seven" represents greek gods, "the old gods" of the North represent Scandinavian/Germanic/Celtic Gods. The "Lord of the Light", hated by Varys, is obviously Christianity. The Gods in Game of Thrones represent the will of those who created them as well as those who believe in them, like in the real world (that's why Christianity is complicated).
The White Walkers are clearly meant to be a threat to unite humanity (sounds like a globalist agenda, I suspect the "God of Death" is ultimately behind it all). Maybe the are supposed to represent Muslims or Soviets or, more interestingly, weaponized history (in that case they would be the historic depictions of Nazis in order to create self-hatred)

Thoughts of a few more places:
Qarth is Constantinople/Instanbul and the warlocks are the Dönmeh.
Elyria could be Athens. Astapor and Asshai are prime candidates for Jerusalem and Bethlehem, respectively.
Meereen I am not entirely sure about, but it is definitely Egyptian (this doesn't fit as well with the map as others, but Africa does not exist in Game of Thrones so that might explain it)
Yunkai could be Tel Aviv ("Yunkai is ruled by an Aristocracy of slave owners and merchants known as the Wise Masters". Their chief export is bedslaves.)
Volantis is Rome.

The Faceless Men try to recruit )))Arya((( (again with the weird naming coincidences), but she eventually realizes that she is not faceless, that she has an identity and is connceted to the fate of her family and her people. The Faceless Men may have realized this was going to happen and just planned to turn her into a vengeful assassin and let her lose to create more chaos and further destabilize Westeros. The Faceless Men don't openly kill for their own agenda, they take kill requests from others for money, but refuse those not aligning with their own interests thereby tipping the scales in their favour without having to reveal their real agenda.
The title "Game of Thrones" can be understood as a criticism of traditional European Nationalism as dividing Europeans and making them vulnerable to outside forces taking over. This critique of a particular sort of nationalism and Dany's seemingly SJW-multi-cultural plot line were probably what piqued the globalists' interest in the first place, but they missed the part about Dothraki being Indo-Europeans and misjudged the direction the plot was moving in as well as the underlying message/world view of the books.

I've also wondered, why the new book that should have been completed long ago has not been released yet. Note, btw, that the "fake Aegon" storyline was removed from the show (it exists only in the books); maybe the show makers have started to understand what the books are about. But there are also other plausible possibilities for why the book has been delayed. Considering who produces his show, he might be afraid of it being cancelled due to information that will be contained in his new book (it's the second last book, so he might have no choice at this point). Alternatively, he might want to complete his last book as well before releasing any further material to be on the safe side. Or maybe he's just lazy.

Varys support blonde dragonbitch so ur theory breaks there however

>Game of Thrones is Alt-Right Propaganda

it's meant to be about global cooling but the fat ass writer took so long to write the books it already morphed into global warming then climate change rendering his parable worthless.

and the targaryans love FUCKING their sisters too lmao just like wh*teoids

it's asoiaf btw

Wrong. It's dragons and titties.

Hehe jon fucked his aunt

It was the grand master who convinced the big guy to let the Lannisters in