Hello Pol, I want to move to a European country where its population is at least 98% white (if it is 100% white, that would be even better) I am looking for a really right-wing country that does not accept shitskins like Poland.
Which is the whitest country in Europe?
>hello, Jow Forums, I am a leech that doesn't want to improve their own society and prefers to get everything on a plate
Now, who is hiding behind your meme flag?
>close to Austria and Italy
>not poor
>no shitskins in practice
>no yugoslav conflict bullshit
However, you are likely to be american/russian mutt under the memeflag, so keep yourself away from Slovenia.
Definitely Germany. Go there.
These all new recruits from the old eastern block, but it's just matter of time, before our bros Muslims gonna turn them into Sweden.
What's with the purity tests? Why would it matter?
>Now, who is hiding behind your meme flag?
I bet it's that pissed off Austrian fellow, who constantly shits on Poland.
this but this country is getting shittier every year, we're in denial in birth rate and at this rate we'll the population will stay the same with more and more shitskins coming every year. We desperately need a president that encourages having kids or were fucked
If it comes to most white probably Poland and/or Slovakia. If it comes to most white and Based, Hungary (if you don't mind the gypsies).
>critisizing Europe's whiteness
Slovenia is one of those few Slav nations which is genuinely good, I hope you guys will be ok.
No free gibs and faggot liberalism for you Mohammed, so I very much doubt it. Try Serbia!
Stay in your country and help fix it instead of runing away you faggot. People like you are the reason west europe is dying.
Northern Ireland
>close to Austria and Italy
being close to Italy is not a pro since we aren't white
hungary forces vaccines on their people, so no
are you burger ? u need to know that these white countries that are still left they have big block towards foreigner and everyone who doesnt speak their language or isnt their nationality. only countries in eu that are livable are baltic + poland. all same mentality and dont like foreigners. keep living in ur burger land dont want u here
Bro Sweden is going to deport so many of you in the coming years. Our nationalist sentiment is growing.
Europe is still whiter than the US, Canada and Australia.
Move to Poland, the bigger cities are super comfy
If you don't plan on learning Polish, though, you're no better than a nigger
Appreciate the history and culture that made them who they are
Polak, do you speak any Dutch'ski or just LARP as per usual and not even planning to go back ownself?
I'm not Polish 2bh
All I know about Poland is from my Polish coworkers, and my own limited research. I'm planning on visiting it sometime this year for the first time (I'm not planning on moving there, though)
It's obviously the UK - the massterrace of Europe.
Is that poland or uk? Cant tell
Austria, if you burn Vienna to the ground
It has a geography only whites can survive in. Genetically it combines the best from slavs, germans and meds without the annoying parts of those genetic and cultural pools.
Those are Yugoslav organ dealers in UK.
Come here
>on an Island
No thanks, than rather northern Greenland, there I can at least shot any bastard who dares to come to close to my property
Fuck off, amerimutt, we're full. Your country made the world shithole it is today, so deal with it.