who do you think will win this round?
My money's on the Emus to go 2-0.
Begun, the Emu Wars have.
>australians have to deal with fucking dinosaurs
Australia lost the first war, I don't see them winning this time around. Abandon ship!
How do you kill something that's basically immune to bullets?
This would never be an American problem. We are too good at killing
up the caliber and case size
don't use 45 acp, try 45-70 gov't
or flat out 50bmg
i already burnt my house down in preparation
I'm surprised they even lasted this long desu
Think we should send reinforcements?
Learn from us; shit and throw trash everywhere and they'll eventually succumb to the lack of safe habitat.
Fuggggg :D
If we lose Vienna it's over
You forgot letting foreign companies produce hazardous pesticides near your population centers
What about the emu's attack on the aussies ?
Americans have been starting Emu farms. Supposedly. I've visited a few. The owners have this odd soulless quality. And they sell "Emu Oil", not meat or anything. My sister tried it and ever since she can't fucking shut up about buying emus.
Do you understand? Emus have gone beyond traditional warfare, they're now manufacturing mind control agents. It's not an invasion, it's an infiltration. By the time we realize something is wrong 80% of our population will be hooked on Emu Oil and the next thing we know we've got an Emu President.
I don't think we can beat them.
The bird is the word
Don't worry, the Polish light cavalry will save the day yet again
Shhhh don't give away ALL out tactics, we need a few of those in case the Muslims decide to riot or something
Actually the American Gov't is harvesting the Emu's for their oil, but you are correct this dependence on avian oil is frightening
>Tfw CIA gas been secretly training emus to act as splinter cells and overthrow the Australians in a couple d'etat
Is this revenge for the eucalyptus trees that they have that burnt down California?
My cousin did the same! I think the whole "lizard people" thing is a cover they created.
Come on user, that actually made me sad.
Haha just kidding lads I'm just "meeming" no need to worry everything's fine
This is what happens when you take away peoples guns. These emu gangs are free to rape and pillage the Australian people.
They've taught the emus how to type. We're in trouble. At least they haven't learned how to shitpost yet, then we'd never be able to tell who the real Aussies are
Never abandon the right to arm bears
How do you type so well with no fingers, bird?
the Emus have proven themselves to be bulletproof in the first emu war though. I'm happy these monsters can't fly or swim so that they're confined to Australia.
The flightless bird menace is already infiltrating Hollywood and wrestling control from (((them)))
I think they have mind control of Aussie shit posters.
Although It seems to have affected their ability to shitpost. Although I fear it won't be long before they accomplish that as well. Once they can effectively blend In with the aussies, we're all doomed
Don't worry American human everything is fine.
Not all emus are bad, we're very friendly. Yes very friendly.
Burn it. Burn everything. Leave the enemy nothing but wasteland.
>aussie gov takes away all guns from citizens
>emus start to invade
I think they are starting to get smart guys
oh god, not again
Kids are just faggots these days.
We use to meet down at the local park every day after school, head down into the creek, tear out a length of bamboo from the bushes to use as a staff and then just have rounds of kids wailing on each other.
We literally blinded a kid in one eye and the fucker was still there every fucking day for more and a bunch of those guys still carry the scars over a decade later.
To wind down we'd play brandy with pine cones and then hand out pages from the communal porn stock pile to the winners.
The internet was a fucking mistake.
emus control the jews it all makes sense now
Listen, I'm from Perth, and I say KILL EM ALL.
B-but think about the children user.
T-they could get hurt!
Don't fight it. Just lube your anus for the BEC
Oh shit they’re stealing bikes now.
Mobile emu assault battalions incoming.
seeing that you are a dot indian shouldn't you be out raping a child?
But are they above or bellow the Bogdanov ?