Godfrey Elfwick Banned From Twitter

It happened last month. Did this get covered here?


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The only people who care are on twitter, retard.

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It's just one step in the overall silencing process, which includes this guy, Daily Stormer, Alex Jones, Gavin McInnes, etc. Doing it all at once would get more people's attention. So instead they do it bit by bit so people don't notice.

RIP twitter trolls
had a great thing going right up to the election.

seeing breitshart pretend to be hip to memes is fucking embarrassing. 30 year old boomer epitomized.

Serves him right. If right wingers wanted a micro-blogging platform they shouldn't have sat on their hands while the progressive left was building one. The most retarded thing a conservative can do is complain when they get kicked of a leftist owned and operated platform. What did you stupid fat fuckers expect?

>they finally figured out godfrey was fucking with them

took long enough

Yup. The election showed leftists that free speech is a threat to them, so they shut it down. Apparently they think it will stop the right from winning more elections. I think they are right.

Maybe we didn't realize that leftist ideas were so weak they had to be protected from dissent. To be fair, leftists didn't realize this either until Donald Trump was elected.

will the leftists get bored and quit when they have no one left to argue with?

Not likely. They will continue spouting their theories to gain new converts and sway elections. It will be a lot easier for them when there is no one to challenge them.

They are not weak, leftist ideas comprise the dominant ideology and it infects all the kids because it is so omnipresent.

Actual freedom of speech is impossible. The dominant ideology will always bully the weaker one.

Ann Coulter is next? Who else?

An idea that has to censor dissent to win debates is weak.

Reminder that this is what everybody said would happen if Hilary was elected. So much for Trump taking on the left huh?

>my local antifag twitter page celebrating that they broke up a generation identitaire meetIng at a pub
>I ask why people should be banned from public establishments for unpopular opinions
>antifag: people like those nazis give up their rights when they advocate fascism
>me: cool, dehumanising your enemy will definitely make it easier to round them up into gulags when the time come right?
>get banned for hate speech

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twitter is a (((saudi))) company op

>An idea that has to censor dissent to win debates is weak.
They censor because they are in a position of power, not because they are afraid of weak arguments. The left doesn't care about facts or logic and will never shift their position.

For example its a fact that trans women are mentally ill men in wigs. But that doesn't stop the left from insisting that they are women and punishing anyone who says otherwise.

If fascism is so obviously wrong, it should be easy to prove this, and so censorship is not necessary.

Or, if fascism is not so obviously wrong that it is easy to prove, then it shouldn't be censored.

Only definitely wrong ideas should be censored, but definitely wrong ideas don't need to be censored because they can easily be proven wrong.

That's the paradox of censorship: either your idea is so obviously wrong it doesn't need to be censored, or it's not obviously wrong enough to justify censorship.

you're both correct. the key is demonstrating this to the people in between the partisans or who are open to dialogue.

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Trump is president of the US, not of Twitter, you emukiwi.

They censor because they don't want to loser power, which suggests that they think they will lose power if people are free to disagree with them. If an idea will lose adherents if people are allowed to disagree with it, then your idea is weak.

The reason they got power in the first place was because they controlled the dissemination of information in the media and schools. In this case, there was no challenge to their ideas, so the weakness was not apparent. It was only with the spread of social media, and the democratization of speech, which allowed disagreement with the dominant ideas, that the weakness of their ideas became apparent, and now they are in bunker mode.

Strong ideas that can stand on their own don't have to go to bunker mode when challenged.

>Godfrey Elfwick
literally the only person on Twitter I followed. epic lolz

it was really a lady

you can't ban an institution ffs

i don't know if you've noticed, but they don't actually argue. they block potential arguers and virtue signal amongst themselves.