Now that the dust has settled, was Sandy Hook the most blatant false flag in American history?

Now that the dust has settled, was Sandy Hook the most blatant false flag in American history?

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No, that was 9/11

what you think Alissa Parker meant by this article she wrote

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after sh I thought it was over, it was so obvious manufactured msm propaganda, but the sheeple never saw it like they were under a spell

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sandy hook griving actor.webm

in no particular order:
>the USS Maine
>the Lusitania
>Pearl Harbor
>Gulf of Tonkin

I think Parkland was the most blatant, everything was so set up and fake feeling.

Parkland was even faker feeling than 9/11

parkland was straight up sandy hook 2. There is so much cross over between the two communities and the way everything happens after the shooting. it is like a re-run

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Aside from 9/11, yes

And Hogg is literally Adam Lanza

Were the Sandy Hook police as weird as the Parkland police?

He literally isn't.

>the USS Maine
>the Lusitania
>Pearl Harbor
>Gulf of Tonkin
Not really since the internet/camera phones weren't a thing back then and the government had a monopoly on information dissemination.
This is the only one that's arguable, considering they attacked a huge monument in the middle of New York City in broad daylight, but the story at least kind of makes sense and holds up to cursory scrutiny. For someone to start picking it apart, they actually have to delve into the smaller details and the government has successfully made even that taboo, so they're covered.

Sandy Hook, on the other hand, doesn't even hold up to cursory scrutiny. It is the laziest false flag in this country's history, second only to Port Arthur in the world, and completely falls apart the instant you look at it through a lens that isn't MUH DEAD KIDS MUH FEE-FEES ;_;.

Came to post this

People who are grieving will laugh, smile and in some cases, they will even feel nothing. Because they are still in shock.

The logic that a grieving parent must be crying 24/7 is entirely autistic. Have you guys ever been to a funeral? People can have really weird reactions to someone they know getting blown away.

Some people act like nothing happened after a tragedy and then 2 weeks later they're catatonic.

how come the relevant only non-false flag in the last two decades was absolute kino? even 9/11 is boring compared to columbine

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sandy hook was probably way weirder with how they portray everyone & everything on TV during the actual happening

Nigger you can fucking watch him putting on his fake crying face. Get the fuck out of here with your horseshit.


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what in tarnations

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That webm op posted was a textbook example of an amateur performing "getting into character"

fuck off retard

i was referring to the other thousand red flags

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like this

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and this

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I have a cousin who attended Sandy Hook Elementary School you fucking idiot

What was that day like?

my favorite part is when the spire at the end just magically turns into dust :)


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Terrible, but we all had a good laugh about it by the end of the day

that creepy looking lady with the brown pants. She look like an old hag

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>"Sandy Hook deniers"

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Damn right. But retards are still like fuck the goat fuckers they did 9/11... Meanwhile the (((jooos))) are just laughing about how they pulled off the biggest gold heist in history and manipulated murica to kill their enemies.

its not even a debate

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Wouldn't some one slip up and say something though? Let's assume it was an inside job, how many people would have to be involved? 50? 100? 500? What are the odds they all keep quiet?

>Anne Marie Murphy, the Sandy Hook Elementary School teacher who died trying to protect precious Dylan Hockley, 6, with her body, was compared to Jesus as she was laid to rest on Dec. 20. So incredibly sad.

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People always say this, including one of my friends, but I don't think it's as impossible as you/they think

First of all, I think it's safe to assume that anyone in on it would be risking the life of themselves and their family if they were to say anything. Their internet, phone, everything would be heavily monitored. That alone would keep a large majority of people quiet. If I knew something but the consequence of me attempting to tell anyone was that my children were beheaded in front of me, sorry that shit's staying a secret. No one would believe me anyway.

>Following the Newtown school shooting last December parents gathered at the Sandy Hook fire station to wait for news. Each family was assigned a Connecticut State Trooper as a guardian and a guide.
>State Trooper Eddie Vayan’s Incredible Dedication to Newtown Family
>On the day of the tragic shootings, each family was assigned a Connecticut state trooper to act as its guardian through the ordeal. In the three months since, trooper Eddie Vayan has continued to honor his duty to the Hubbard family who lost their little girl Catherine on that December morning.

no one is gonna say a word capiche?

Makes me so angry. I can't wait to water the liberty tree with republicans and democrats.

Hurry up Trump! Save us!

People are becoming desensitizing to what are emotionally appropriate reactions in given situations. There are consistent claims that "none exist" which is absurd.

A few rare examples of overwhelmed and traumatized victims who act incomprehensibly in their circumstances are insisted to be the norm. Scrutinizing anyone in the victim role is forbidden.

I see this most often in cases where women have alleged sexual harassment or assault. People see evidence of carefree conduct and lack of apparent trauma. Others begin to raise their eyebrows and ask questions and are immediately attacked, called ignorant and unsympathetic.

This started out as an apparent call for empathy for people in deeply stressful and trying situations. It has become an order to stop thinking, stop talking and stop asking questions.

I got banned for posting this guy in /tv/ because my post was

>Off-topic; all images and discussion should pertain to television shows, movies, actors/actresses, and filmmaking.

So I guess he's not an actor after all. Case closed.

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I have a cousin who went to Sandy Hook and I assure you it really happened.

That teaching your kids about predators is important? Parents have to clean little kids, retard.

Or he was just bracing for being put on live television to talk about his dead kid. Was trying not to get emotional beforehand, etc. You guys really need perspective.

especially if you live in Newtown

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I'm trying to pad out my "schoolshootercore" playlist. Any suggestions?

I wonder who could be behind this protest?

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no, 911 is

who believes the official story

911 isnt just inside group SH was pure FF

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Here's a good one
Sandy Hook Exposed - 30 mins

Also this one seems good, but i haven't vetted it yet, could be (((disinformation))) but from the description, yt has shoah'd it several times and it's from 2013 so it might be legit.
Sandy Hook The Documentary 1.5 hours

Also, this guy's book got shoah'd from (((amazon))) after a couple weeks in what some could call a present day book burning.
Here's the pdf, "No One Died at Sandy Hook"

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>The killer was originally said to be the son of a kindergarten teacher by anonymous law enforcement not authorized to speak in an official capacity. The classroom (singular) he originally shot up was said to be a kindergarten classroom courtesy of the same sources.

>A reporter claims the nurse told her the shooter was a son of a Sandy Hook kindergarten teacher. Either she gave this info to police (corroborating the reporters account) or police derived their info independently. This is not an error in a rush to get the news, this was an elabourate account the reporter was recounting about the nurse originally claiming the nurse said she locked eyes with the shooter (an account she later changed) and got a visual identification. Do we have proof that the nurse gave this account? Not yet (she may have mentioned it on her 911 call Sedesnky is attempting to suppress). But in all likelihood, she did.

>A relative of the Lanza's is cited as saying Nancy worked in some capacity at Sandy Hook and knew the principal and psychiatrist. It was originally reported that the principal identified the shooter as the son of a Sandy Hook teacher and buzzed him in. This was later amended to him shooting his way in through the glass entrance. The dead principal also gave an interview for the Newtown Bee after she was shot dead, but didn't shed any light on this. The Newtown Bee offered a retraction saying someone had identified themselves as the middle-aged insignificant woman to their reporter.

>In a layout of Sandy Hook Elementary from 2011-12, there appears to have been 3 kindergarten classrooms. One of these 3 is taught by Janet Vollmer. Janet Vollmer has a son, Scott, who is employed by Mayors Against Illegal Guns founder Michael Bloomberg. Scott lives in Hoboken, New Jersey, same town where Ryan Lanza (officially reported to be the killer) was living and arrested. Scott also has a Facebook page where he hosts an image of him in a group who stands beside Barrack Obama and Bill Clinton uploaded in July, 2012 (5 months before the shooting), a remarkable coincidence.

>The killer was originally named as Ryan Lanza (possibly can add Son of a Sandy Hook kindergarten teacher to this). He was suppose to have travelled to Connecticut after killing (depending on account): a) his father, or b) his brother, in Hoboken. There was reported to be a dead body in a building in Hoboken that was originally thought to be connected, this was just dropped by the news media. His younger brother was originally said to have been taken into police custody, but was later changed to Ryan. It was also reported that one or the others (presumed to be Ryan's) girlfriend and friend were missing in New Jersey (I believe this later became California), which didn't have any significant follow up in the news stories, it was just dropped.

>The reason for Adam Lanza becoming Ryan Lanza is either (depending on account, I believe both sourced from law enforcement): a) Adam had Ryan's identity on him, or b) officers mistakenly transposed names. Adam Lanza's photos have been photoshopped. The first major picture of him has a copy & paste mouth and probably fake hair. Many have remarked about the alikeness of him and his brother, and when you take into account that his images have been altered, it seems plausible that "Adam" is a construct of Ryan.

I know bullshit when I see it you faggot. This asshole is so full of shit he needs a fucking septic pump.

Because he laughed and smiled?
You need better proof.
I've heard this a lot. But I was at a young person's funeral earlier this summer and the parents were smiling and laughing.
They were putting on a brave face for the other relatives, including the young people.
This is something that actually happens.
YES, as a third party, it's fucking weird to see.
But if you think all funerals are 1000% solemn fucking affairs, you must have no experience with death and dying relatives.

>NEWTOWN, Conn. (CBSNewYork) — In the midst of the sadness following the deadly Connecticut school massacre, stories of tremendous heroism are emerging.
>One of the heroes, a kindergarten teacher, was in Sandy Hook Elementary School with her class when the gunfire erupted on Friday morning.
>“My assistant and I heard some noises, which did sound like gunshots,” Janet Vollmer told CBS 2’s Dick Brennan.

>Although reports at the time indicated that the principal of the school let Mr. Lanza in because she recognized him, his mother did not work at the school, and he shot his way in, defeating a security system requiring visitors to be buzzed in.

front door buzz Scott Vollmer into the school & then they change the story to the gunman shooting the front window with a shotgun. Scott's mother is Kindergarten teacher Janet Vollmer. That is why Sally Cox initially said she knew the gunman's mother who was a wonderful Kindergarten teacher.

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people who didnt seem to be 100% in on the plan kept fucking up the script

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nah...pearl harbor & 9/11 got a fema exercise beat.

reminder that obama legalized propaganda in 2012

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