White women in the US are more entitled and spoiled by the system then actual niggers. Prove me wrong
White women in the US are more entitled and spoiled by the system then actual niggers. Prove me wrong
Other urls found in this thread:
Whites are universally understood to be the most attractive, which naturally goes to the head of the gender which defines its worth based on attractiveness and makes them completely insufferable
Thats a Latina you fucking retard
replace white women with american women
Lmao, you took this picture from a thread yesterday that said the same thing about Mexicans.
How fucking stupid are you to repost less than 24 hours later and still get it fucking wrong.
Kill yourself.
>Prove me wrong
You're anti-White and you're posting on Jow Forums.
You also won't post again.
There, I proved you wrong.
its not about race, its culture
It even has the shittin photoshopped ass.
This is why you should go MGTOW
that's a blatant spic bitch
Are you this fucking stupid? Look at the body shape and name of the account, as well as the baby's skin color.
Is this a shill, or are people this dumb?
Also, you used the wrong "than".
Can't even fucking spell, but trying to shit on others.
>implying OP's pic is white
ageed, until there is a complete repeal of feminism its the only way
wow all these cucks and beta males salty as fuck over the truth
>thats white
The absolute state of murrica
Spit that Ben Shapiro shit
first day on Jow Forums?
So, does Tyler Martin have a Facebook page?
it is though, for example if you are brought up in a culture where men are feminized it doesnt matter what race you are , most men in that culture are going to be feminized.
Thats a Spics whore in the pic. Try harder shill troll faggot
culture is the flower
race is the root
jews subvert the natural emergent culture
cultures where men are feminized are unnatural and products of the jews
hope she did abort it
t. frustrated virgin
800 for 1 kid?! Damn, how do I get that? At least 200, come on.
That's a chink.
Lmao, "whites are bad"
>Posts photos of other races
throwing money at cunts doesnt count as sex you stupid faggot cuck
That's not a white woman.
"I'm busy jerking off to blacked videos"
Like you know anybody that looks like that.
Fuck it. The white race is finished. I don't care anymore. Niggers can come in and kill me anytime now. I am done
look, im not going to get into the jews right now but i disagree with the race part. i think culture plays more of a part than it. i could be wrong but i dont see it there are white thugs and there are black thugs there are white geniuses and there are black geniuses. i see it as how you are brought up and what culture you are brought up in
>says whites
Post picture of taco.
>omg how dare you have romantic thoughts about a girl above your league fucking incel
She's right, that kid doesen't need more than $100 in a month. But American men are still cucked for paying their ex's so much just to feel god.
>im not going to get into the jews right now
so it -is- your first day on Jow Forums?
> i could be wrong but i dont see it there are white thugs and there are black thugs there are white geniuses and there are black geniuses. i see it as how you are brought up and what culture you are brought up in
come back and talk about this after you've been introduced to the FBI crime statistics and the IQ gap
race > culture
>black geniuses
this bitch should be euthanised
Except that photo is of 56% mixed garbage, stupid asshole.
>posts a picture of a spic thot
I wish
i had these stats by race so I could at least answer accurately, but if i had to guess, people don't really care about male niggers, no one does really even if they pretend they do..
so i will agree with OP:
women take much more then they ever contribute to society, without men they would all be dead within a month
>Calls Europe one of the most developed nations
Holy fuck your education system is as bad as the US
Firstly, that's a spic. Secondly if that's legit, that is a horrible person and someone should beat the utter shit out of them.
Mexicans should hold themselves to better standards. They're beaners, not niggers. They're simple. Mutts. Not complete subhuman African idiots. Nigger behavior should not be tolerated by any people. Thus also why they should be deported. Leeching is nigger tier.
She got Deconstructed lol.
something about that arrogant message and pose and her disgustingly disproportional body that does make me want to beat her to death. Why is there so many fucking vermin in our country. Now they have cell phones
that,s beautiful, thankyou for this post
I'd really like to see a bit more focus given to the fact that she was stone dead asleep but kept the cigarette in her mouth.
You need to be 18 or older to post here, kid.
I think you're a bit off there, buddy boy.
That's because it's played backwards and she was in reality pretending to be dead before leaping at the poor innocent man and headbutting his fist.
salsa on that filthy pawg
Boy, i sure am angry now. Ill think back on this post tonight while i wageslave at my job feeding old people.
what is it with people who have autism not being able to tell when two people look ENTIRELY DIFFFERENT
Not wrong at all, why do you think mgtow is growing at an exponential rate
*some, not all
It's a Mexican goblin
So what you are saying is that women belong in the kitchen or the bedroom, should be barefoot and pregnant, that we should lower the age of consent, and engage in a little domestic discipline when required?
That we should vote for far right christian fringe groups that have no chance of winning, so that the mainstream parties (conservative / republicans) politicians will start to represent the above values and people like you? (moving the needle)
top kek, all these traducks that come out of the cuckshed to post "bbut that's a latina!"
>Bitch called Kiana who calls herself Gap Mami
>posts goblina
What you doing there, rabbi?
>even considering white women as people
hope to god you guys don't do this
toll paid
fuck off spic
She Hispanic tho
We know you never talk to girls irl
Maternity leave isn't use/lose though
She's facing the future she wanted.
There was an FBI agent that was investigating al gayda in the 90’s after wtc 1. He tried to warn the gov they would trg again. Time went by and his investigation eventually became just him in a broom closet. The FBI higher ups hated him tried to fire him twice and constantly tried to push him out of the agency. Eventually he gave up. Ironically he got a security job at WTC and guess what?
He was at work the day it happened and died
Really makes me think
fix your country faggot
because, in that moment, she was instantly taught the lesson to keep her mouth shut and it became reflex.
pure coincidence
White women are stupider than niggers. At least niggers aren't actively trying to genocide their own race.
No wonder you VirginNiggers dont crush pussy. All day you say white women are this and that, it's because your still virgins? Am I right? If your own race won't accept you, holy shit user your fucked. Waiting on that sex bot still eh?
I can't imagine any church playgroup banning a child no matter what they did. This woman probably went there just to cause an issue over comments that elderly people were inevitably going to make.
It's one of those "white Hispanics," no doubt.
have you never seen or heard anything about black on black crime?
That's my town!
I see her about all the time hahaha, fucking hell.