What side effects do you have from the redpill, user?

What side effects do you have from the redpill, user?

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I can't read news sites anymore, all my news intake comes from Jow Forums. It's difficult for me to believe anything published by media.

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Drowsiness and upset stomach, diarrhea, constipation, oral fixation, tingling, numbness, uncontrollable kvetching, rash, headache, lactation, insomnia, crippling autism, xenophobia, tremors, enlarged penis, anal dilation and dehydration.

>Talk about the jews / blacks a lot
>read 25+ pages per day
>work out Monday, Wednesday, Friday. (I'm following some navy routine.)
>more into reading on philosophy, instead of just talking about it my from my own, uneducated point of view
>avoid shopping in the 'multicultural' areas entirely now (except asian market)
>can cook better than ever
>running a business
>wife now engages with me on discussing the jews
>consuming less sugar
>no longer dependent on alcohol / nicotine
>practicing outward stocism
>slightly more confident
A lot has changed.. Some I don't even realize yet.

I am always furious, but good at hiding it.

-Started working out
-Began to hate everyone
Pretty much blackpilled at this point.

Not very good, I must say...

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Pretty much this. It's the only thing that happened to me. When I first came here, I read a bunch of shit about how I'm going to begin hating everyone around me and I'm going to become a recluse, but that didn't happen, and aside from that I can't trust mainstream news and I workout more, I'm still the same person.

I no longer have any empathy for anything, however I don't see that as a real negative...

Got married and had two white children.

Have to live in obscurity. Don't trust any social media for private messages. Basically removed myself from having any kind of online presence. Also ulcers

Reality is thinner.

Noice bro, i would love to discuss with other anons about this, seems like there is a predetermined path for the Jow Forums experience, there is a pic about it but i dont have it, it goes like anger, hatred towards the jews and women and then evolves into acceptance and self betterment, your full blown racism transmutes into something i like to call race realism. used properly the redpill can free you, old Jow Forums opened my eyes about my culture's flaws and myself's, which is the first step into improving, recognizing one's mistakes, truly Jow Forums is a board of peace.
Also the occult path is the best path, but this is my personal preference ;)

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I literally cannot be happy anymore

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2 Kids and a seething fury

Anger management issues desu. More likely from the gym, but the gym was a side effect of the redpill, so

Can't talk politics with anyone IRL
even when someone on a video game spouts Jow Forums memes I just ignore them

Became a racist

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Anger at everybody, and I think I became more manipulative after I learned about Bezmenov and the ways of the Mossad.

If you come here long enough you will see yourself evolve to the final stage on bottom. You have been warned.

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Constipation and rashes

You need to do more

Can no longer discuss anything with anyone.

Antifa faggots.

I'm in wonderland and i see how deep the rabbit hole goes.

Ayy Im not working out and Ive not killed myself so I guess that makes me Hitler

The CIA keeps threatening to MKUltra me into murder suiciding my entire family if I dont send them video of me fucking my cat nightly

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For me, in this order, stopped being an alcoholic, started working out, got married, had a son, changed careers, started going to church, bought a house.

all in about 3 years.

It's too late.
You've already been MKUltra'd

Regular existential crises

I feel empowered and superior. I slip subtle ( or not at all) redpills under people feet when they expect them the least, and witness their astonished faces.
At the company cantina one month ago, with the female cashier:
>so you are happy about the world cup user ?
>do not care, just a bunch of international gladiators picked up on the slave market. Bread and circuses.
>rea...really user ?
>yeah. Btw, avoid the streets tonight, the so-called "french" football fans are loose. There may be a few rapes. They are drunk and happy. Not used to alcohol you see. Diversity is so great. Our diverse mercenaries got a trinket. You may be raped. Awesome.
Feels good man.

I'm moving innawoods and never coming back. I already bought the land.

>wife now engages with me on discussing the jews

Is she single?

Gtz dude. May God bless you future.

I don't talk about nogs or kikes very much, but I do point out white racism where it exists, which is everywhere.

>enlarged penis, anal dilation

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i havnt left my room in 10 years

>Hey user, do you like game of thrones?

"fucking kikes telling brown people to rape white women and for them to like it then use them to invade white countries reee"

>Im... gonna go

>No longer believe in diversity.
>Niggers and fags are not human to me
>Only women that are human to me are my wife and daughters
>No longer trust anyone that's left-wing or Jewish
I just sit in the house sipping whiskey and cleaning my guns.
I don't trust hardly anyone anymore

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Sometimes my elbows lock into place of the point where they’re xonstantly bent

Genocidal Ideation
Social Anxiety
Gender Dysphoria

I used my position as an officer in the danish immigration service to tip off politicians on how to properly restrict family reunificaition. My suggestions are now law.

Also i am running for office to stop diversity for my people.

Shit and im knees deep
with my white girlfriend im mixed, black women are disgusting monkeys

invincibility to most conventional weapons

I mean fuck it faggot you can't get mad at me race mixing was bound to happen

Given up on my old goals cos I realized the system is rigged against me. Created new goals which include self sufficiency, self discipline and self improvement.

>shit about how I'm going to begin hating everyone

The real hate is directed towards us by those who hate us for having our minds freed from their control. Jow Forums is a bit awkward technologically, it's not really a social media site, nor can you really make friends here, but as a whole (newfags, normies, larpers and shills aside) it is a very cohesive bunch with our own culture and set of codes, folklore and jokes. The world outside Jow Forums is full of lies and hate, unbearable.

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Many of these symptoms are common amongst bitter fucking racist ASSHOLES kek. Try spending a month or 2 away from Jow Forums, it will do wonders.

can't watch the news anymore let alone tv or movies

That doggo is us.

Thot patrolling
Honor, morals, and humility
Defamation & Ad hominem
Threat of violence for wrongthink
Threat of legal suit for wrongthink
Threat of loss of employment for wrongthink
Black pills

kys soulless scum

Så innihelvete

withdrawal from friends

recurrent isolated sleep paralysis
getting choked by demons
spending 1,000 years in space prison
watching planets die
i killed megan fox in another dimension once because she was a demon
so that was cool

Don’t care
Whatever is happening to the West is self-inflicted
Darwin, I guess. We deserve it.

>t. muslim

Not afraid of the future anymore, because I know the worst will happen.

What if the whole SJW scheme was just a ruse to lure us all into lucifarianism and occultist magic wich is forbidden. What if we worship the false profit and his master? I want off this ride, praise Jesus.

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i stopped chilling with my normal fag friends, i realized they were useless and noticed they would just sit on their phone all day and talk about worthless drama. i haven't had social media in 6 years since then, and only use a smart phone for work. i enjoy my solitude, i never knew why i tried to fit in(become a normie) earlier in life.

Don't give a fuck about calling people niggers or faggots or degenerates to their faces anymore.

>First rage
>Then deep sadness
>Now extraordinary indifference
In that order.

I can rape or be raped without any feeling or emotions.

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literally /ourguy/

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you're spot on user

T. Diversity imported good

God bless you.

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