This is the only man who can save Croatia

>openly names the jew
>calls out masons in government
>fights banks
>exposes Israeli shill neocons (aka. HDZ)

Prove me wrong

>protip; you can't

Attached: Ivan-Pernar-940x560.jpg (940x560, 64K)

Other urls found in this thread:,_born_1985)

Lol no one cares you dumb gypsy

Fuck off to your islamic shithole britbong

Every single guy I know, no matter how "aware" of shit in the world, they call that guy a fraud. Every, every single one of them.

Never got that.

And you're right, no matter what he does, right or wrong, he names the kike. That in itself is good enough to get a PASS in my book which is downright impossible as of late.

>no matter what he does, right or wrong, he names the kike.
can you link it? and what is his stance towards us?

This. My family thinks the guy is a clown and thats what I hate, I think I lost my family, they have been brainwashed by the media.

>stance towards us

Co-existence and no more jewgoslavia

>he names the kike

skip 30 seconds and look how they try to shut him down

I thought Kolinda was gonna save Croatia by single-handedly manually increasing Croatia's birthrates.

She was busy increasing Israel's birthrate. Especially Netanyahu's

He's the most blackpilled thing I've seen in Croatia. He doesn't go into the kike abyss or anything, he just scratched the surface...BUT

To see these DEGENERATES around him, in that room, in that fucking parliament, and to hear people, friends, in the bar, on the street, have this exclusive kneejerk reaction to him, it's so's incredible.

How can we have any hope knowing that people are beyond repair. You can't help them, you can't reason with them. I remember some of my "friends" giving me shit when there was some "scandal" with him buying an apartment or some shit, I mean GOD DAMN these lemmings are EVERYWHERE...and there's no reasoning with them. Pointless. Lost cause.

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If this country collapses, which it most likely will when shit hits the fan in the EU, it will be because no one listened to Pernar. If some kind of miracle happened and he got elected as supreme leader of Croatia, I would be happy to enlist in Pernar SS corps. Also I think he is secrety redpilled, just look at his body language and words he uses. Overall strongest charisma in the country.

Attached: PernarMartyr.jpg (900x566, 100K)

>Co-existence and no more jewgoslavia
Good. I like him already.
>he names the kike
Don't get me wrong, I am amazed and delighted that he is doing that, but in this exact clip you linked, isn't he being a dick by talking about a subject that isn't the topic of discussion? I'm not trying to be a dick about it, just seems...unfitting? But, then again, I guess he will never even get an honest chance to talk about it, so he does in anyway.

In anyway, if he has a respectful stance towards us (neither hostile nor too friendly) and has a true desire to better Croatia, and also even names the kike, he has my full support.
Do as much digging as you can on him, make sure he is not a plant a la patrick little or nehlen.

>isn't he being a dick by talking about a subject that isn't the topic of discussion?


These other parliament fucks lie for YEARS on end, and I'm supposed to care if this guy went a bit off course and named kikes a bit for a minute god dammit FUCK this whole shit, please war please ayy lmao nukes

Most of the discussions there are a joke anyways. By changing subject he is only increasing quality of discussion. You need to look at the shit other parliament members say and you will understand Pernar more.

smiri se hrvoje, jos malo pa kraj letnjem raspustu, uzivaj

Yeah, thats what I pretty much guessed while I typed out that sentence.

He also isn't a useless shill like Patrick little, he actually goes to homes that are being held hostage by banks and helps families stop evictions from their homes. Truly /ourcroat/

>voting for pernar
are you all like 12 ?

>voting for anyone else than pernar

Are you -12?

što ću dobiti glasanjem za pernara

give me the tl;dr on this guy and his party. how does he stack up against Orbán?

he is alex jones type retarded

I searched it and the party seems good but wtf is "Modern Monetary Theory"? Also why is he is pro-secularization?

>Modern Monetary Theory
don't let the banks create money out of thin air

his party is meme party
he literally watched few alex jones and david icke videos and now he is wokw and understands how politics work
only people that like him are high schoolers, brainlets and stoners

>tl;dr: Guy is only anti-kike and anti-EU politican in entire country, Orbans neocon kike loving ass can't even compare to him.

Budućnost bez banaka i židova, HDZ seljo.

>hurr durr he mentioned alex jones once in a speech that must mean he is tinfoil hat retard

Why are you shilling this hard against him? He was politically active way earlier than Alex Jones you kike.

Secularization is good in my opinion, distinguishes European countries(Russia etc.) from middle eastern islamic dictatorships (Saudi Arabia)

because abrahamic religions are jewish

Is he pro-Russia? That's the only thing that will save Croatia and the Balkans at large.

>bez banaka i židova
što bi to uopće trebalo značiti

>Is he pro-Russia
yes he is and that only proves he is retard

Hes leaning to Russia.

Ignore this shill, JIDF pays good židove?

Also this, paganism is only way forward

Attached: BasedVarg.jpg (700x426, 71K)

koliko ima komunista u tom živom zidu

>paganism is only way forward
and now i realised you are complete retard

Shush, begone shill, men are trying to talk here.

Socialist marxist atheist pedophile shitbag. He stalks pre teens on facebook. He and his boyfriend (Vilibor) are a laughing stock.

BTW cucking for Palestinian shitbags is nowhere near naming the jew. Fucktard.

Attached: D87AE566-EB4A-4B6D-9061-89D44B8B167E.jpg (548x480, 31K)

white women prefer black dicks, get fucking over it finaly you fucking white loser

it's the opposite, they both like older women

>stalks teens on facebook

Bullshit and source pls.

>Socialist marxist atheist

Looks like someone called the JIDF brigade? Any other word you didn't use in your notebook?

>cucking for palestinians

No, he literally calls against pro-Zionist agenda at the beginning of his speech. You are the one cucking for a EU infested migrant future with HDZ, retard.

is that the third bogdanoff?

>be živi zid
>win elections
>don't know how politics work
>jail bankers because muh alex jones
>country bankrupts
>million people move out

great fucking party guys

>be HDZ
>win elections for next 20 years
>do nothing to stop jewish infestation and EU cucking
>country collapses because "meh we went with it"

Great jewish party guys, is netanyahu invited?

Didn't he like advocate for printing money? Wouldn't that create inflation? And what's the deal with him and Sinčić?
And just so you know, in our system he doesn't have a chance. Generacija Obnive is the right party that you need, trust me, but is the same thing as Živi zid. They are to small and can't win.

>advocate for printing money

Source, also hello VPN JIDF nigger

> (You)
>>stalks teens on facebook
>Bullshit and source pls.
>>Socialist marxist atheist
>Looks like someone called the JIDF brigade? Any other word you didn't use in your notebook?
>>cucking for palestinians
>No, he literally calls against pro-Zionist agenda at the beginning of his speech. You are the one cucking for a EU infested migrant future with HDZ, retard.
Idiot. He is pozzed beyond repair. He is a Bernie bro. He walks in to schools without permission after begging for an invite from the kids. He even told them to miss classes. He fucking loves the EU and all the migrants.

BTW You must be 18+ to post here Nebojsa.

Attached: IMG_2108.jpg (810x960, 111K)

>Generacija Obnive
i liked them until they started shilling for UBI

>doesn't give any sources

Lmao why do you keep embarrassing yourself? Real men are trying to talk here, you JIDF shills at least used to try in the past and give some bullshit sources.

Attached: BasedHDZ.png (804x542, 433K)

ok lets talk like real men
tell me why any normal person should vote for žz
pls don't say muh banks and jews

Let's start with the basics please
>his name (so I can research)
>his party's name

Because he is literally the only decent choice we have at the moment, he is Anti-EU (Thinks referendum was a fraud, automatically anti-migrant) and wants to have a bank similiar to the one in Iceland

Name: Ivan Pernar
Party: Živi Zid

>google images search

>his name,_born_1985)
>his party

bank model*

>he is pro secularism
WTF, I thought he is hardcore Christian. How dafuq would hardcore christian support freedom of religion?

if he gets elected country will go bankrupt
and maybe that is good thing
maybe then we could have some revolution


I thought this meme was dead on Jow Forums

>country will go bankrupt

Literally only argument with no backup claims that you have, literally sums up the current state of shilling on this board.

Attached: paganism vs christianity.png (1600x1279, 1.33M)

so, if we try really hard and redpill a lot of people, da huwhite man will turn away from kike Christianity to glorious paganism?

Is this the idea behind paganism popularity on Jow Forums?

reci mi kako se moli slavenskim bogovima

Slavenskim bogovima se ne moli na tradicionalni naćin. Krščansko-Židovska religija nije ista kao staro Europska.

Just start watching ThuleanPerspective and you will understand.
pjevaš im himne

>openly names the jew
Without Jewish achievements, the USA is nothing but a bunch if fat stupid mutts.

Americans on Jow Forums are anti-Semitic because they're jealous.

inb4 if I was a Jew, I'd live in NY in in Russia the shithole.

I saw the arguments, Christianity:
destroy every culture it encounters
killed a lot of europeans
jewish sect
etc. etc.
I just want to hear from you, where do you see future for paganism?


Paganism will probably only live on in European families that prepared to survive the economic collapse/nuclear war.


You won't be laughing when your daughter starts to sell her body for a loaf of bread.

>muh glorious paganism
>muh heroic, aggressive, perfect heathen man
>obedient, slave-mentality Christianity
>Christcucks weak betas BTFO, ayy lmao
>no wait, why are you killing us, us, the superior way of life, true alpha Europeans we are stronger than you...

I only find paganism part of Jow Forums amusing to say the least. And am very skeptical of paganism future resurgence.

Regarding economic collapse, I've made a few bets, which would increase my well-being, if collapse were to occur, so I am not ridiculing or doubting that part of your comment in any way.

Thanks for sharing Croatia's interesting political personalities.

paganism is meme
it will never come back
don't listen to his retard
he supports this party and everybody in croatia laughs at those supporters

>Paganism will probably only live on in European families that prepared to survive the economic collapse/nuclear war
o bog te jebo koju hrpu gluposti si sad izreko ja ne vjerujem

Retads like you that laugh at him unironically laugh at their last hope of change. I will stop arguing now since this thread has turned into a fuckfest.

Jebiga, ja sam spreman. Ti?

>Jebiga, ja sam spreman. Ti?
na koju foru će ti paganizam pomoći kad svijet ode u kurac

pointless debate. europe will ultimately be united by islam


Could be a clown, but I like the guy.

Have a nice and productive day fellow Croats.

btw dobbles of unity

Pernar je neozbiljan i previse voli slusat sam sebe dok prica. Da radi malo preciznije i da ulozi vise vremena u formiranje svojih argumenata onda bi bio dobar... Ovako je samo idol stonerima koji vole bit dio neke kontra kulture

Get off Jow Forums
This place is for Christians

Attached: 1518233824142.png (1200x758, 433K)

jedina nada za spas živog zida je da izbace pernara van iz stranke
izbaciti pernara i sinčića te staviti nekog drugog pametnijeg

>Jow Forums

back to Jow Forumsthedipshit leaf

Attached: theholytrininity.png (1330x562, 476K)

Nisam znao da ima ovolko balkanaca ovde veri najs.

Croatia is great

Based. Hope he don't get corrupted

>t.autistic, genitally mutilated mutt.
you will never enjoy sex like Croats do.
Killing yourself is a good thing