No more niggers coming around at 2 AM to buy pills.
Just reported my neighbor to the cops for dealing drugs
Why not simply killing him instead of using the zog dogs ?
I'm going to rob his house after he gets taken away be the cops. I know where he keeps his money.
Robbing ? Youre a nigger
Nah, I deserve some compensation for the number of times his nigger customers left their trash on my lawn and woke my family up during the night with their hollering.
ive been thinking about ratting out my neighbor, but its a bigger operation she picks up from a house at the end of the street and both neighbors are selling. ive only lived here for 8 months so scared ill get targeted / they would know it was me ... report back on how it goes haha
> I deserve some compensation
gimme dat
You live in Wisconsin?
>t. crack dealing nigger
>t. degenerate assblasted drug dealer