TDS 332

Anyone got the new shoah?

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Look through the archives for the last 20 threads you made today Mike. Hope you get a heart attack.



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I did the newest post I saw was from the 15th

ayo, hol up. where da podcast at? ooga booga bix nood gibs me dat audio file fo free muhfugguh!

Not in the archive nigger


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Context is what matters

TRSodomites go straight into the

Id rather be a pirate nigger than a paywall jew

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You go to the trash jew

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TDS and Jess and Jayoh pls


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the only good part is the Merchant Minute, I miss being able to view it separately on Youtube.

Checked. Yeah I don't get these types that call everyone Jewish or controlled opposition when they literally agree with them.
>Hurr even though he's a white nationalist who calls out Jews he's somehow shilling for the Jews

Stop hopping between IPs you schizo kike. Everyone knows who you are you cringy kike lolcow

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pls gib shoah
I have a 4 hour bus ride today.

Plz gibs ebbisode 332.

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Please post pay frens!

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>Dont make fun of my based Jew who married and divorced a Jew and has a half black brother!
>Watch us paypiggies roar!
>Only 10 dollars and you can watch those based fatass cringemongers act like spergs and scream about “da joos” while doing nothing!

Number 9 is the dumbest thing I've ever read, if your going to sit around posting instead of getting a job or gf, at least don't suck so hard


t.(((moarpheus))) aka Peter from Seattle

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Hey dude I would check out your site or research if you didn't act so childish and passive aggressively post green text. It's just off putting and obnoxious. If you have a serious message or whatever and aren't just fishing for (((yous))) then reconsider your tactics

>lol XD if u disagree with a bunch of sodomite d/c shills who do nothing for identitarianism or identitarian groups ur x person
t. Sped TRS subscriber


t. israeli kike rat schizo

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Are you ever going to tell us what you think of Mr. Bond?

Telling me im some random Egghead fanboy sperg is pretty intellectual of you.
The TRSDF is in full force today!

Thanks Fren!!!

Give up Peter. You have been doing this for more than a year now and have failed completely.

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If it happens they are going to get most of the cons and none of the pros. You can't defeat tyranny by voting, you need ropes and helicopter rides.

Thanks m8

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Anyone got the new Jess and Jayoh?