>daily reminder that the US government doesn't want you going vegan
>daily reminder that (((they))) want you to keep consuming animal products to keep you dumb fat and unhealthy
>daily reminder that going vegan is scientifically PROVEN to be healthier and cheaper on the wallet
>daily reminder that vegans are morally superior to meat eaters
>daily reminder that more and more top professional athletes are going vegan and surpassing their limits
>daily reminder that "it taste good!!!" is not a good argument
>daily reminder that you cant claim you're an animal lover or a dog lover and not be vegan

With all the research that's been surfacing on the benefits of going vegan, what the fuck is YOUR excuse Jow Forums?

Attached: what-is-a-vegan-post.jpg (500x500, 29K)

Other urls found in this thread:


daily reminder that cain was looked down upon for only bringing offerings from the land while able was blessed for bringing offerings of animals.

Daily reminder that the bible is retarded and if you followed its teachings to the T you'd be in jail for a very long time

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>not sure if jew or poo

>>daily reminder that the US government doesn't want you going vegan
yes, they do.
it's part of agenda 21.

Ah, it's jews then. Good to know.

Enjoy eating indigestible man-made plants filled with anti-nutrients.

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Fuck off, kike!

Keep eating your dirt burgers faggot
Meat is for us real men

I went vegan for a week, decided not to go back. This was three years ago.

>save money
>take personal accountability of my actions

I don't advertise that I am vegan unless someone asks why I am not eating meat.

Animal eaters (pic related)


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>despite kikes want you to go vegan.

>20 different seasonings just to get something that doesn’t taste like shit
>add salt to a steak

Daily reminder they found 400.000 year old throwing spears and animal bones in a coal mine in Germany.
Also consider that 12 year olds can throw spears 30+ meters.

Why would an aryan should care about what an inferior semitic deity thinks?

>Looks like a malnourished tranny

>Vegan ubermensch (pic related)
>Squats 300 kg

lel keep eating your estrogen fueled cow, goyim.

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Kikes want everyone in the world to be a burger Ameri-fat
Jews control Big Pharma and the "Healthcare" system.

Attached: jewish_face.png (122x147, 25K)

this is Jow Forums you faggot

Own dogs, love my dogs. They agree meat is delicious too.

Based and redpilled

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shill thread.
the world health organization says you should eat as many plants as possible and only mentions meat/animal products when it talks about RESTRICTING them.


you are literally a shill and your propaganda is too transparent to work here.
please die in a fire, i wish you nothing but immeasurable pain and suffering.

Plants evolved to use as little energy as possible. All they do is sit there. Why would you want to eat something so empty?



He takes steroids and has admitted it. Also check his shirtless pics and he's filled with acne.

>how is mirrors real if r eyes ain't reel

>ITT butthurt shills spreading USDA low carb high profit propaganda

Proof or get out

Is this bait?

No its a genuine nitwit

>vegans are morally superior to meat eaters
claiming moral superiority only weakens your argument, which is already nonexistent

>you cant claim you're an animal lover or a dog lover and not be vegan
wrong. i love dogs but don't eat them. i love cows, and they also taste delicious

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>dumb fat and unhealthy
This is a complete lie, it's been scientifically proven that an all plant based diet is extremely restrictive to a human body. True Vegans have to obtain protein through supplementation, onions doesn't cut it.

Nice try Jew, go fuck off somewhere else with your lies.

Vegans have been shown to not live longer than meat eaters. Vegans die from heart disease. Meat eaters often involve themselves with dangerous activities such as not wearing a seatbelt, smoking, lots of drinking etc... but die at the same rate as vegans.

Logic dictates that a "safe" meat eater would outlive a vegan. Logic dictates that being vegan shortens your life.


Most big guys in gyms take steroids and eat meat and still less than 1% of them can actually raw squat more than 200 kg.

>he's filled with acne.

Who the fuck even cares, are you a faggot or what?

Every word of this post's a lie, vegan scum.

god i wish i could meet you in real life, you must be the perfect victim.
hint: he's not *actually* vegan. people lie to get ahead. keep dreaming and give give give, newfriend. others will gladly take.

Completely real with ya; you're a faggot

Veganism is for rich fucks who can decide to spend absurd novelty prices for foods. You're a fucktard trying to claim that your idea is better, BUT GUESS WHAT, without society fueling your bullshit; you would NOT at ALL be a vegan. You would probably eat dog. Your whole diet is a lie and is unbalanced for a healthy human body. You're brainwashed and trying to brainwash others. You're a fucking faggot who has probably never skipped a meal in his entire life unless out of choice. Go fucking kill yourself you unoriginal liar.

>kg potatoes 50ct
>kg meat 4-10 Euro
Damn those vegans and their expensive novelty food.

last post by this ID was 3 minutes after creating the thread. he's literally a shill and of course (((they))) want you to go vegan.

The garden of Eden, the kingdom of the creator and the sun is a vegan paradise. Your alliance is with the cube and Saturn, repent!

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(((they))) want you to go as low carb/ high protein as possible because that's where the (((money))) is.
>inb4 that's just a conspiracy of the broccoli mafia!

Pseudoscientific trash

you are fucking retarded. we have passed the point of money being the key interest several GENERATIONS ago. the power grid is so encompassing that it is about behavior control, not money. you are insanely bluepilled and retarded, lurk more.

Wtf, I love cancer now.

Whatever they are doing, user, it is not working. Meat consumption is steadily rising.

The faster humans eat themselves to death the better

Smelly dumb, Vegan scum.

>meat makes you fat

imagine being this stupid






>Human bodies have zero use for Fructose which is in every fruit.

>Plants have a low bioavailability rate which means their protein and iron nutrients are only half of what the Nutrition Facts say.

>Meat is quickly absorbed by the human body at the highest absorption rate.

>Humans have zero use for plant fiber, but 100% use for animal fat as fuel. The lack of fiber absorption is why vegans fart all the time.

Being vegan is a gay basedboy kike meme.

>1kg of potatoes = 770 kcals
>1kg of lean cut beef = 1700 kcals
have fun eating all day every day

fucking lame

Yep, let's all start eating onions and insects, live in (((Smart Cities))), have hate speech laws, racemix, 6gorillion genders, drag kids. Meanwhile, (((they))) can enjoy their steak in their McMansions and castles surrounded by nature.

>low carb/ high protein

Nope, the contrary of that.