Mike Enoch here. AMA

Mike Enoch here. AMA.

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gtfo memeflag


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Three things.

1: Berserk is super awesome and you're gay for not having seen it.

2: When is the LOTGH dub from the forum guys coming out

3: Tell McNabb that the Tau suck.

No I’m Mike

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i was about to answer your second question, but I saw that you forgot the question mark. Tough luck, pal.


I don't respond to non-whites.

real Mike here. Pic related


you just did faggot. besides that im slavic

Actual Mike here. We need to put my fellow je-, I mean, those evil jews into the ovens, goy.

>When is the LOTGH dub from the forum guys coming out
They've been posting it on the Daily Stormer forum and it sucks ass. Just watch with subtitles desu baka fàm.

where does this come from?

Why are you such an obnoxious, unappealing fatso? You were disgraceful when you talked to Jesse Lee Peterson.

real Mike agrees.

Who do you think is the hottest trad thot?

I think it's more of a project just for fun than a serious attempt at dubbing. There's no way you can beat the voice acting of the original.

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Damn right. We Mossad oper-, I mean, white nationalists, have to stick together.

Fucking who? Who even are you faggot?

By all means, people can have fun making that if they want.

Are you going to take Sven off the show before he destroys it or is your friendship so deep that you both go down with the ship?

I'm Mike you cunt

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Mike Peinovich here, AMA *except anything about my wife

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No, I'm Mike, you bastard.

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