>Drugs like LSD and magic mushrooms should be legalised for medical use so that we can help patients
>Drugs like LSD and magic mushrooms should be legalised for medical use so that we can help patients
look at what happened to the hippies they all joined cults or died of heroin
Drugs like these are far too unpredictable and could probably be weaponized politically.
Fuck patients it should be legalized so we can finally begin unraveling the mysteries they hold.
I still can't believe what I saw on DMT.
It's almost as if the warp is real just like in 40k
There's a lot to learn from shrooms, maybe our society will change for the better.
have a bump.
According to research from the University of South Florida, psilocybin, the active component within psychedelic mushrooms, is able to grow new brain cells—potentially offering treatment for mental illness and improving cognition.
The study, published in Experimental Brain Research, says psilocybin is able to bind to special receptors in the brain that stimulate healing and growth. In the case of these mushrooms, brain cell growth occurs. In mice, the researchers found psilocybin to actually help repair damaged brain cells and cure or relieve PTSD and depression.
I've had buddies who do drugs like DMT literally lose their minds and change completely, they are no longer functional in society.
Keep it illegal for private persons to grow and just legalize the active components
Because they were doing things like thumbprints. It wasn't in moderation.
We used to fill garbage bags full of psilocybin cubensis in the cow pastures. They aren't that amazing. Fun for kids maybe but it gets old. And eventually you realize they are meaningless and degenerate.
Not legal for everyone. If you habe a background history of mental disabilities that don't go well with drugs. (For example if you have an uncle that has psychoses, or if they just see you have instable traits, you SHOULD NOT be allowed to use drugs.
all drugs should be legal for whatever purpose. honest drug education and actual overall education, not holocaust traumatization in between shooting drills, but actual education is the key. i didnt even know what weed was until the DARE program told me it would make me feel great and see badass colors, i spent the rest of the year trying to find weed.
how many of us would rail heroin if it was legal? some sure, but those are weak willed and will destroy themselves one way or the other anyway.
All drugs should be legalized, but only as a matter of Natural Selection and principle of liberty. Anyone who would use drugs like LSD or mushrooms deserves the fate they get.
Bunch of basement niggers in this thread.
Weak minded cunts.
Absolutely agreed. Psilocybin (magic mushrooms), Mescaline (peyotre), LSD, DMT, MDMA and Ketamine have huge benefits. The discovery of psychedelics was like the splitting of the atom for psychology. Only the problem is that it's illegal. Take psilocybin for example, look at the studies that shows it to be more effective than any SSRI SNRI anti-depressant.
Thing is, it can be grown in your closet. That's pretty much why it's illegal. It's whatever though, we'll still have mob mentality who shit on psychedelics for a while yet.
you could never pay me enough to ingest a psychedelic synthesized in a government sanctioned facility. spooky vibes. even the "legal" cannabis feels off somehow.
Because using drugs for recreation and abusing them like retards = using them in a controlled environment
LSD isn't dangerous unless you take crazy amounts. What happened to the hippies is because they regularly did high amounts like 3000ug.
>they are no longer functional in society
no longer functional in Jew controlled society
it remains illegal because they want you to remain materialist
have sex
watch porn
jerk off
eat garbage food
smoke weed
drink alcohol
No, one of them prays to rocks.
He wasn't even a christian before.
You don't know what you are talking about
Processed drugs should be illegal but drugs that are literally plants not altered by chemicals like marijuana and psilocybin mushrooms should be legal.
I chewed 7 grams of mushrooms within a 20 minute time frame. Unforgettable experience, really made me think about my perceptions
The Beatles and Stones are still doing ok, considering their age.
>No, one of them prays to rocks.
That's called Shinto. It's a Japanese religion.
It's in the UK, it will happen. Hallucinogens aren't haram in Sharia law. You can smoke weed all day but alcohol and pork are off limits. Just watch, it will happen soon enough.
This, I'll be called a hippie for saying this, but they really do tear at the veil of our material perception and give us inklings of the spiritual/higher dimensional world beyond. You just have to be willing to be uncertain, you just have to be okay with letting go of empiricism and consensus reality. These things really do have something to show you. Don't be sold that all you are able to conventionally perceive is all that is, its hubris.
>organic god made mushrooms
>acid made in some freak's basement
i think on private properties they should be legal
anywhere in public, no.
mushrooms and autism is what is up.
lsd under 600ug is really gentile/psychedelic
shrooms and lsd i think have the most potential for medical use.
i don't think they are things people should do more than once a year or 5 years or 10+ years.
each one should be a blessing, like a new chapter in life.
so 1 would have to prepare for that mission
to get the great benefit everyone goes on and on about.
This sums pretty much the use of recreational drugs such as mushrooms and LSD. Trust me, it's funny.
I'm autistic and was about to be thrown out of my home at 24 with no degree, no job, no income.
Out of desperation I used LSD because I heard of what it could do. It showed me memories from almost all my life, and gave me the ability to put them into perspective, understanding differences between other people and me. Understanding how my mind constructed reality and how that reality conflicted with the nature of Western society. That is when my life really started.
I'm 29 next month and working on a PhD in evolutionary neuroscience now, living the life of my dreams and devoting it to giving other people the same benefit from psychedelics.
What now?
stop larping you faggot
>they really do tear at the veil of our material perception and give us inklings of the spiritual/higher dimensional world beyond.
I used to cultivate. One night me and my friend had 5/8th each. It was an amazing experience. I quit drinking and smoking shortly afterward.....I realized I was killing myself. I knew I would die from it. Things made sense in that state, and I brought some of it back with me. It was the last time I touched the stuff.
Neither do you
The CIA figured out how to weaponize them. But amphetamines work better.
as a fun of drugs, keep them illegal. normies can’t handle them.
it’s like giving an npc boosted stats. They can’t handle it.
I have the opportunity to attend an Ayahuasca ceremony...seriously in two minds about it
>>Drugs like LSD and magic mushrooms should be legalised for medical use so that we can help patients
Yes. They are the best medicine you can find.
i doubt it, i truly think LSD is the only thing that can "fry" a person. DMT is called the business mans trip because the visuals only last like 5-10 minutes. they probably aren't functional anymore in normalfag kikewashed society.
>Keep it illegal for private persons to grow and just legalize the active components
Why? What is your thinking? Why do you want corporations to control plants that have existed for millions of years? Are you a Kike?
same here.
was a hit of good acid that made me quit drinking and smoking, it was so blatantly obvious how shit it was and my mind was tricked into doing it.
gave me an advantage over degenerate behavior
>meaningless and degenerate
Something makes me think you are meaningless and degenerate.
This forum never gives good advice. Like, I'm sorry, but showing up here and calling someone a "nigger" is basically as much as you could do here. I have no idea what broken pathetic person will take mind and life altering drugs just because the nazi orange forum told him to. Also, look into the amount of "intellectuals" that promoted Psychedelics and then regretted it down the line.
Your brain was created for sobriety. If you were *meant* to see certain things, you'd see them.
That is all.
just get dmt and vaporize it at home. ceremonies are fucked up.
>everybody puking and shitting
>shamans molest the patients often
>dmt is better for first timers. Never try aya before trying dmt freebase
DMT can be made to last 5hours through Ayahuasca
All drugs should be legal. Repeal the Harrison Act, Marijuana Tax Act, and Controlled Substance Act.
>amphetamines work better
I don't think amphetamines are on the same level.
Also: I don't think you know what you are talking about.
That only happens if you're genetically prone to psychosis
that's somewhat true.
cause i did lsd and got a job like 2 days after
it was like meme magic.
Hitler literally took meth and practiced black magic.
It’s funny how quick anons are to call someone a nigger/degsnerate when they masturbate on the regular and have no skills.
Only tried DMT through changa, it was intense but still amazing. The whole ceremony idea isn't really my vibe and therefore my doubts, my friend is offering to sponsor the ceremony if I join him but I would actually prefer a mushroom and a fire somewhere scenic over a weekend.
Half this forum are degenerate drug users/former addicts to begin with, and lo and behold the majority of those degenerates are indeed from Amuttrica.
>practiced black magic.
Hitler was a nigromancer?
Problem is?
Are you by any chance in Guadalajara, Jalisco? I've got relatives over there and been meaning to try it. I'm to scared to fucking by the ingredients over hear.
They are definitely potentially dangerous
It's quite flattering that my life sounds so hard to believe.
Also legalize opium to be grown in the US for medicinal applications. That's half the reason we're in all these wars. If you look at a map of contested hot spots and ISIS control in the middle east, it aligns with opium more than oil.
Legalize hemp as well, it has plenty of applications outside being a degenerate, and CBD has a ton of useful properties,
+1 for Islam then i guess.
Don't forget was a $0y eating vegan, who took 10mg of test each day. You gotta get that b12 in somehow.
if i dont do mushrooms every six months my mood continually gets worse and worse until I fall into depression. it's the only thing I have found that works for me without adverse side effects.
>Not enjoying calling someone a nigger
Jesus, you are a boring faggot.
Maybe like gettin a anti-flue injection, in a similar way you'd get your yearly mushroom treatment, that'd be a thing to think about.
Mushrooms should stay illegal so normies don't get into them on the proper manner. Save mushies for the people who truly seek their teachings.
>dont build new brain pathways goyim
>its dangerous to think differently
>drugs are bad goyim
>take your vyvanse so you can (((focus)))
>so that we can help patients
So that you can get high and brow beat anyone who says anything about it by moralizing about muh medicinal uses. Same with weed.
Oh no I enjoy it, because this is the absolute most you could do on here. To assume that you could do something else besides call people niggers on here is just naive.
honestly im about due.
been about 10 years now.
would be like taking a bath after ten years for my brain.
will be surreal/profound for sure
Guys, I just got back from a shamanic journey and I'm here to tell you that we round up and slaughter all the Jews and it begins on 9/11.
I need mushrooms to cure my cluster headaches
Life is hell without them
Mushrooms are awesome, lsd mind control drug invented by the military.
>cant OD
>cant become addicted
>most effective treatment for addiction and depression
Sauce on the girl?
Monterrey my dude, but it doesn't matter, the plant material is cheap and can be ordered online. Checkout mimosa hostilis root bark in mercado libre and q2121 Tek in the DMT nexus.
It will be fucking blow your mind, Terrence McKenna was spot on.
I really am annoyed that hippies and other retards have fucked up the chance at trying these things.
I have treatment resistant depression and am considering going to Amsterdam soon with some friends who can babysit me while I try and see if magic mushrooms (truffles, really) can help me to see things differently.
It's hard to know if they will or not because there is a lot of fuzz created between people who think they will work perfectly and dribbling , angry knuckle draggers who are determined to piss and whine about depression every time they hear of it's existence.
You can order a grow kit online. Well at least in the US.
I'm your age, about 4 years ago I was going to buy LSD but the guy with it left early, what a boat to miss.
It's almost shroom season. Just go out to pick some. First try on google:
They were the majority hands down, an entire generation born to them and raised as degenerates. pro tip its not zoomers or millenials either.
there should be absolutely no prohibition of anything
That's because shrooms dump excess serotonin and allow dopamine to rise in response. Excess serotonin leads to dullening of senses and poverty of thought. That's why some become such zombies on SSRIs.
What you achieve with shrooms could relatively easily be achieved with diet and lifestyle.
Shrooms yes LSD no
> " They appeared flushed, bright eyed, and unusually interested in the environment... They participated with increasing eagerness in motility play with adults and other children. . . They seek positive contacts with adults, approaching them with face uplifted and bright eyes, and responding to fondling, affection, etc." (1962, pp. 172- 3). "There is less stereotyped whirling and rhythmic behavior. . . They became gay, happy, laughing frequently... Some showed changes in facial expression in appropriate reactions to situations for the first time" (1963, pp. 90-91).
I wish I could have had LSD as a child.
Please explain your thinking here.
If you need to use illegal drugs for medical issues, you need to be put down, save the world from you sucking on its resources.
>They became gay
user i..
How are those two related you dumbass nog?
flag off goldberg
What are your thoughts on shrooms for depression?
What dosages should I try here? I'm wanting to break out of this rut. One study I saw from John Hopkins they used 20grams, 20 is huge.
Not shrooms. On shrooms if someone tried to get you to do what you didn't want you would notice the bullshit and become highly-conflicted by it. Shrooms will force you to become libertarian.
>not be down with gay marriage
>you take shrooms
>you realize gays should do what they want and gays should allow you to do what you want
>realize gov should have no say in two adults getting married
>still not be fond of gay marriage, but oh well
Shrooms could only be weaponized in the US to give everyone personal freedoms only as long as they don't harm someone else. Kind of like the constitution was intended to do.
Keep in mind that you may also be thrown into a depression far deeper than anything you have dealt with so far. It's not as simple as ingesting a few fungi, seeing fractals and living happily ever after. You will be forced to face your demons in a state of mind where you are not sure whether you even exist. Are you up for that?
>Shrooms will force you to become libertarian
I don't think you can really weaponize psychedelics that easily. Perhaps there is a way to guide someones thoughts in that state of mind more effectively but for the most part I find them just too unpredictable in the sense that all these drugs really do is loosen an individuals own mental filter. They promote new pathways of introspection but where you go with that is on the individual.
Literally nothing is that list is a material posession