Hire illegal nigger

>hire illegal nigger
>he promises big returns by working his nigger magic
>oh shit didn't work out
>better deport him before anyone finds out
Has everyone in Britain gone insane?

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Sing it with me now.
Diversity, we love thee!
Our greatest strength, now and forever!


>2.3 Billion """loss"""


2.3 billion? you would expect someone would have stepped in by the first 25k?

Don't worry I put my man Kweku on the job.

*10 minutes later*

Hello, this is Her Majesties Royal Bank, your account is -$2,300,000,000... please give us a call.

Kweku must go back to his people now!

*runs into the distance on all fours*

He hid the losses in a secret account and didn't mark his books properly, not hard to do, happens all the time. Most of the time the trader will make riskier and riskier bets trying to recoup the losses, wildly blowing through his risk limits.

Much like Nick Leeson did at Barings with his 5 8's account at the SGX when he was massively wrote puts on the Nikkei when the great earthquake hit and the Nikkei crashed.

I'm pissed off because niggers like this guy get hired by all the bulge brackets because they use fucking gay ass AI software to screen job applicants and ding you instantly if you're not LGBTQ+. A desk head doesn't even see your resume 99.99% of the time, and I'm fucking pissed because I'm Jewish too

I'd be pissed if I were Jewish also.

I'm gay and Id play that card anytime if I could but its not asked -- just ethnicity. I know gay friends in med school who all played the gay card. They were legitimately deserving people though.

Time to rev up those fake tits and put on your rubber mask.


You can't tell I'm a Jew except I have a heeb middle name

>aids ridden sodomites should be physicians

For Canadian banks or Bulge Brackets? I thought about it but if you know traders they fucking hate faggots and are racist as fuck

The Nigerian Prince strikes again

Oh med school nvm, at a bank you'd get past HR then thrown into the faggot pile by the desk head

Who in his right mind lets an african nigger trade his money?

This is why I have no chance at applying for these jobs, I also can't bullshit like the guys who run up 2.3bn losses

How the fuck are his books the only record of 2 billion leaving? Fucking hilarious.

I forget what he was trading, but it's not like he literally took $2.3B and invested it, more like he wrote some options or opened swaps OTC that massively went negative then didn't record the position officially..

>2.3 billion loss

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Delta one trading.

what asset class? go far enough ITM and your delta goes to 1

It's liteally not real money. It's banks trading hypothetical bets on bets on futures on rights on bets with one another. If he'd thrown £2.3 billion's worth of precious metals into a volcano, this would be a whole different article.

>they were legitimately deserving people

Then don't check the fucking box. Don't play HRs stupid games. It's not hard.

underrated kek

HR doesn't even look at resumes now, they all outsource HR to "AI" firms that ding resumes based on keywords, so it's literally fucking random

One thing that pisses me off is most jobs in Europe require a Masters - which is equivalent to a Non-EU Bachelors. In Europe a bachelor is 3 years, then a masters 1-2 years, no thesis just course work ie. upper year bachelor courses at an American university. But you will be dinged 99% of the time if they ask for a Masters because even if it gets passed the keyword filters, some dumb HR cunt with an IQ of 80 will go to your education and see 'Bachelor from MIT' and ding you because the hiring manager wanted a European Masters and she doesn't know the difference between a European and non-European bachelor.

hi kweku. how you holding up man?

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UK Masters are usually 1 year so you could try there

can I larp as a fagot and get my dream job? do they ask for proofs?

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I have a double major from an Ivey league.. why would I waste a year of my life studying useless shit to get 'Masters' on my resume. My experience (2 bulge brackets, hedge fund etc) is more than enough but this fucking new HR "AI" bullshit is fucking driving me up the wall

when a muslim negroe plows into british dumbfucks I wanna give a fuc why...I give no fucks....british dumbfucs are british dumbfucks

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>require a Masters - which is equivalent to a Non-EU Bachelors
Wrong. We don't do the whole "rehash your high school for two years in case a retard got through" thing, because we sit exams in school.


but I really like how his dude pro-actively shoots these dumbfucks

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?? Do you think they rehash high school at top schools?

You literally do a bachelor in 3 years then a "masters" in 1, while a lot of bachelors are actually 5 years and you take graduate courses in upper years.

did you NOT get an erection when this HERO shot the muslim scum?

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Ah shit thought you had a 1 year Masters or something. How long is a double major then?

Of course, but I'd like the story behind it. The guy got pretty far for taking 3. The chest.

at least they kicked him out

lol those are Brazilian spics

Judging from your use of punctuation I'd say not in your case. Are you sure they're not seeing your CV?

your post is really funny. I hope that everyone gets a good laugh and doesn't get opinionated

I understand you live in a country where you would be told to take it...take that murderous rampage by a muslim….I live in AMERICA...we don't play that...

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.3 Billion """loss"""
A true symbol for the losses caused by illegal immigration

genuinely suicidal

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now ive thought about it, can he stay and be pm

So this is what banks are doing with their money.
It's a big casino.
fuck them.
"systemically important" my ass.

man why are the bad guys such pussies, one has the flank on him but doesnt even bother raising his gun and just runs
I get that they're idiots and the real bad guys are doing bigger things professionally but still

>Judging from your use of punctuation I'd say not in your case
I see you are lacking a comma loicense

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Actually I'm all out of quotation marks, or as they're known in the colonies "top commas".

They are robbing people using guns because they are pussies

I have a 4 year bachelor's in applied math and econ, plus I'm published with original research in quant econ, algo design, and optimization. Now, I'm not claiming to be as qualified as you, but even local banks won't look at me. Told my best bet was to grind out a few years as a lowbie in some bank then get my MBA.

The market fucking sucks rn.

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i couldn't even apply at Barclays because my browser was too new and not some ancient Internet Explorer version that they required you to use lol

leave canada for usa? is that an option for you?

Unless you get an MBA from an Ivey league or some other top MBA school, an MBA is fucking useless. Completely fucking useless for trading etc, somewhat useful in PE/M&A. Are you talking about RBC/BMO/etc not even looking at you? Do you have any IB experience?

For Canadians the situation is fucked right now. No US employer is willing to hire a leaf because NAFTA is up in the air and if they bring in someone under the NAFTA TN Visa and Trump cancels NAFTA then what.. also H1B's are a bitch to get, and O1's take a lot of time and money. I think they auto-ding any Canadian applying

I'm being serious here friend, if you're not high as fuck right now then your writing might be holding you back.


Diversity macht frei.

>top MBA school
Is Rice good? Queen's?

>Are you talking about RBC/BMO/etc not even looking at you?

Yeah. It's weird because the "requirements" for some positions I applied to are literally just high school + securities course. So it's unlikely I'm under qualified, but I don't even get a call back, which makes me suspect I'm not making it through preliminary filters.

>Do you have any IB experience?
No :(

I'm willing to emigrate.

Who the fuck grammar nazis on Jow Forums? Your autism is showing

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Have you considered this? Someone may have just found an excuse to pocket 2.3 billion and blame it on a nigga who literally DINDU NUFFIN. In Britain anything is possible.

Having said that, I still agree with you. This country is fucking insane and multiculturalism is an epic failure.

Hahahahahahahah you are alright leaf

Just the fact that you consider it an effort speaks volumes m8. Shit like passed/past, Ivey/ Ivy, etc. shouldn't be dodging your internal spellchecker.

Kys faggot

You mean nigerian kangz

>baiting this hard
is "kys faggot" grammatically correct?

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Filthy racist cracker!

I don't employ Poles in clerical positions, don't worry about having to write anything.

That's anarcho-capitalism for ya.

Good job Jew! You played yourself!

no all Canadian schools are complete shit when it comes to MBA reputation/alumni. No bulge bracket will even considering a Canadian MBA as an MBA because it is so easy to get into a Canadian MBA (something like 50% admission rates). Most graduates are total fucking morons. Only look at top US ones, LBS/LSE, INSEAD etc.

Looks like you're getting fucked by the other HR insanity, requiring experience for entry positions. I'd apply to some entry Analyst programs at the bulge brackets, but chances are very slim... 200:1 applicant ratios and you're competing with Harvard/MIT/Stanford etc grads. If you're still relatively young, looks like you either have to do a Masters, or you can do a European PhD, they're only 3 years and pure coursework. They're also free and you get paid. A friend did a PhD at ETH in 3 years and was sponsored by Siemens

yea that sucks your jewish it must feel shitty to know your people wont make it through the next century...its ok if you denounce judaism, burn your torah and talmud, and accept christ then no one will ever know your past, just dont even mention to your kids they are jewish and boom you should be fine


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>on all fours
fucking kek

I don't look Jewish but I don't look like a Pole

you deserve the job because you're Jewish?

He should sue for discrimination. He'd probably win too.

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>Has everyone in Britain gone insane?

no, but they haven't had Trump show them how dishonest their press is

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literally had a bank hire a refugee that didn't even complain grade 12, over me, an engineer.

How are you supposed to work your way up in this "diversity is our death" economy.

bulge? or local?

I just finished my internship at a BB and I am white and not jewish. Whats wrong schlomo, mad your tribe only has pull at GS now?


bulge bracket

Congrats on your BofA internship

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how old are ya champ?

Morgan Stanley S&T, stay butthurt heeb

I find it hard to believe your a double major from an Ivy and can't get in with any BB. Three of the five senior interns who got job offers this summer were from non targets and were white. And you claim to have IB and Hedge Fund experience...... none of that adds up at all.

Stop larping

>Then don't check the fucking box.
The world is a game and you need to play, go ahead, have your honor, see where it gets you.

my m8 was actually working with this nig when the UBS scandal went down, he nearly got in big trouble.

I can't even

Yeah MS has gone down hill a lot. You're telling me you interned at 1585? Or on 6th? What's Morgan paying interns these days?

>And you claim to have IB and Hedge Fund experience...... none of that adds up at all.
You can go from sell side to buy quite easily.. you must be quite young, 21 I'm guessing?

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It's not really a loss, just a Jew got 2.3 billion richer

ok bong, deetz, what trades was this ape doing

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speaking as a resident of a country where everyone has gone categorically insane, yes, everyone in Britain has gone insane

>Yeah MS has gone down hill a lot.
Top Commodities desk
Top Fixed income desk

I am on track for a trading job I could care less about bloated IB.
If any major BB has drank the diversity kool aide its heeb central GS.

I did my S&T internship at their Chicago desk because I expressed interest in exposure to commodities.

>You can go from sell side to buy quite easily.. you must be quite young, 21 I'm guessing

Sell side is more competitive thanks to Dodd Frank

Sorry but I don't believe you aren't larping, you talk to the talk but anyone who hangs around Wall St Oasis could easily pick up on the lingo. NO double Ivy major with BB and hedge fund experience is being screwed by "HR AI". Your last internship you should have gotten at least a job offer.

>I'm fucking pissed because I'm Jewish too
Sucks when nepotism and arbitrary standards exclude you, eh?