The US is the great Satan

The US is the great Satan

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Satan is saturn and JIDF keep spamming these threads to distort the truth

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Where are all the Christfags now who browbeat us into accepting leftism as "moral"?

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>Installs statue
>Brings statue
Something jewy is going on here

Christians are the once who got browbeat for opposing gays non-violently user.

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It's just fedoras trying to be edgy again.

Russkies, Muslims, etc subhumans don't understand freedom and rights

Wow DOOM viral marketing is out of this world

someone kill it

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Funny how these groups never go after muslims or jews. Very (((curious))) indeed.

They just brought it there for a rally.

There's got to be someone with a plan to destroy this fuck thing and replace it with a gold KEK statute

No there doesn't. No one has the balls.

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who gives a shit you triggered pussies

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Stay butthurt simpleton

Clearly, religious liberty never meant the free exercise of Satanism in the public square. It was meant to allow different Christian sects and quiet skeptics.

Fuck this shit. Fuck the Constitution. It will never stop being abused.

satan has done many horrible things in the past....why do we want this statue still around!?!?

why don't we crowdfund a Muhammed statue?

The one thing keeping it from perfection.

>edgy fedoras act edgy
>normal people don’t give a shit
>everyone else cringes at the edgy fedoras
Who gives a shit if they get to parade their sonic OC statue around like they’re important?

It gives them ostensible legitimacy.

Is this b8?

They already had the statue, they’re just moving it around with them. It’s not like it’s permanently there. They made a big attention-grab a few years ago with this faggy shit too, and nobody gave a shit then either. A little bit of visibility for these edgy antitheists reminds any Christians or even normal agnostic people that these lads are never going to be cool

Wtf I love Satan now.

Took you some time to figure that out

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Just invent a new religion about Muhammad and insist on installing statues of him holding his child wife with a lustful face. All in the name of religious tolerance. Then see what happens.

>using an inverted pentagram to represent Satanism
>one of the most sacred geometrical figures
Really shows these guys are just atheist larpers.

>satanic temple
Reminder satanist are the most cringeworthy religious group out there

>we're atheists and we're satanists