This thread kills /nupol/

Subversion and demoralization is the strongest weapon of the enemy. When you come here (now), you see tons of defeatist threads declaring that things are hopeless and much more (by way of shill posts) within valid threads. These people are often paid-posters seeking to remove Trump's voting base (from all forums) for the 2020 election. They want you demoralized and gone; a board culture take-over. They also know that Trump won because most White people in the US voted for him.

They'll demoralize via:

>why do autists/asocial/whatever frequent Jow Forums
>le 56%
>I regret voting for Trump
>Everyone is race-mixing
>All women are whores, MGTOW (reduce white births)
>Other races are more successful
>Amerimutt meme.jpg (if used as ident politics to degrade or derail, American Whites have ~98% genetically pure European dna)
>Jow Forums will defend this

The point of such posts are to break your will to resist and it is important to be aware of it, because if you are not aware that it is an attempt to demoralize you, then eventually it will slowly start sinking in like a poison. Media reported that Jow Forums, to a degree, helped Trump get elected, so they're on the attack to de-platform us. Many times, these shill posters are (((University)))-indoctrinated neo-commies (think blue-hair SJW). They are a mix of "trolling the nazis" to "Fuck Drumpf, Jow Forums is OURS now".


Please watch ex-KGB propagandist Yuri Bezmenov explaining how the Soviet Union established a network of traitors to slowly eat away at the foundations of Western societies:

G. Edward Griffin's Interview -

Attached: 1446736872360.jpg (400x400, 91K)

Other urls found in this thread:

JIDF/Shills have a new tactic; "the dumbing down of Jow Forums", (((they))) encourage extreme shitposting

part of this tactic is making newfriends believe Jow Forums was always like the way it is now

Jow Forums in the past was:

>well thought out op

>citations were needed

>links were posted

>peer reviews were posted

>proper arguments (no logical fallacies etc)

>floods of info/stats with sources

>sources were vetted

>trolls were not fed

sure there was a space elevator thread here and there but most of Jow Forums had a sense of community and the quality of your post is what truly mattered

I believe the JIDF/shills feared this the most and has weaponized newcommers in shitposting as if Jow Forums has always been this way

My point being we need more original thought on this board; not mere reactionary shitposting.

Together, folks, we're going to make Jow Forums great again!

what can be done to bring back the ways of old?
>inb4 the JIDF left a long time ago, not true

the quality of debate has decreased substantially since 2012/2013 to present date, there was an influx like never seen before with the 2016 election and this is when Jow Forumss board culture was attacked
the influx followed by gg was moar manageable do to the fact that most migrants came from /v/ and they were aware of 4chunz board culture and quickly assimilated
after the election newfriends just call you a boomer when you request links/citations and vetted sources

what can be done to educate newfriends in the ways of Jow Forums on
>shill/slide threads. report do NOT reply
>e-celeb threads. report do not reply
>don't feed the shills. do NOT reply! They only seek to 'derail' the thread and thus prevent any relevant discussion

the lack of moderation makes it safe to assume the mods are complicit. do NOT reply to shit threads because replying bumps that thread back to the top of the catalog, effectively reducing the quality of the board. let it slide down and off the catalog

Attached: 1500817503326.png (700x467, 78K)

>Why did they do this?
Partly, so Trump isn't re-elected (pushing us out). Also, to destabilize nations and change the complete perception of reality in a nation so it would be open to Communism/Leftism, and abandon its Old Way-of-Life in the name of "Progress"

>Why should you know this?
You are probably brainwashed because if you haven't noticed by now, most of your schools, Hollywood, the mass media, culture, most social media platforms are mainly controlled by Jewish-invented Cultural Marxist brainwashed-leftists (anyone that values "equality", "diversity", "anti-racism" (unless it's against whites) above all else or spews nonsense about "privilege" or "cis white men"). If you can't see by now, Western culture is not what it was 50 years ago, not because of some magic beautiful "progress" that spawned out of thin air and the hearts of good men, but because of propaganda and Soviet subversion (which worked for the time of the Cold-war Era,) but Jews are STILL using it now by control of the University studies and are breeding a new crop of subverted goyim (see: modern SJWs and school lectures about how we must destroy "whiteness" which would've been unthinkable just 30-40 years ago). This is both the motive and operandi of the Jew; to "blend in" and thus avoid possible prosecution (as in the 100+ times in history that it's happened in Europe for them).

What we HERE are facing now is intentional disruption of valid discussion. Shills are fucking the board culture intentionally so that they drive-away the people who helped Trump get elected in 2016. There's big $ behind this and people are being paid to NUKE the board culture and create chaos. Gone are the days of just JIDF subversion; they've gone FULL political and the chips are all-in, nuclear mode. They're afraid of 2020 if we can still meme here.

If you have any interesting info or comments on the KGB, the Frankfurt School, Yuri Bezmenov or subversion (Marxist or any other kind), post it here.

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bump for redpill on jewish bolshevism

>30 million dead

Attached: Bolshevism Solzhenitsyn.png (650x994, 600K)

I'm mulatto. What the hell did we ever do to you guys?

the worst day was when chink moot started some shitty game with teams - it completely killed the board
thats how really easy it is

Why is Jow Forums the only board with meme flags? Is it to help the lower Jewry in Israel shill?

Attached: WWII pre-war Jews.jpg (980x652, 145K)

But trump IS a jewish faggot

I have been noticing a huge increase in this too op. For example, i will make an anti degeneracy post and i will often have shills mocking it. (((They))) want us demoralized and divided. That is clear.