Subversion and demoralization is the strongest weapon of the enemy. When you come here (now), you see tons of defeatist threads declaring that things are hopeless and much more (by way of shill posts) within valid threads. These people are often paid-posters seeking to remove Trump's voting base (from all forums) for the 2020 election. They want you demoralized and gone; a board culture take-over. They also know that Trump won because most White people in the US voted for him.
They'll demoralize via:
>why do autists/asocial/whatever frequent Jow Forums
>le 56%
>I regret voting for Trump
>Everyone is race-mixing
>All women are whores, MGTOW (reduce white births)
>Other races are more successful
>Amerimutt meme.jpg (if used as ident politics to degrade or derail, American Whites have ~98% genetically pure European dna)
>Jow Forums will defend this
The point of such posts are to break your will to resist and it is important to be aware of it, because if you are not aware that it is an attempt to demoralize you, then eventually it will slowly start sinking in like a poison. Media reported that Jow Forums, to a degree, helped Trump get elected, so they're on the attack to de-platform us. Many times, these shill posters are (((University)))-indoctrinated neo-commies (think blue-hair SJW). They are a mix of "trolling the nazis" to "Fuck Drumpf, Jow Forums is OURS now".
Please watch ex-KGB propagandist Yuri Bezmenov explaining how the Soviet Union established a network of traitors to slowly eat away at the foundations of Western societies:
G. Edward Griffin's Interview -