Which country will be the first to break out into full on ethnic conflict? I used to think it'd be France...

Which country will be the first to break out into full on ethnic conflict? I used to think it'd be France, now Italy seems a likely contender.

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Greece. It already has organized communist and fascist movements plus hundreds of thousands of migrants milling around. All of that is a recipe for a happening

I'd unironically fight for the Orthodox Jews. They want to dissolve Israel and force traditional values upon all Jews. Besides, it's not them in the media and business corrupting the world, that's the liberal Jews.

>I'd unironically fight for the Orthodox Jews.
Me too!

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I hope this happens. Then we can finally send our vast armies and conquer Gayreece. We'll also have to secure our flanks by gangbangin Bulgayria and Gayreek Cyprus, but it should be pretty easy for our heroes. We will die martyrs death, but Salonica and Athens will be ours!

Two liberal Jews, equally disgusting.

Jared is an anti Zionist Orthodox jew. Moron.

Probably it's France, but England, Italy also Belgium, Portugal, Netehrlands, Greece, would be in the next in line too due number of non whites entering

I'm not sure, the migrants don't want to stay in Greece. Granted they don't particularly want to stay in Italy either but there seem to be a lot more them settled there than in Greece

My money has been on the UK for a while. They are so cucked by their own nanny state Orwellian government at this point, something has got to snap. They are a very proud and strong people, I hope they can save their identity.

Africa and the Middle East have been going on forever

seeing the nigglet children really gets to me

Either Britain or France, they've got the worst of the mass migration and the voters are getting angrier every election
That pressure will just keep building and building, the more the government tries to silence and punish dissent to this replacement the greater the explosion will be

Secular Israelis all have escape passports lined up; they'll just bail for the West if/when things get too bad.

South Africa clearly

Could be but I think Brits are a bit more pozzed than France/Sweden/Germany in the "Islam is not a race! Based Sikhs!"

Caribbeans and Indians have been in England for quite a while and they're not as bad as Africans/Arabs.

>Jared is an anti Zionist Orthodox jew

Won't be France or UK, since we're damage controlling chimpouts quite well. I'd say SWEDEN.

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I'd think of a regular civil war rather than an ethnic conflict, they bombed one of Lega's headquarters and attacked one of FdI yesterday. I doubt there'd be many immigrants to weaponize, the ones we have have nothing to lose or protect here and would just flock to some other country as soon as violence sparks. Honestly i can't wait to kill as many communists and eurodroids as possible with my fellow greenshirts.

Grug, easy on the Kool Aid

it will be carefully orchestrated to all go down simultaneously.... jews know that whites are just waiting for the first domino to fall because it will be a huge wake-up call to the rest resulting in a global up-rise against against the zionist push for white genocide

Either Fritaly or Itance seems likely

Murica unless the Spic invasion stops.

Nobody will rise up, Euros are mostly as fat lethargic degenerate shits as Americans. We will go all down together.

Our standard of living needs to take a plunge before that happens

South Africa

and we'll be waiting for them to kill them off